GTCC's POWER Pathways is a specific career training program for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities that leads to meaningful career or volunteer opportunities

POWER Pathways programs are yearlong and offered each fall and spring semester.

The programs include Food Service, which prepares students to work or volunteer in the culinary and food supply industry, and Hospitality, which focuses on customer service and experiences.

Classes may be offered on the Greensboro or High Point campus depending on student interest and availability. 

Email your completed documents to:


Admission Requirements

Prospective students are most likely to benefit from this program if they score at about a third-grade reading and math level on a CASAS or TABE assessment to be admitted to the program.

For more information about the POWER Pathways Program, please complete our information form.

 To be admitted to the POWER Pathways Program, students must:


Interviews will be conducted on May 2, 2025.




download a scholarship application



Important Dates

Important dates for the 2025-2026 program year:

  • Jan. 23: 2025-2026 Application
  • April 25: Deadline for Early Application
  • May 9: Interview
  • May 14: POWER Pathway Admission Decision

Career development instruction is included in all POWER Pathway courses to help with:

  • employment strategies, such as resume preparation and interviewing techniques;
  • goal setting and career pathway development.

Students also will have instruction in soft skills needed to retain employment.

Daily schedule: 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Monday-Thursday

For more information, see the frequently asked questions below.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our courses are designed for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities and are open to anyone in the community.

If you are under 18 years old and wish to enroll in this or any other Adult Education course, you must complete a minor release form. Please contact your desired GTCC campus to obtain the form, or click the link below. This form must be filled out completely.

Minor Release Form

Although most Adult Education classes are free, there is a registration fee for the Food Service and Customer Service programs, which include occupational training courses. Students will be expected to purchase some items.

Food Service costs:

  • program registration fee of $133 (per year)
  • two (2) aprons, nonslip shoes, and a textbook for about $50
  • ServSafe® exam fee of $16

Limited scholarships funds are available for those who demonstrate financial need. 

If you need a scholarship to cover the cost of this program, please download a scholarship application.

You are required to attend the Adult Education program classes that you register for regularly. Students are expected to attend at least 80% of their assigned class meeting times and to take periodic progress tests as required by the program for continued participation.

Once registered, students who do not meet our minimum attendance requirements and/or remain absent for 90 consecutive days will have to wait until the following July 1 to re-enter the program.

Students also must abide by the GTCC Code of Conduct to maintain good standing in our program.

  1. Download the application packet and complete pages 3-6. Applicants should send their application via email to
  2. Download the Adaptive Behavior Checklist and return two copies completed by individuals who have worked with the applicant in a professional capacity to the Adult Education offices on the Greensboro or High Point campuses.


Class locations

Greensboro Campus:
3505 E Wendover Ave
Greensboro, NC 27405
8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Monday-Thursday
(336) 334-4822, ext. 53107