A Faculty or Student Success Coach is one of the most important relationships you will have during your time at GTCC. Our coaches are highly trained and will guide you from start to graduation. Meeting with your coach regularly will ensure that you remain on track to achieve your goals and graduate on time.
Advising Week
Find Your Advisor
Academic Advising is done by Faculty Coaches and/or Student Success Coaches. You are assigned a coach based on your primary program selected during your application of admissions and/or program changes completed.
Follow these steps to see who is assigned as your advisor:
See “Advisor” (your Academic Achievement Specialist is NOT your advisor).
If you do not have an assigned advisor, please contact the Student Success Center at studentsuccesscenter@gtcc.edu or 336-334-4822 ext. 0.
Schedule an Advising Session
Sign up for First Advising
You will learn how to register for classes, get information about resources that are available at GTCC, and work with a Student Success Coach to develop your college plan.
For advising, you can either walk in and wait or use QLess to hold your place in line. Appointments are usually 30 minutes.
Walk in on a first-come, first-served basis at one of these campuses:
Jamestown Campus Medlin Campus Center, Room 3100 601 E. Main St., Jamestown
Greensboro Campus: CEC, Room 132 3505 E. Wendover Ave., Greensboro
High Point Campus: H1, Room 122 901 S. Main Street High Point Hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Thursday and 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Friday Note: We strongly encourage students to arrive 30 to 45 minutes before the end of the business day.
Use QLess Virtual Line to hold your place in line until someone can see you.
Questions? Call us at 336-334-4822, ext. 0. We're open 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Thursday and 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Friday, or email us at studentsuccesscenter@gtcc.edu.
During the fall and spring academic terms (when classes are meeting), schedule an advising session by:
Sending an email to your assigned academic advisor as listed in yourNavigateaccount; see instructions in FAQ below.
For advising when your faculty advisor is not available, please contact the Student Success Center through one of the in-person or remote options listed under the New and Reapplying Students section above.
thumb_up Hey students! Has your GTCC advisor had a positive impact on you?
Understand the requirements of your program of study.
Create, maintain, and follow through on your academic plan.
Identify at least two staff/faculty members who can help you learn about and use appropriate resources on campus.
Be familiar with and adhere to college policies, procedures, and the Student Code of Conduct.
Expectations for Faculty Coach and/or Student Success Coach
As a Faculty Coach and/or Student Success coach I will:
Be knowledgeable about programs and graduation requirements, policies, and procedures.
Encourage and guide students to develop and pursue their goals.
Refer students to appropriate campus resources.
Be accessible via phone, email, and by appointment.
Frequently Asked Questions
To change your program, visit one of the Student Success Centers and complete a program change form. You can complete an online program change form at Records Office Forms (gtcc.edu).
Currently enrolled students are assigned an advisor. "Currently enrolled" means you are registered for the current term.
Visiting students are not assigned an advisor. If you are a visiting student, you will be advised by the Student Success Center.
New Students are not assigned until classes start for the term they are trying to enroll. New students are advised at orientation.
We assign and re-assign at the end of each month during the semester.
If no appointments are available, email your advisor to ask about scheduling.
Schedule appointments with your advisor. Do not schedule advising with an Academic Achievement Specialist listed on your “My Team” tab or others.
No, but it is strongly recommended. We want students to feel confident they are on the right path to graduation, and your assigned academic coach/advisor can help you get on and stay on the right path.
Learn how to plan and register for courses using Self-Service.
Looking for courses in workforce development, personal enrichment, GED, etc.? Visit our future student pageto get more information about noncredit programs and course offerings.