Becoming a member of a club or organization holds numerous benefits, the most obvious being that you can make new friends. Some find meeting new people difficult, but when you have a commonality such as an interest in anime or an academic program, you begin lifelong friendships. As a recognized student organization, you have access to campus facilities (at no cost) and funds from student activity fees.
For more information on a specific organization or meeting time, see the list below. To join, please email the advisor listed. For events please refer to the GTCC Calendar.
Starting a Club or Organization
If you have an interest not represented by a club or organization listed below, you can start a new one! To start a club or organization at GTCC, please complete these three requirements:
- Five (5) currently enrolled curriculum students as members
- A full-time faculty or staff to serve as an advisor
- A club constitution (a link to a sample constitution is below)
Once you have the three requirements, please contact the Student Life Office for appropriate paperwork that needs to be completed. Keep in mind that we will not approve clubs that are similar to currently existing organizations.
Club Forms
Below are links to forms you may need for various club activities.
Meeting Schedule
Current GTCC Clubs and Organizations
Welcome to Active Minds!
A club that empowers students to change the conversation about mental health and suicide prevention. The club raises awareness, shares resources and inspires action. The club helps to build a stronger campus community.
Deiandra Wade
336-334-4822, ext. 50272
Welcome to the African Student Association!
Our purpose is to bring the African community together and to educate people on the traditions and cultures that different African countries have through activities and discussions.
Marquita Pratt
336-334-4822, ext. 50553
Welcome to GTCC Alpha Eta Rho!
Alpha Eta Rho is a collegiate fraternity founded to bring together those students having a common interest in the field of aviation. Alpha Eta Rho are Greek letters that stand for “air.”
Brian Johnson
336-334-4822, ext. 59045
Visit us on Facebook.
Welcome to the American Dental Hygienist Association!
The objectives of this organization shall be:
- to cultivate, promote, and sustain the art and science of dental hygiene,
- to represent and safeguard the common interest of the members of the dental hygiene profession,
- to contribute toward the improvement of the health of the public,
- and to gain an understanding of the workings of the parent associations: ADHA and NCDHA.
Brooke Hutchins
336-334-4822, ext. 50213
Welcome to GTCC Anime Club!
Our purpose is to immerse members in a culturally rich atmosphere through community interaction with local native speakers, volunteering, and studying the Japanese modern and traditional cultural through Japanese media.
William Bailey
336-334-4822, ext. 50570
Visit us on Facebook
Welcome to the Art Club!
Art Club is dedicated to the promotion of art at GTCC and the surrounding area. The intent is for the club members to work together, to facilitate art related networking, and to promote a strong art community.
Patricia Drummond
336-334-4822, ext. 50481
Welcome to the Audio Engineering Society Inc.!
The purposes of the Audio Engineering Society Inc. shall be:
- The diffusion and increase of educational and scientific knowledge in audio engineering, the promotion and advancement of this science and its allied arts in both theoretical and practical application.
- The stimulation of interest in audio engineering, the encouragement of the interchange and intercourse of ideas among its members, and the promotion and maintenance of high professional standards among its members in this section.
- To this end it shall be the purpose of the Section to hold meetings for the reading or discussion of papers, publications, communications, and for such other educational activities as shall properly fulfill the objectives and purposes of the Audio Engineering Society Inc.
Elizabeth May
336-334-4822, ext: 55074
Welcome to the Black Student Union Club!
The purpose of the Black Student Union at GTCC is to provide social, emotional, professional, and academic enrichment for minority students on campus.
Jamestown Campus Advisor:
Tiffany Overby
336-334-4822, ext. 50408
Visit us on Instagram.
Welcome to the Book Club!
The purpose of the GTCC Book Club is:
- To move members outside of their reading comfort zone.
- To promote discussion and analysis of various genres.
- To inspire active reading strategies.
- To connect with a diverse group of individuals from across the college.
- To appreciate other’s opinions and interpretations of the world.
Noreen Hannon
336-334-4822, ext. 50744
Visit us on Instagram.
Welcome to The Business Club!
The purpose of the organization shall be the professional development of oneself to prepare for future success.
John Carstens
336-334-4822, ext. 50668
Jennifer Moorejmoore25@gtcc.edu336-334-4822, ext. 50094
Welcome to the Chemistry Club!
The Chemistry Club shall exist to promote a deeper understanding of chemistry; demonstrate its origins in, and relevance to, history, both ancient and modern; help change attitudes and misconceptions about chemistry; plan and organize lectures, trips, events, etc. that seek to fulfill these objectives; and provide Guilford Technical Community College with a richer student life.
Shaun Shelton
336-334-4822, ext. 50485
Welcome to the Chess Club!
The purpose of this club is to create an environment to learn, improve, and play chess.
Joshua Deaton
336-334-4822, ext. 53071
Welcome to the College Transfer Club!
The College Transfer Club is a club for students who intend to pursue a Bachelor’s degree at a four-year college or university after graduating or transferring from GTCC.
Academic advisors assist students in making the transition from GTCC to four-year institutions. We discuss transfer-related issues among ourselves, benefiting from combined knowledge, research, and experiences from diverse backgrounds. We go on trips to four-year institutions, participate in community service projects, and engage in social activities on campus.
Vernita Zeigler
336-334-4822, ext. 50833
Angela Womack
336-334-4822, ext. 50045
Kehaya Wescott
336-334-4822, ext. 53043
Welcome to the Communication Club!
The Communication Club will empower students to work together to build relationships, help the community, and strengthen strong communication skills that are prized in both professional and personal situations.
Suzanne Johnson-Simpson
336-334-4822, ext. 50404
Welcome to GTCC Creative Writing Club!
The Creative Writing Club is a forum for writers to both create and receive feedback on their writing.
Zacary Goldstein
336-334-4822, ext. 50134
Jason Johnson
336-334-4822, ext. 50629
Visit us on Facebook.
Welcome to the Crochet Corner Club!
Our purpose is to teach/improve the crochet and knitting skills of members in a service-learning atmosphere to cultivate and promote community-based service through needlecraft.
Krista Neelley
336-334-4822, ext. 50096
Terri Scalf
336-334-4822, ext. 50638
Welcome to the Cyber Ops Club!
The purpose of this organization is to create a place where students interested in cyber operations can study together in the pursuit of industry certifications, provide the opportunity to socially network in person, learn by attending related events, and develop marketable skills through the exploration of various interrelated cyber operations disciplines.
Ralph Argiento
336-334-4822, ext. 50113
Paul Campbell
336-334-4822, ext. 50828
Astrid Hoy
336-334-4822, ext. 50534
Welcome to the Dental Assisting Club!
The Dental Assisting Club has been formed to cultivate, promote, and sustain the dental assisting profession. We want to represent and safeguard the common interests of the members of the dental assisting field and to contribute toward improving public health.
Nita Little
336-334-4822, ext. 50186
Welcome to GTCC Early Childhood Education Club!
The purpose of the Early Childhood Club is to promote interest in the education and care of young children.
Jeane Kang
336-334-4822, ext. 50286
Lisa Butterworth
336-334-4822, ext. 50438
Visit us on Facebook
Welcome to the Emergency Medical Science Student Association!
Since 1978, the EMS Student Association has encouraged the professional, social, and interpersonal development of Emergency Medical Science students while providing service to the college and surrounding community. The EMS Student Association gives members an opportunity to participate in service learning and SGA-sponsored on-campus activities.
Past activities have included first aid team support of the NC Special Olympics, assistance with fund-raising events of local fire departments, and logistical support of the North Carolina Paramedic Competition and NC Health Occupation Students’ Association (HOSA) EMT competition. Future planned activities include fielding a team to compete in the National SkillsUSA competition.
Robert Griffin
336-334-4822, ext. 50456
Welcome to the Environmental Awareness Club!
The purpose of this club shall be to promote awareness of environmental issues and concerns, to further an appreciation of the natural world and our relationship to it, and to pursue activities and projects that protect and support both nature and the environment.
Thomas Riddle
336-334-4822, ext. 50455
Noreen Hannon
336-334-4822, ext. 50744
Welcome to Esports Club!
The purpose of this organization is to give those interested in esports or gaming, in general, a location to interact with one another and an opportunity to hone their abilities by playing games and strategizing. Members can use Discord to connect.
To sign up, please complete the information form.
Corey Crickmore
336-334-4822, ext. 50400
Welcome to Fellowship of Christian Athletes!
The Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) is a community that aims to see the world transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes. This club is open to athletes and nonathletes alike, all are welcome! We seek to engage, equipe and empower the community to shine the light and love of Jesus.
John Barrow
336-334-4822, ext. 50037
Welcome to the GTCC Food Truck Club!
The Food Truck Club is open to students in the culinary and hospitality programs who wish to get involved with GTCC campus activities, food drives, community service, and hands-on skill enhancement activities.
LJ Rush
336-334-4822, ext. 50468
Welcome to Global Friends Club!
We are a club in support of the NC Global Scholars of Distinction Program at GTCC. The Global Scholars program is for students interested in learning about and interacting with cultures from around the world. We are especially dedicated to the recruitment of new students for the Global Scholars program, fundraising for students in the program, and sponsoring events for the program. This club supports members of the Global Scholars program, but it is open to all students interested in learning about other cultures.
Lindley Swift
336-334-4822, ext. 53100
Tiffany Overby
336-334-4822, ext. 50408
Welcome to the Graphic Arts Collective!
This club promotes Graphic Design and related fields among student and community populations, building opportunities for employment and networking.
Michael Lawson
336-334-4822, ext. 50322
Welcome to the Healthcare & Office Administration Club!
The purpose of the HOA Club is to promote career awareness of healthcare and office administration; to provide opportunities for professional development, community service, and networking; and to cooperate, work with, and obtain recognition from professional organizations, while improving and maintaining high standards. The club engages in activities such as professional guest speakers, service projects, fundraisers, and field trips.
Kim Jordan
336-334-4822, ext. 50294
Welcome to the History Buffs Club!
The purpose of this organization is to discuss historical events and figures from the beginning of time to the present era, engage in group activities and presentations relating to culturally relevant history, and become involved in community awareness projects about the general historical timeline.
Timothy Burress
336-334-4822, ext. 55065
Visit us on Instagram.
Welcome to the Hospitality Club!
The Hospitality Club is open to students in the culinary and hospitality programs who wish to get involved with GTCC campus activities, food drives, community service, and hands skill enhancement activities.
Thomas Lantz
336-334-4822, ext. 50321
Welcome to the GTCC International Student Association (ISA)!
The International Student Association provides an opportunity for all students to increase their knowledge and appreciation of different cultures, customs, and traditions through special events, activities, and field trips. Some of the events include International Coffee Hour, weekly cultural exploration, diversity, and community involvement. In addition, the ISA offers international students a chance to experience American culture.
Carmem Cavalcanti De Melo
336-334-4822, ext. 50076
Visit us on Facebook.
Welcome to InterVarsity Christian Fellowship!
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship is open to all students regardless of religion, denomination, race, color, or creed, who are interested in participating in Christian fellowship and Bible study. The Christian-based and biblically oriented activities provide help, comfort, support, fellowship, love, and friendship. Activities include but are not limited to guest presenters, multimedia programs, outside fellowship, and visitation.
Kim Jordan
336-334-4822, ext. 50294
Visit us on Instagram.
Welcome to the LEX (Honor Society in Paralegal and Legal Studies)!
The purpose of this organization shall be to increase the awareness of the paralegal profession, to promote academic and personal excellence among our members, to promote community involvement, to allow students to develop professional contacts, to practice being zealous advocates for affairs, and to provide a supportive atmosphere for students.
Pamela Hollern
336-334-4822, ext. 53077
Welcome to the Minority Male Success Initiative Club!
The purpose of the MMSI Club shall be:
- To provide a community for minority male students on campus for comradery and community matters.
- To serve as a student hub for access to academic resources at GTCC.
- To act as the primary advocacy organization for minority males and the MMSI Program.
- To enlighten our community about diversity and the importance of equality, equal access, and inclusion.
- To provide activities to support minority males in their academic pursuits at GTCC.
- To provide enrichment programs for its members that will enhance them socially, emotionally, and professionally.
- To serve our community in a way that meets our community’s needs.
- To participate in mentoring activities as designated by the MMSI program.
Jarian Johnson
336-334-4822, ext. 50214
Kismet Rideaukjrideau@gtcc.edu336-334-4822, ext. 50835
Welcome to the GTCC Model United Nations Club!
The purpose of the Model UN Club is to promote knowledge about international issues and organizations such as the UN. Additionally, the club will serve as an organization that will compete at college-level events against other collegiate institutions at various academic model conferences.
Thomas Riddle
336-334-4822, ext. 50455
Lindley Swift
336-334-4822, ext. 53100
Welcome to Muslim Student Association!
This club seeks to bring the Muslim community at GTCC together as well as increase people’s knowledge on Islam through fun activities, discussions.
Melissa Maley
336-334-4822, ext. 50342
Welcome to Number Nerds!
This club aims to promote math learning experiences for students.
Phillip Kester
336-334-4822, ext. 50854
Welcome to Paleo Club!
Paleo-Club discusses prehistoric life and geology, from the Precambrian to the Modern day, and is devoted to getting excited over our Earth’s history.
William Hannon
336-334-4822, ext. 55076
Welcome to the Paralegal Association!
The purpose of this organization shall be to increase the awareness of the paralegal profession, to promote academic and personal excellence among our members, to promote community involvement, to allow students to develop professional contacts, to practice being zealous advocates for affairs, and to provide a supportive atmosphere for students.
Pamela Hollern
336-334-4822, ext. 53077
Welcome to the GTCC Pharmacy Tech Club!
The purpose of the Pharmacy Technology Club is to promote the field of pharmacy technology as a career. The club promotes the personal and professional development of its members. The club also provides opportunities for its members to be involved in community activities.
Tonya Welch
336-334-4822, ext. 55079
Welcome to the GTCC Phi Theta Kappa Club!
Phi Theta Kappa is the official honor society for two-year colleges. The mission is to recognize the academic achievement of college students and to provide opportunities for growth as scholars and leaders. Alpha Pi Alpha, a subsidiary chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, was charted at GTCC in 1988. Membership is open to students who meet the following criteria:
- Have completed 12 credit hours at GTCC toward an associate’s degree.
- Have completed ENG 111 with a C or higher.
- Have earned a 3.5 GPA or higher.
Monica Young
336-334-4822, ext. 50587
Nicholas Zavediuk
336-334-4822, ext. 53082
Karen Pentz
336-334-4822, ext. 50376
Scott Ilkenhons
336-334-4822, ext. 50430
Visit us on Facebook.
Welcome to GTCC Photography Club!
The club provides GTCC students an opportunity to gather and grow creatively as they explore photography in its various formats. Working with area artists and professionals, GTCC Photography Club members will have opportunities to interact with both community members and professionals to explore photography.
Michael Lawson
336-334-4822, ext. 50322
Todd Turner
336-334-4822, ext. 50166
Welcome to the GTCC Physical Therapist Assistant Club (PTA)!
The PTA Club promotes the Physical Therapist Assistant profession. We also participate in community service projects, fundraisers, and classroom activities.
Joey Jeffers
336-334-4822, ext. 50280
Visit us on Facebook
Welcome to the GTCC Political Science Club!
The purpose of the Political Science Club is to promote political awareness, increase the involvement of students in politics from the local to the international level, promote leadership, provide professional and educational opportunities to students interested in politics, and improve campus life.
Welcome to the Pottery Club!
In the Pottery Club, we get hands-on by learning to make all kinds of pottery. We share interests in learning new techniques and learning about historical and contemporary artists working in clay. The Pottery Club is where the whole GTCC community can come to geek out on anything pottery-making and collecting.
Gaines Bailey
336-334-4822, ext. 50570
Welcome to the GTCC Rotaract Club!
The purpose of Rotaract is to provide an opportunity for young men and women to enhance the knowledge and skills that will assist them in personal development to address the physical and social needs of their communities and to promote better relations between all people worldwide through a framework of friendship and service.
Herb Everett
336-334-4822 ext. 50555
Welcome to the GTCC Sexuality and Gender Alliance Club!
Sexuality and Gender Alliance (SAGA) fosters an inclusive community at Guilford Tech for all people regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression, by creating a system of support for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender (GLBT) people and their allies.
Charles Mayer
336-334-4822, ext. 50178
Scott Jaeschke
336-334-4822, ext. 50572
Tina Cook
336-334-4822, ext. 50113
Ernest Lawson
336-334-4822 ext. 50323
Vernita Zeigler
336-334-4822 Ext. 50833
Visit us on Instagram.
Welcome to SHEAR Beauty Club!
SHEAR Beauty attends seminars, hair shows, and guest speaker events throughout the year for the advancement of ever-changing techniques and updated industry information. The club volunteers at several community group events. Monday through Friday of each week, the club serves the senior citizens of the community by offering services at a discounted price. The club also offers GTCC faculty, staff, and students free and discounted services. Club members participate in annual hair, nail, and makeup competitions.
LaTia Hairston
336-334-4822, ext. 50111
Welcome to the Society of Women Engineers!
This club hopes to promote learning experiences for women and non-binary students who are pursuing a career in engineering or STEM and to give them opportunities to develop skills that will benefit them in their careers.
Jyoti Nair
336-334-4822, ext. 50567
Welcome to the GTCC Spanish Club!
The purpose of the Spanish Club is to enrich students’ and the community’s knowledge of the Spanish language, Hispanic history, and the many Spanish-speaking cultures in the United States and the world.
Bill Raines
336-334-4822, ext. 50441
Denise Egidio
336-334-4822, ext. 50167
Welcome to the GTCC Stellar Society!
The Stellar Society exists to promote a deeper understanding of Astronomy; demonstrate Astronomy’s origins in, and relevance to, world civilizations, both ancient and modern; help change attitudes and misconceptions about astronomy; plan and organize lectures, trips, and events that seek to fulfill these objectives; support the Cline Observatory, and provide GTCC with a richer student life.
Tom English
336-334-4822, ext. 50023
Welcome to the Student Association of Medical Assistants!
Student Association of Medical Assistants provides leadership and enrichment for students in the medical assisting program.
Melinda Wray
336-334-4822, ext. 50428
Welcome to the GTCC Student Government Association (SGA)!
The purpose of the Student Government Association is to promote the college by representing the student body’s interests, needs, and concerns by keeping students informed of issues that affect them. Through partnerships with faculty, staff, and students, the SGA provides activities that display diversity, education, and entertainment. Learn more about the SGA.
Jarian Johnson
336-334-4822, ext. 50214
Welcome to GTCC Student Nurses Association!
The Student Nurses Association works to provide opportunities for the personal, intellectual, professional, and social growth of its members. Much of this is incorporated into health information and services that are provided to the campus and community. Each nursing student is encouraged to cultivate leadership skills within the SNA and through membership in the National Student Nurses' Association.
Barbara Tornblom
336-334-4822, ext.50035
Welcome to the Student Parent Success Club!
The SPSC will provide support, encouragement, and resources, as well as referrals, self-care information, time management tools, cinema therapy, academic checkups, birthday recognitions, food, and fun.
Helen Cain
336-334-4822, ext. 55414
Tina Cook
336-334-4822, ext. 50113
Welcome to GTCC Student Veterans Association!
Our purpose is to provide GTCC’s Veterans, their dependents, and civilians a community-like place to go when looking for scholarships, study groups, information about the military, and friendships. SVA will be a support group for Veterans who are dealing with readjusting to civilian life after a deployment.
SVA is also here for spousal support of deployed or returned veterans. SVA is a source of information for all branches of the military, as well as for VA benefits. SVA offers its members opportunities to volunteer and participate in nonprofit organizations that help strengthen our surrounding communities and ourselves.
Kytica Crawford
336-334-4822, ext. 50119
Patrick Stevenson
336-334-4822, ext. 50255
Visit us on Facebook.
Welcome to Technical Student Alliance Club!
The Technical Student Alliance Club (TSA) wishes to increase the interest in different construction trade fields. We aim to stimulate fellowship among all Technical Trades through networking between different silos of construction. We aim to create a good network with the Piedmont Triad community construction trade employees. This club is open to new and past alumni of the GTCC family.
Chris Sizemore
336-334-4822, ext. 53051
Welcome to the Titan Dramatic Society!
The mission of the Titan Dramatic Society is to promote knowledge of theater practices through involvement in various activities, events, and performances. We seek to involve the entire GTCC community in immersion and enjoyment of various forms of theater art, used both for entertainment and for education. 336-334-4822, ext. 50299 Nicholas Barbato
Welcome to Titan Shout!
The Titan Shout was established to create a genuine voice for the student body, with the added promise of extreme care toward the journalistic integrity of its contributing members.
Michelle Hines
336-334-4822, ext. 50423
Edwin Powell
336-334-4822, ext. 53125
Visit us on Instagram.
Welcome to UTURN Club!
UTURN stands for Unstoppable Titans Using Resources for Nourishment. The goals of the club are:
- Increasing awareness of the student, faculty, and staff at Guilford Technical Community College about the following:
- Dangers of alcohol or substance abuse
- Prevention of alcohol or substance abuse
- Support for students recovering from alcohol or substance abuse
- Reducing the stigma surrounding alcohol/substance abuse disorders so that students will feel more comfortable openly discussing alcohol/substance abuse issues and seeking help when needed.
- Supporting peers to find the skills and resources they need to increase healthy coping techniques that promote personal wellness.
- Providing a forum and building an open environment for all students to speak up about alcohol/substance abuse.
Lori Harris
336-334-4822, ext. 50594
Ernest Lawson
336-334-4822, ext. 50323
Welcome to the Female Minority Mentoring Group!
The group supports the success of Guilford Technical Community College's minority female students. Participants receive help with academic, personal, professional, and social development.
Ashley Anderson
336-334-4822, ext. 50406
April Thompson