Please be sure that you have completed the application process found at GTCC's Path to Success before you try to register for classes.
Registration for college-level classes can be completed through Self-Service. For instructions on registering for classes online, visit our How To Register for Courses page.
If you're not interested in completing a degree but want to continue your education or personal growth, there are many options for you in our non-degree classes for workforce training and continuing education or personal and professional enrichment.
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Learn how to plan and register for courses using Self-Service.
Registration Dates to Remember
Spring 2025
- Jan. 8: Waitlists for 16- and first 8-week minimester courses end
- Jan. 10: Last day to register for spring courses
- Jan. 13: First day of class for 16- and first 8-week minimester courses
- Jan. 14: Last day of schedule adjustment for 16- and first 8-week minimester courses
- Feb. 5: Waitlists for 12-week minimester courses end
- Feb. 10: First day of class for 12-week minimester courses
- Feb. 11: Last day of schedule adjustment for 12-week minimester courses
- Feb. 19: Last day to withdraw for first 8-week minimester courses
- March 7: Last day of first 8-week minimester courses
- March 12: Waitlists for second 8-week minimester courses end
- March 17: First day of class for second 8-week minimester courses
- March 18: Last day of schedule adjustment for second 8-week minimester courses
- March 31: First day of priority registration for Summer and fall 2025
- April 1: Last day to submit a graduation application for spring 2025 Commencement
- April 7: Last day to withdraw for 16-week courses
- April 14: First day of open registration for Summer and fall 2025 courses; Last day to withdraw from 12-week minimester courses
- April 23: Last day to withdraw for second 8-week minimester courses
- May 12: Last day of class for spring 2025
- May 15: Spring 2025 Commencement Exercises
Summer 2025
- March 31: First day of priority registration
- April 14: First day of open registration
- May 16: Waitlists for 10-week session end
- May 20: Last day to register for 10-week session
- May 21: First day of class for 10-week session
- May 22: Last day of schedule adjustment for 10-week session
- May 30: Waitlists for 8-week session end
- June 3: Last day to register for 8-week session
- June 4: First day of class for 8-week session
- June 5: Last day of schedule adjustment for 8-week session
- June 30: Last day to submit a graduation application for Summer 2025
- July 1: 60% point of 10-week session
- July 8: Last day to withdraw from 10-week session; 60% point of 8-week session
- July 14: Last day to withdraw from 8-week session
- July 29: Last day of classes for Summer 2025
Fall 2025
- March 31: First day of priority registration
- April 14: First day of open registration
- Aug. 11: Waitlists for session 1 and full-semester end
- Aug. 12: Last day to register for session 1 and full-semester
- Aug. 14: First day of class for session 1 and full-semester
- Aug. 15: Last day of schedule adjustment for session 1 and full-semester
- Sept. 17: 60% point of session 1
- Sept. 22: Last day to withdraw from session 1
- Oct. 8: Last day of session 1
- Oct. 13: Waitlists for session 2 end
- Oct. 14: Last day to register for session 2
- Oct. 16: First day of class for session 2
- Oct. 17: Last day of schedule adjustment for session 2
- Oct. 22: 60% point of full-semester
- Oct. 31: Last day to submit a graduation application for Fall 2025
- Nov. 10: Last day to withdraw from full-semester
- Nov. 20: 60% point of session 2
- Nov. 25: Last day to withdraw from session 2
- Dec. 12: Last day of class for Fall 2025.
Registration Office Hours
- 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Thursday; 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Friday
Frequently Asked Questions
A waitlist is a record of students interested in adding a class that does not have available seats. If a class is full, students may have the option of joining a waitlist for that class. If a seat in a waitlisted class becomes available, students are notified by GTCC email in the order in which they signed up for the waitlist. A student has 24 hours from the time of notification to register for the course. The 24-hour period starts when the email notification is sent, not when it is read by the student. If the available seat is not filled, it will be offered to the next student on the waitlist. If a student misses the enrollment deadline for a waitlisted class, the student may rejoin the waitlist.
Students should remove themselves from waitlists for classes they no longer wish to add to their schedule. The waitlist feature will be turned off on a designated date, and after that point, the waitlist will not be used to determine course enrollment priority. Students are responsible for monitoring class availability after the waitlist feature is made inactive.
A curriculum student is expected to attend and be on time for all classes and lab/shop/clinic sessions. To remain enrolled in a course a student must be in attendance on or before the census date.
Military leave of absence(s) will not be counted as an absence when the instructor has received prior official notification. Responsibility for initiating such notice rests with the student. Military personnel must be able to enter the course before the census date. Leave that interferes with the course entry before the census date will require that the individual drop the course.
Curriculum and continuing education students are allowed two days of excused absences each academic year for religious observances as required by law. Curriculum students must notify instructors in writing of expected religious absences within the first three weeks of class.
Some programs may have outside regulatory bodies that require a minimum of course attendance hours (i.e., BLET, cosmetology, aviation). Each instructor will include attendance requirements and criteria for tardiness on the course syllabus.
Students are responsible for course content when absent and for coming prepared to the class following the absence. Students should refer to the course syllabus for the class policy on make-up work.
Census is related to enrollment and attendance. Students must fulfill the appropriate census requirement each term for every course on their schedule to remain enrolled in the class.
Each course has its own census date and requirement (including labs and required co-requisites); please refer to the individual course syllabus in Canvas for specific census information. Students who fail to complete the census requirement by the census date will be graded as a "No Show" and removed from the course.
For online courses, students must complete the designated census assignment by the census date. For seated (in-person) classes, a student must physically attend the class on or before the census date and be marked as "present" by the instructor. Students enrolled in hybrid courses may meet census requirements in person or online.
During the Schedule Adjustment Period, students may drop or add open classes using Self-Service.
Students may drop or withdraw from a course after the schedule adjustment period by submitting a completed Student Course Drop/Withdrawal form.
During the schedule adjustment period, students can drop classes using Self-Service. After the schedule adjustment period ends, students must follow the withdrawal process.
Students who withdraw from a class after the schedule adjustment period ends up through the class census date will not receive a grade and will be eligible for a 75% refund of the cost of the class if they are registered for fewer than 16 credit hours for the Semester.
Students who withdraw from a class after the census date up to the withdrawal deadline will receive a grade of W and will not be eligible for a refund. The census date and withdrawal date for each class can be found on the course syllabus.
Students who do not complete a class and do not withdraw will receive a grade of F for the class. Students are responsible for initiating the withdrawal process.
To withdraw from a face-to-face, hybrid, or online class, students must submit a completed Student Course Drop/Withdrawal form.
Please note: F-1 Visa, Athletes, Early Middle College, College, and Career Promise students are not eligible to use the online withdrawal form. A printed copy of the Student Course Drop/Withdrawal must be submitted to the Records Office with the following steps completed:
- Obtain the instructor’s signature and the required office signature on the withdrawal form.
- Return the withdrawal form to the Enrollment Services Office at any campus location (photo ID is required).
- If the course instructor is not available to sign the Student Course Withdrawal form, the department chair, program director, assigned faculty coach, or Student Success Specialist is authorized to sign the withdrawal form.
Registration obligates a student to pay tuition and any fees for the class. Non-attendance is not a basis for refund of tuition.
In compliance with State Board policy, GTCC will refund 100% of tuition and fees if the student officially drops the class before the first day of classes of the semester. GTCC will refund 75% of tuition only if the student officially withdraws from class on or after the first day of classes of the semester and before or on the class’s census date. Fees such as the campus access/security/parking fee, lab/shop/clinic fee, physical education fee, student activity fee, technology fee, student accident insurance fee, and malpractice insurance fee are not refundable after classes start.
No refunds will be issued to students who withdraw from a course after the census date.
PLEASE NOTE: During the schedule adjustment period, if students drop and add a class with the same number of credit hours, both the drop and the add must be completed in the same registration session to receive full credit for the dropped class.
For additional info regarding the refund policy, download the refund policy PDF.
The college refund policy is established by the NC General Assembly and is subject to change without notice. Please allow four to six weeks after the census date for a refund.
Special Refund Conditions for Title IV Federal Student Aid and State Grant Recipients
Federal and State law sets special refund policies for students who receive Title IV federal aid and/or state grant funds. To review these policies see our Keeping Your Financial Aid web page.
Section 10.12 of Session Law 2017-57 allows senior citizens to audit courses at North Carolina community colleges without payment of any registration fees or tuition. Student fees and DayOne access fees are charged. Please contact the Records Office at to make audit requests that qualify for the senior citizen waiver. Proof of age will be required (65+). A grade of SR (Audit) will be assigned, and no college credit will be earned.
- Visit Path to Success – Visiting Student.
- Complete the North Carolina residency verification
- Complete the GTCC Application for Admission.
- Monitor your status on the Application Status website.
- Transcripts may be required to validate any course prerequisites.
- Activate your Titan student account and obtain a GTCC email.
- Contact to request course registration. Include class and section (example: CIS-110-MJT02). Note: Course availability is on a space-available basis, and some courses are reserved for students in limited-entry programs.