GTCC works with businesses to provide employee training and to help our students find employment in the communities where they live.
GTCC Workforce Training courses offer short-term training that can provide a credential and prepare for workers for licensure exams and help earn industry-recognized credentials in a variety of fields.
On-campus recruiting events, online job postings, and annual career fairs are resources for employers to recruit and hire quality candidates.

Workforce Training
These short-term training courses can lead to a credential to help you land that perfect job.
Career Services
As an employer, you have the opportunity to connect with our students and alumni.Work-Based Learning
GTCC seeks to develop shadowing, cooperative education, or apprenticeship experiences for our students with local organizations. Whether a business, government, or public or private agency, if work-based learning seems like a good fit for your organization, please contact us for more information.
GTCC works with employers to provide a pipeline of skilled workers to meet the needs of local industry. Apprenticeships can provide:
- On-the-job training
- Related instruction at GTCC
- Rewards for skill gains
- Award of a national credential upon program completion
Contact: Laurie Bargebuhr lfbargebuhr@gtcc.ed, 336-334-4822, ext. 57006
GTCC Impact Report
GTCC has a profound impact on the communities we serve. This report helps provide a snapshot of the ways we've helped transform lives through People, Pathways, and Partnerships.