For adults whose first language is not English, ESOL classes provide instruction in English listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Class levels range from basic to advanced. Citizenship classes to prepare for the U.S. citizenship test are also available. The program offers family literacy classes in which parents and children learn together "under one roof." Adults can earn their GED® diploma or improve their English skills as their children prepare for school success in a quality learning environment.
Frequently Asked Questions
We have English classes on two different campuses. Please visit or call for more information:
3505 E. Wendover Ave.
Greensboro, NC 27405
Adult Education Center, Room 124
336-334-4822, ext. 53027 or 53107
High Point
901 S. Main St.
High Point, NC 27260
H3 Building, Room 124
336-334-4822, ext. 55087
Our program encompasses seven (7) levels from Beginning to Advanced. Based on your test results in orientation, you will be placed in the level that corresponds with your current language skills. Our program runs continuously, and you are welcome and encouraged to learn with us year-round.
You are required to attend the ESOL program for a minimum of 80% of your assigned class meeting times and take progress tests as required by the program for continued participation.
Once registered, students who do not meet our minimum attendance requirements and/or remain absent for 90 consecutive days will have to wait until the next July 1 to re-enter the program.
Students taking classes online will need headphones and a microphone. If you have headphones that include a microphone, those will work fine. Students will have to meet the minimum required hours of practice online:
- If you are enrolled in the online class only, you will be expected to complete a minimum of 12 hours of coursework each week.
- If you are enrolled in both a classroom class and an online class, you will be expected to complete a minimum of six (6) hours of coursework online in addition to your classroom hours.
Our courses are open to adults in the community who are 18 years of age or older. Sixteen- and 17-year-olds must complete a minor release form before entering our program.
Please contact your Guilford County Schools counselor or principal to learn more about the minor release process and obtain the required signatures on the form. Or, if you are not currently enrolled in Guilford County Schools, contact Guilford County Schools’ Drop-out Prevention Office at 336-621-4017 to learn more about the minor release process and obtain the necessary signatures.
We have opportunities for students to enroll most months of the year (July through March). However, we do not admit new students between April 9 and June 30.
New students must attend an orientation. They will take a test, fill out a registration form, and register for class.
Bring documentation showing your current address. Please call or complete our online form below to reserve your space and learn more details about our schedule.
Use the online request form to get more information about signing up for a class.
We have classes on the High Point and Greensboro campuses in the morning and the evening Monday through Thursday:
- 8:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m.
- 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
- 6 p.m.-9 p.m.
U.S. citizenship test preparation classes:
- 9 a.m.– noon Friday
All of our English classes are free!
We have three off-campus classes with childcare.
- Grace United Methodist Church, 438 W Friendly Ave., Greensboro, NC 27401
- Peace United Church of Christ, 2714 W Market St, Greensboro, NC 27403
- YWCA of High Point, 155 W Westwood Ave., High Point, NC 27262
We have online classes that meet day and evening and allow students to log in to work on their English skills at their convenience and to interact with their teacher and other students live via Microsoft Teams. Just sign up at orientation.
Our U.S. citizenship test prep classes meet on Friday mornings to help students prepare to become U.S. citizens.
We offer special ESOL Career Pathways classes focused on furniture sewing and upholstery, as well as apartment maintenance and construction to help students learn the English skills as well as the technical skills needed for a successful career. Scholarships are available for career training classes.
Contact adulted@gtcc.edu for more information.
GTCC's Adult Education department can provide bus passes for students currently enrolled in and attending our classes.