Nursing: Nursing Assistant II Training Program

This course prepares graduates to perform more complex skills for patients or residents, regardless of the setting. A skill/competency evaluation is required for documenting student competency.

The course includes class, laboratory and clinical learning experiences. Upon satisfactory completion of the course and skill/competency evaluation, the graduate is eligible to apply for listing as a Nurse Aide II by the North Carolina Board of Nursing Nurse Aide Registry.

In all employment settings, the listed Nursing Assistant II will work under the direction and supervision of licensed personnel.

Prerequisite: High school diploma or GED and current listing on the NC Nurse Aide I Registry in good standing.

Upon successful completion of this program, you should be able to:


  1. Define the Nursing Assistant II.
  2. Identify the Nursing Assistant II roles and responsibilities while caring for clients.


  1. Apply knowledge of the Nursing Assistant II range of function to the approved skills.
  2. Demonstrate Nursing Assistant II skills with proficiency while ensuring patient-centered care.


  1. Prioritize knowledge to complete sterile technique procedures in the clinical environment.
  2. Maximize critical thinking skills to provide safe and competent care to clients.

Frequently Asked Questions

Students must be active Certified Nursing Assistants on the registry at the time of registration.  Students must be at least 18 years of age, have their high school diploma or equivalent (GED) as well as a Social Security card (no exceptions). If you are new to GTCC and you received your high school diploma in another country, it must be approved prior to registering for this course. Please email Jesse Cross at for approval.

Course CodeNAS-3241-904

First Class Date:  9/11/2024 (must attend mandatory orientation in person from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm in Business Hall Bldg. room 010 on the Jamestown Campus – 601 E. Main Street, Jamestown, NC  27282)

Asynchronous Online Meeting Days:  9/13, 9/16, 9/17, 9/18, 9/19, 9/23, 9/24, 9/25, 9/26, 9/30, 10/1, 10/2, 10/3, 10/7, 10/8, 10/14 – On these dates, assignments are asynchronous online and students can log in to do the work at a time that is convenient for you.

Saturday & Sunday Meeting Days:  9/21, 9/28, 10/5, 10/12, 10/13, 10/19, 10/20, 10/26 – On these dates, class will be from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm in Hassell Health Bldg., room 233 on the Jamestown Campus

Saturday & Sunday Meeting Days:  10/27, 11/2, 11/3, 11/9, 11/10, 11/16, 11/17, 11/22, 11/23, 11/24 - On these dates, class will be from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm at an offsite Clinical Site and your instructor will provide you with the site information while in class.

The attendance policy is very strict. Four (4) hours is the maximum you may miss in this entire course and students will be required to make up those 4 hours as well.  Absences are not permitted during the Clinical portion of this course. 

All registration along with payment in full must be done in advance of the class start date to guarantee a seat and in one of the following ways: 

Register online (American Express, MasterCard, Visa & Discover) at:

Note:  Students are not able to register using Apple iPhones or Apple iPads. Apple has a setting that will not permit anyone to enter their Social Security number on one of their devices. If you have one of these devices, you will need to register using a personal computer, desktop computer, etc. Registering in person on campus is also an option.

To register in person at one of our campuses, the hours and locations for registration are as follows:

The hours are 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Friday at the following locations:

  • Jamestown Campus: Medlin Campus Center, Room 2501
  • Greensboro Campus: Continuing Education Center (CEC) Building, Room 132

The registration fee for this course is $311.25. Financial Aid is not available for the class as it is a noncredit certificate course. 

The cost for the textbook is included in the registration fee and will be available for you to collect on the first day of class.  Students will not need to purchase prior to class.

Our campus stores page provides store hours and links to online stores for each campus.

Students are required to purchase a student ID badge for $5. Students will need to bring cash, check, or credit card to the cashier’s office on each campus. Note: Evening class students must come to a campus (Greensboro or Jamestown) during the day because the cashiers all close at 5 p.m. 


Students are required to get the following vaccinations. You will be asked to turn these into your instructor within the first week of class, except for the 12-panel drug test. These are mandatory and no exceptions are allowed. You will not be allowed to complete the course without these.

  1. Negative TB skin test or negative Quantiferon blood test or negative Chest X-ray within the past year
  2. Td OR Tdap (within the past 10 years)
  3. MMR (2-vaccination series or titer)
  4. Varicella (2-vaccination series or titer)
  5. Hep B (3-vaccination series or Declination)
  6. Flu Vaccination (If in class between Sept. 1 and March 1)
  7. National criminal background check
  8. 12-panel Drug Test (do not complete until 30 days prior to clinical)

Dress Code Policy:

(Applies to the entirety of the course beginning on the first day through Graduation) 

  • Light blue or dark gray scrubs only. Scrubs must be clean, neat, and professional in appearance.
  • Solid color socks (must pass the ankles). 
  • Non-porous, closed-toe, closed-heel shoes (may be black, gray, or white).
  • Non-digital watch with a second hand. 
  • Hair must be up, off shoulders, and not touching your collar. Hair must be a naturally occurring color. 
  • Fingernails must not pass fingertips. No artificial nails may be worn for infection prevention. No fingernail polish may be worn. 
  • No outerwear is worn except nursing scrub jacket of the same color as your scrubs. 
  • No head covering except for religious attire. 
  • GTCC name badge visible above waist and worn daily on campus and to clinicals. 
  • Jewelry must not pose a safety or infection control hazard for students or clients. No jewelry besides one pair of stud earrings in the ear lobe. Hand jewelry must be limited to two rings symbolizing commitment. 
  • Visible tattoos, body art, and body marks must not be disruptive, offensive, inflammatory, or inciting as determined by health careers administration or clinical site administration.  
  • Your instructor has the final say on the appropriateness of your attire. If they deem your presentation to be unprofessional, you will be sent home to correct it and attendance policy will be in effect.  

 Policies of Nursing Assistant II

  • The clinical site may ask you to sign a waiver to allow your criminal history to be obtained, or you may have to get this done on your own. 
  • Lab and clinical times and location may vary from your class schedule. You will need to have a flexible schedule.  Refunds will not be given for schedule changes students are unable to accommodate.
  • The attendance policy is very strict. Four (4) hours is the maximum you may miss in this course and students will be required to make up those four hours as well.  Absences are not permitted during the clinical portion of this course. 
  • You will be given weekly multiple-choice question tests. Your instructor will conference with you frequently to help you achieve your goals. You may be dismissed from the class at the end of theory if your average is below 80%. Achieving a passing grade of 80% on the cumulative final exam and passing skills performance tests in lab allows the student to proceed to the clinical rotation of the class.

Physical/Behavioral Requirements

  • The job description for nursing is both physical and stressful.
    • There is no light duty available.
    • You must be able to lift 50 pounds, stand for up to four hours, stoop or bend without assistance, be able to listen to soft sounds, and comprehend English and speak English fluently.
    • You must be able to accept constructive criticism, control your temper and follow directions carefully.
  • Unprofessional or inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated.
    • Disrespectful, interruptive, disruptive, impatient behavior toward the instructors, fellow students, staff or clinical staff will not be tolerated at any time. 
    • You will be dismissed during any portion of this class should your reaction be inappropriate at any time. 
    • You may be dismissed if the RN instructor suspects you are a safety risk in clinical due to a student physical or behavioral issues. 
    • You may be dismissed if you are caught cheating, suspected of alcohol or drug use on campus or before class. 
    • You will be dismissed for fighting, or for the use of profanity or demonstrating an attitude that would frighten a patient such as loud, raised, angry voices.
  • If you are dismissed from a class for any reason, you are not eligible for a refund.

  1. Disability Services: The Health Careers Faculty and staff want all students to be successful.  If you have any special needs, please contact the Disability Access Services department prior to starting your class so that arrangements can be made for the first day. Please call (336) 334-4822, ext. 50113. 
  2. English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) or (ESL): If you feel you need assistance with comprehension of the English Language, you may call (336) 334-4822, ext. 53107.  This is highly encouraged prior to enrolling in an NA II course.
  3. Learning Resource Centers: As a student in a health career training program, you have access to the Learning Resource Centers on all three campus locations.
  4. Veterans Center: If you think you are eligible for VA/Military Education Benefits, please contact the Department of Veterans Affairs at 1-888-GIBILL1 or (888) 442-4551. Eligibility is ultimately determined by the Department of Veterans Affairs, not GTCC.  For additional information, you can contact Cara High, coordinator, at (336) 334-4822, ext. 50521.

Veterans and active-duty military personnel with special circumstances are welcome and encouraged to communicate these to your instructor or any member of the health career administration. Thank you for your service to our country.

Health facilities that serve as student rotation sites have enacted requirements that ensure that students and faculty who enter their facilities meet the same qualifications as any potential hires.

GTCC requires national criminal background checks (CBC), Office of the Inspector General Reviews (OIG), and drug testing of students in such curriculum programs as have clinical or internship placements at health facilities where these screenings are required. Accordingly, completion of the CBC, OIG Review, and submission of a negative Twelve-Panel Urine Drug Screen report from a National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA) approved laboratory is required by GTCC prior to the first assignment/student experience at any requiring health facility partner.


  1. Once accepted to a program of study, the student will receive written instructions that define the screenings and detail how to complete the above requirements.
  2. The process will be carried out with a company selected by the college after review for the most cost-effective customer service.
  3. Results are verified and sent directly by the company to the contact person at the clinical facility for review no less than 10 days prior to the scheduled arrival of the student.
  4. The clinical facility will notify the program department chair of the student(s) with any findings that would preclude the assignment of the student in their setting.
  5. The department chair will confirm the manner of the review with the facility to ensure that no error was made. The department chair will at no time be privy to the actual summary of results for the CBC, OIG review, or drug screen.
  6. If a criminal charge or conviction occurs while the student is enrolled and is assigned to requiring agency, the student will be immediately removed from the placement until a review is conducted. The final decision will rest with the clinical agency as to any possibility of reinstatement at the site.
  7. Should a student be barred from completing clinical assignments with partnering agencies, GTCC will not be able to ensure the completion of program requirements and graduation competencies.
  8. Inability of a student to complete program requirements and graduation competencies will result in suspension from the health program.
  9. Any student suspended from a health program can avail themselves of the standard GTCC processes for appeal, grievance, and/or readmission.

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