Fire Continuing Education

Join us at GTCC and take advantage of our exceptional Fire and Rescue training programs. We are wholeheartedly dedicated to fostering the professional development of all individuals engaged in emergency response and eagerly anticipate welcoming you to our dynamic learning community. Our foremost goal is to provide all participants with safe, professional, realistic, and innovative training.
Please be aware that class schedules displayed on this website and the Guilford Fire Training website are subject to change because of attendance, weather, and unforeseen circumstances. Therefore, we kindly ask that you contact before attending any listed class to confirm the dates and times.
Helpful Links:
Frequently Asked Questions
Financial aid is not available for continuing education courses.
Students will need turn-out gear and SCBAs, as they are not provided for continuing education classes.
The Fire Continuing Education classes cater to established fire/rescue personnel affiliated with a fire department or rescue squad. These classes are typically held at Guilford County fire stations or the ERTC at the Jamestown Campus.
The Fire Academy, however, is designed for those who are new to the fire service and who aim to efficiently obtain their initial fire/rescue/hazardous materials certifications during weekday hours from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. In the Fire Academy, participants may either be new firefighters or have no previous association with a fire department.
Junior Firefighters (members of a North Carolina fire department between the ages of 16-18) may take Fire Continuing Education classes with written permission from their high school principals EXCEPT for classes involving live fire evolutions/situations.
However, 16- and 17-year-olds can NOT take Flashover Simulator or Fire Control classes. A letter from their high school principals must be provided to the Fire Con. Ed. Coordinator EACH semester stating that you have permission to take fire/rescue classes at GTCC. This letter must be written on official school letterhead and signed by a principal.
After completing the class, a 90-day waiting period is required to receive credit. The test grades are not sent to Raleigh until the first week of the month following the test.
It may take up to two weeks for OSFM to verify the grades from the Community Colleges information site and update the records in the official transcript. In total, this process can take up to 90 days after the test date.
Once 90 days has passed, please contact to investigate any potential issues.
Contact the Fire Continuing Education Director with the following information:
- Your name
- Your birth date
- The last 4 digits of your Social Security number
- Subject of the class taken
- Date(s) of the class taken
- Location of the class taken
Search the course listings here: Search for Classes
Contact the Fire Con Ed coordinator. Check the ERTC calendar or Ad Astra to see in advance who has the various resources reserved.
Check the Fire Academy page or contact the Fire Academy Coordinator at 336-334-4822, ext.50194.
Yes. If all classes at GTCC are canceled due to inclement weather, then all con/ed classes conducted away from campus are canceled also.