GTCC announces Amazing in 8 – its move to eight-week sessions each semester starting this fall
Published on: February 18, 2025

JAMESTOWN, N.C. (Feb. 18, 2025) – Guilford Technical Community College is launching Amazing in 8, a move to two, eight-week course sessions each semester beginning in the fall of 2025.
The goal of the eight-week sessions, already adopted by many colleges across the country, is to enhance focus and student success while also helping with overall student retention. Course success rates and graduation rates have also improved at other statewide institutions that have implemented eight-week terms.
In each eight-week session, students can take six to 10 credits, compared to 12 to 18 credits in a 16-week session, which allows students to focus on two to three courses at a time, rather than four to five in a 16-week format. The same contact hours will be applied, with classes meeting more frequently during the week or individual class sessions may be slightly longer.
“Research has shown that the eight-week sessions have been valuable in helping students successfully complete courses,” said Beth Pitonzo, Ph.D., GTCC’s senior vice president of instruction. “With shorter sessions, students can concentrate on fewer subjects at a time for a more successful class completion. Students can also develop stronger relationships with classmates and instructors due to more frequent contact over a shorter period.
“The faculty and staff are already familiar with eight-week sessions, as summer sessions have always been taught in this format, and several eight-week sessions are available each year for students during the fall and spring semesters,” added Pitonzo.
Another goal of the eight-week format is to provide more flexibility for students, especially those balancing work, family, and other responsibilities. If a student’s studies are disrupted, fewer courses are impacted, minimizing credit loss. Students can also get back on track quicker with enrollment in the next eight-week session.
Amazing in 8 can also speed up a part-time student’s progress toward a degree, with more courses completed each semester than in a traditional 16-week schedule. Currently, 66 percent of GTCC’s students attend part-time.
There are also financial aid advantages when part-time students take two courses per eight-week session, potentially qualifying for more financial aid.
Most courses will be offered in eight-week terms, but some will remain in a 16-week format due to high contact hours.
Other N.C. community colleges that have switched to eight-week sessions include Isothermal Community College and Durham Technical Community College.
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