Fire Academy Application

Applicant Information
Please enter your First, Middle (optional) and Last Name
Please enter either a cell or home number where we may contact you.
Date of Birth
Are you 18 years or older?
Are you a citizen of the United States?
Have you ever been convicted of a felony, including traffic violations?
Did you graduate from high school?
College attended from
College attended to
Did you graduate from college?
Did you graduate from a technical school
Are you currently affiliated with a fire or rescue department?
Previous employment
Company 1 Start Date
Company 1 End Date
Company 2 Start Date
Company 2 End Date
Please enter First and Last Name
Please enter First and Last Name
Equal Opportunity Information

State and Federal regulations

State and Federal regulations prohibit discrimination based on race, sex, color, age, or handicap. The information requested below will in no way affect you as an applicant; its sole use will be to see how well our recruitment efforts are reaching all segments of the population.

Ethnic Group
Disclaimer and Signature

I certify

I certify that my answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I authorize investigation of all statements contained in the application for GTCC Firefighter Academy as may be necessary in arriving at an acceptance to the Academy. In the event of acceptance to the Academy, I understand that false or misleading information given in my application or interview(s) may result in discharge from the Academy. I understand, also, that I am required to abide by all policies and procedures of Guilford Technical Community College. Entrance to the Fire Academy will be contingent upon satisfactory completion of a physical agility assessment test and satisfactory completion of a reading comprehension placement test. I also authorize the use of any photos or other media that may be taken during the Academy for the use of advertising the Firefighter Academy now and in the future.

Please type your name.
Today's Date
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**Before submitting your application, please check to see that you have:

  • Listed a correct and current email address, this will be used as primary contact
  • Completed all sections
  • Signed and dated your application

Fire Academy Contact Information

W. John Terry
Coordinator, Fire Academy
(336) 334-4822, ext. 50194

Matthew Thorpe
Program Director, Fire Occupational Extension
(336) 334-4822, ext. 50195

Jeremiah Underwood
Dean of Human Services and Public Safety
336-334-4822 ext. 50378