e2Campus Emergency Notification System

E2Campus is an emergency alert system designed to inform and instruct the campus community in case of an emergency on or near GTCC grounds. In the event of an emergency or inclement weather, e2Campus will reach out through:

  • Text message
  • Email
  • Banner on the website
  • Notifications via social media

GTCC uses the Omnilert mobile app and website to provide additional security features and safety information to our students. After downloading the app or accessing the Omnilert webpage, select the "Login via Single Sign-On" option and use your GTCC email to login.


How to get Omnilert

There are two ways to get the Omnilert app – download the app on your phone or use the app through a web browser.

For access:
  • Through the app: The app is available from the iPhone App Store or the Google Play Store. Use your personal code to link it to your account. (Your personal code can be found at your GTCC e2Campus Account.)
  • Through a browser: Go to the Omnilert website and login using the Single Sign-On option and use your GTCC email. Notifications will be received via SMS text message. Every time a text notification is sent, you'll receive a link to open Omnilert. Always click the link to see the full message from e2Campus. You can also save or bookmark the link for quick access when you need it.

Omnilert features

Whether you use the phone app or the website app, Omnilert offers these features:
  • A button to press and hold for help
  • Campus police
  • Campus maps
  • Elevator safety in case an elevator gets stuck
  • Shelter-in-place warnings if there’s a reason not to go outside
  • Warnings and advice for emergencies
  • Tornado quick facts
  • Active shooter do's and don'ts
  • Weather information
The screen you see in the Omnilert app.