GTCC Releases Summer 2023 Honor Roll
Published on: October 9, 2023

JAMESTOWN – Each semester Guilford Technical Community College recognizes students for outstanding academic achievements. Congratulations to our students who made the President's, Dean's and Honors lists for summer 2023.
President's List
The President’s List includes all program students who complete at least 12 credit hours in the summer semester and earned a 4.0 grade point average.
Name | City | State |
Huda Abu-Khass | Greensboro | NC |
Rachel Afrifa-Takyi | Greensboro | NC |
Michelle Aguilar Ginez | Randleman | NC |
Dustin Aldridge | Graham | NC |
Jawuaid Ali | High Point | NC |
Micheal Anderson | High Point | NC |
Alec Andrejko | Charlotte | NC |
Eugenia Andrews Commey | Greensboro | NC |
Jason Angle | Reidsville | NC |
Abby Atkins | Liberty | NC |
Simon Atoyebi | Greensboro | NC |
Callie Auman | High Point | NC |
Derrick Azorlibu | Greensboro | NC |
Tara Baker | Gibsonville | NC |
Alma Balic | High Point | NC |
Matthew Baloga | Stokesdale | NC |
Goerage Banglo | Jamestown | NC |
Beau Barton | Greensboro | NC |
Alexis Beabraut | Greensboro | NC |
Jared Beane | Winston Salem | NC |
Molly Beard | High Point | NC |
Isaac Belton | Stoneville | NC |
Neeraj Bhawnani | Greensboro | NC |
Shabina Bibi | High Point | NC |
Amanda Blair | Greensboro | NC |
Elizabeth Blandin | Greensboro | NC |
Christiana Blue | Greensboro | NC |
Lane Brewer | Greensboro | NC |
Brandy Brown | Thomasville | NC |
Ian Brown | Walkertown | NC |
Joshua Brown | High Point | NC |
Matthew Brumley | Greensboro | NC |
John Rodge Bulala | Greensboro | NC |
Taylor Butler | Charlotte | NC |
David Calhoun | Greensboro | NC |
Ashley Cameron | Winston Salem | NC |
Joseph Carney | Greensboro | NC |
Matthew Casey | Lewisville | NC |
Miranda Cauthen | Pleasant Gdn | NC |
Candy Chambers | Brown Summit | NC |
Angel Chapa | Greensboro | NC |
Jenna Chisholm | Randleman | NC |
Harlie Clawson | Asheboro | NC |
Bryan Corona-Garcia | Thomasville | NC |
Janeth Cortez Yanez | Winston Salem | NC |
Latonya Covington | Greensboro | NC |
Hunter Crump | Winston Salem | NC |
Delores Curry | High Point | NC |
Devin DeGraff | High Point | NC |
Lauryn Dillard | Greensboro | NC |
Kelsie Doss | Kernersville | NC |
Robert Doss | Stokesdale | NC |
Vanessa Evaristo Estrada | Winston Salem | NC |
Danica Farrar | Greensboro | NC |
Grace Fei | Oak Ridge | NC |
Chancey Fitch | Asheboro | NC |
Carr Folds | Greensboro | NC |
Candice Foreman | Greensboro | NC |
Stephan Foster | McLeansville | NC |
Benjamin Frazier | Greensboro | NC |
Natalia Gamdzyk | Jamestown | NC |
Ester Gilliland | Stokesdale | NC |
Raphael Goi | Colfax | NC |
Jacob Goin | Stoneville | NC |
Indiana Graham | Greensboro | NC |
Mark Grotberg | Yadkinville | NC |
Donna Gutierrez | Greensboro | NC |
Anjolee Hairston | High Point | NC |
Clyde Hall | Greensboro | NC |
Bradley Harrison | Greensboro | NC |
Lakesha Harrison | High Point, Nc | NC |
Noah Harwell | Lexington | NC |
Cameron Hepler | Lexington | NC |
Crystal Hernandez | Greensboro | NC |
Christian Hill | Madison | NC |
Joshua Hill | Jamestown | NC |
Mitchell Hogan | Oak Ridge | NC |
Olivia Housley | Summerfield | NC |
Suzanne Hoyle | Edwardsville | PA |
Julia Hubbard | High Point | NC |
Madison Hudgins | Jamestown | NC |
Henry Huynh | Greensboro | NC |
Ketia Iteriteka | Greensboro | NC |
Damian Jimenez Cambero | Greensboro | NC |
Aubrey Johnson | Greensboro | NC |
Joel Johnson | Greensboro | NC |
Valerie Johnson | Kernersville | NC |
Christian Juarez Solis | Thomasville | NC |
Albert Kang | Kernersville | NC |
Amy Kiser | High Point | NC |
Nickolas Kissam | Greensboro | NC |
Alexis Knape | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Theodore Koehncke | Wilmington | NC |
Agnes Kolog | Greensboro | NC |
Cody Landon | Greensboro | NC |
Beverly Lasater | Archdale | NC |
Karen Lepley | Thomasville | NC |
Michael Lin | Sneads Ferry | NC |
Austin Long | Matthews | NC |
Alexander Lopez | Gastonia | NC |
Daniel Lopez-Ponce | Gibsonville | NC |
Tsunami Lott | High Point | NC |
Tamara Love | Burlington | NC |
Jordan Lyons | Lexington | NC |
Wilson Mahato | Greensboro | NC |
Olivia Manning | Greensboro | NC |
Anton Martin Jr. | McLeansville | NC |
Daniel Martin | Liberty | NC |
Bryan Martinez | Weaverville | NC |
Madison Mays | High Point | NC |
Fatou Mbacke | Greensboro | NC |
Aubrey McKenzie | Greensboro | NC |
Trace McKinney | Greensboro | NC |
Jellica McLellan Martinez | Archdale | NC |
Carson McShea | Summerfield | NC |
Victoria Meeks | Greensboro | NC |
Amanda Miller | Burlington | NC |
Michael Milligan | Reidsville | NC |
Saralin Mondragon Arellano | Thomasville | NC |
Jacob Morris | Apex | NC |
Peyton Morris | Jamestown | NC |
Luke Morton | Greensboro | NC |
Xandria Mosqueda | Reidsville | NC |
Ryan Muskal | Greensboro | NC |
Chuong Toan My Nguyen | High Point | NC |
Alan Nicolas | Greensboro | NC |
Andres Noyola Martinez | High Point | NC |
Kay Nua | High Point | NC |
Caleb Osborne | Greensboro | NC |
Donald Owens | Greensboro | NC |
Abbey Parrish | Thomasville | NC |
Jeffrey Patteson | Summerfield | NC |
Kirsten Pearsall | Greensboro | NC |
Courtney Pegram | Greensboro | NC |
Alexander Portillo Guardado | Durham | NC |
Paulina Poteatsmith | Greensboro | NC |
Bryan Puckett | Stokesdale | NC |
Keara Reardon | Honolulu | HI |
Natalie Richardson | Winston Salem | NC |
Jennifer Rogers | High Point | NC |
Justin Rollins | Reidsville | NC |
Zachary Ross | Greensboro | NC |
Andrew Rothfuss | Winston Salem | NC |
Anthony Ruiz | Winston Salem | NC |
Joshua Russell | Thomasville | NC |
John Salas | High Point | NC |
Alfredo Sanchez Reyes | Siler City | NC |
Devin Sanguinett | Greensboro | NC |
Jack Scholtz | Colfax | NC |
Paige Schwartz | Greensboro | NC |
George Serrano | High Point | NC |
Mihir Sharma | Greensboro | NC |
Brian Shelton | High Point | NC |
Desiree Shoffner | Greensboro | NC |
Landis Shoffner | Greensboro | NC |
Brian Simpson | Cornelius | NC |
Devon Smith | High Point | NC |
Joshua Smith | High Point | NC |
Delphine Springs | Greensboro | NC |
Logan Starr | Kernersville | NC |
Isaac Stewart | Greensboro | NC |
Courtney Strickland | Kernersville | NC |
Zachary Taylor | Greensboro | NC |
Joseph Tennyson | Washington | DC |
Norman Thompson | Greensboro | NC |
Dylan Tobert | Summerfield | NC |
Aliciana Torrella | Jamestown | NC |
Nicholas Toth | Greensboro | NC |
Thi Tran | Greensboro | NC |
Trung Trinh | McLeansville | NC |
Joshua Valente | Oviedo | FL |
Jasmine Van Hagen | Greensboro | NC |
Jessica Vazquez | Greensboro | NC |
Lee Vernon | Kernersville | NC |
Peter Waldroup | Walnut Cove | NC |
Kara Walker | Julian | NC |
Luke Walters | Cleveland | NC |
Adam Ward | Graham | NC |
Piper Ward | Greensboro | NC |
Maree Webster | High Point | NC |
Christian Whitaker | Winston Salem | NC |
Jacob Whitaker | West End | NC |
Devin White | High Point | NC |
Jackson Wick | Charlotte | NC |
Joseph Williams | Eden | NC |
Valerie Williams | Greensboro | NC |
Lynn Tayzer Win | Randleman | NC |
Brock Winke | Greensboro | NC |
Aleshia Winston | Greensboro | NC |
Rachael Wright | Greensboro | NC |
Ismeal Zaghari | Charlotte | NC |
Delia Zepeda-Servellon | Greensboro | NC |
Dean's List
The Dean’s List includes all program students who complete at least 12 credit hours in the summer semester and earn a grade point average of less than 4.0 but no lower than 3.5 with no grade below a C.
Name | City | State |
Nkechi Adanuri | High Point | NC |
Deontai Andrews | Greensboro | NC |
Venecia Anthony | Greensboro | NC |
Heyda Aragon | Kernersville | NC |
Regina Belcher | Reidsville | NC |
Justin Bodsford | High Point | NC |
Haley Bowman-Phillips | High Point | NC |
Yahir Briones-Miranda | Greensboro | NC |
Ebony Brown | Greenville | NC |
Wesley Bryant | High Point | NC |
Brian Bullock | Greensboro | NC |
John Burwell | Raleigh | NC |
Ian Cable | Greensboro | NC |
Rodney Cain | Durham | NC |
Colby Cameron | Winston Salem | NC |
Jasmine Cardona | Browns Summit | NC |
Tanner Clodfelter | Stokesdale | NC |
Benjamin Collson | High Point | NC |
Ariana Conversa Molina | Reidsville | NC |
Chantahl Costello | Archdale | NC |
Kennedy Daniel | Greensboro | NC |
Autumn Davis | Greensboro | NC |
Quran Deablo | Greensboro | NC |
Kaetlyn Dembkoski | Greensboro | NC |
Destiny Drayton | Tabor City | NC |
Kiwan Durr | Greensboro | NC |
Grayson Fidishun | Greensboro | NC |
Omarie Frazier | Greensboro | NC |
Amy Garcia-Gomez | Greensboro | NC |
Dylan Gashlin | Greensboro | NC |
Savannah Gaskins | Pittsboro | NC |
Alisha Gautam | Greensboro | NC |
Breauna George | Mebane | NC |
Elizabeth Girolamo | Greensboro | NC |
Jacqueline Gordor | Greensboro | NC |
Joseph Griffie-Sabatino | Greensboro | NC |
Sujan Gurung | High Point | NC |
Thomas Hall | Greensboro | NC |
Lamika Harris | Greensboro | NC |
Landon Hawkins | Walnut Cove | NC |
Yesica Hernandez | Reidsville | NC |
Javier Hernandez-Perez | Greensboro | NC |
Preston Hill | Eden | NC |
Sarah Houlden | Greensboro | NC |
Laurie Jean | Thomasville | NC |
Meagan Jones | Mocksville | NC |
NaShonn Jones | Whitsett | NC |
Ayden Jordan | Pleasant Garden | NC |
DaVon Keels | Durham | NC |
Andrew Leblanc | Greensboro | NC |
Aaron Lewis | Whitsett | NC |
Marcus Little | Morven | NC |
Jennifer Lopez-Rojas | Greensboro | NC |
Ghazwan Mahmood | Greensboro | NC |
Awais Malik | High Point | NC |
Kathyrn Mann | Burlington | NC |
Montana Marriott | Liberty | NC |
Arnulfo Martinezzavala | Summerfield | NC |
Aiden May | Archdale | NC |
Brian McCormick | Summerfield | NC |
Jordan McDade | Gibsonville | NC |
Raymonda McNair | Greensboro | NC |
Christian McNeill | Greensboro | NC |
Maria Medina | Greensboro | NC |
Jesse Merritt | Jamestown | NC |
Elliana Milman | Greensboro | NC |
Alaa Mohamed | Greensboro | NC |
Brandon Morand | High Point | NC |
Muhammad Muqarab | High Point | NC |
Seynabou Ndiaye | Lexington | NC |
Arnold Ouedraogo | Greensboro | NC |
Lee Paden Jr. | Greensboro | NC |
Niti Patel | Greensboro | NC |
Walter Pavlik | High Point | NC |
Tam Phan | Greensboro | NC |
Sarah Pickrell | Yadkinville | NC |
Tyler Powell | Madison | NC |
Desiree Ransome | Reidsville | NC |
Grayson Reyes | Oak Ridge | NC |
Wyatt Roberson | Trinity | NC |
Ashton Rose | Burlington | NC |
Miles Ross | Greensboro | NC |
Angelina Rubino | Raleigh | NC |
Christopher Sengvanhpheng | Greensboro | NC |
Austin Sheaff | Greensboro | NC |
Jordan Smith | Jamestown | NC |
Zander Smith | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Faustin Souffrant | Greensboro | NC |
Rachael Starke | Burlington | NC |
Sean Stoeffels | Greensboro | NC |
Brianna Tabiri | Trinity | NC |
Margaret Thielen | Greensboro | NC |
Taylor Thompson | Greensboro | NC |
Samuel Trauschke | Greensboro | NC |
Spencer Tysinger | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Mia Vang | Sophia | NC |
Anjali Vyas | Durham | NC |
Garrett Wall | High Point | NC |
Anastasia Watson | Greensboro | NC |
Heather Wesoly | Greensboro | NC |
Dylan Whisnant | Greensboro | NC |
Koron White | Raleigh | NC |
Shanika Williams | Greensboro | NC |
Samuel Wilson | Greensboro | NC |
Rasheed Winston | Greensboro | NC |
Derick Wireko | Greensboro | NC |
Walker Witz | Kernersville | NC |
Bien Y | Greensboro | NC |
Honors List
The Honors List includes all program students who complete at least two courses in the summer semester for a minimum of six credit hours, but no more than 11 credit hours and earn at least a 3.5 grade point average with no grade lower than a B.
Name | City | State |
Zuhal Abdalgader | Greensboro | NC |
Sumia Abdelnabi | Greensboro | NC |
Amina Abdul-Mutakallim | Burlington | NC |
Nour Abouzeid | Greensboro | NC |
Rama Abu Khass | Greensboro | NC |
Ruba Abuzeid | Greensboro | NC |
Sewinet Adinew | Browns Summit | NC |
Pamela Adjrah | Greensboro | NC |
Jaimerson Aguirre | Greensboro | NC |
Danish Ahmed | Winston Salem | NC |
Hamza Ahmed | High Point | NC |
Hanadi Ahmed | Greensboro | NC |
Oula Ahmed | Greensboro | NC |
Michaela Ako-Nai | Greensboro | NC |
Weam Alabed | High Point | NC |
Wendy Alberto | Winston Salem | NC |
Laine Albright | Greensboro | NC |
Elyah Alexander | Summerfield | NC |
Matthew Alexander | Maricopa | AZ |
Travis Alexander | Greensboro | NC |
Rachidatou Ali | Greensboro | NC |
Craig Allen | Greensboro | NC |
Jaylin Allen | Reidsville | NC |
Cody Allison | Greensboro | NC |
Yasmeen Alloush | High Point | NC |
Breanna Alston | Greensboro | NC |
Melissa Alvaranga | Greensboro | NC |
Timothy Ambrose | Greensboro | NC |
Natalie Amerson | Chapel Hill | NC |
Hunter Anderson | Browns Summit | NC |
Nekeia Anderson | Greensboro | NC |
Colin Andraza | Oak Ridge | NC |
Alexis Antonelli | Summerfield | NC |
Shane Archer | Greensboro | NC |
Zain Arfeen | Greensboro | NC |
Elyssia Arreola | Brown Summit | NC |
Jasmin Arroyo | Asheboro | NC |
Angela Arroyo Aviles | Asheboro | NC |
Camila Arvizu Rangel | Greensboro | NC |
Diana Aryee | Burlington | NC |
Hilda Asadian | Jamestown | NC |
Rabail Asghar | High Point | NC |
Hannah Atamian | Greensboro | NC |
Shy'keim Austin | Thomasville | NC |
Taylor Austin | Greensboro | NC |
Joseph Auten | Greensboro | NC |
Rhema Aweis | Greensboro | NC |
Matilda Ayisah-Quaye | Greensboro | NC |
Liam Baldwin | Greensboro | NC |
Treyvon Ballard | High Point | NC |
Connor Ballou | Oak Ridge | NC |
Kerin Barahona Rodriguez | Kernersville | NC |
Katie Barbour | Reidsville | NC |
Brittany Barker | High Point | NC |
Kristin Barker | High Point | NC |
Allison Barnes | Greensboro | NC |
Ibrahim Barooti | Greensboro | NC |
Taylor Barricks | Summerfield | NC |
Ieva Barskevicius | Greensboro | NC |
Patrice Batts | Jamestown | NC |
Khristine Bautista | Whitsett | NC |
Coretta Beamon | Greensboro | NC |
Sophie Bene | Greensboro | NC |
Amoya Bennett | Greensboro | NC |
Austin Benson | Greensboro | NC |
Blake Berry | Greensboro | NC |
Christian Beville | Reidsville | NC |
Mah Bibi | High Point | NC |
Matthew Blair | High Point | NC |
Macie Blake | Greensboro | NC |
Teresa Blanco-Reyna | High Point | NC |
Kristin Blevins | Ennice | NC |
Joshua Bolen | Oak Ridge | NC |
Matthew Bonay | Greensboro | NC |
Edward Bonilla | Asheboro | NC |
Travis Boone | Franklinville | NC |
Stephanie Booth | Winston Salem | NC |
Anija Borja | Fayetteville | NC |
Gabrielle Branson | Greensboro | NC |
Ebony Brevard | Winston Salem | NC |
William Briggs | Greensboro | NC |
Raymond Brock | Greensboro | NC |
John Brooks | Randleman | NC |
Sadie Brothers | Randleman | NC |
Tamara Brown | Kernersville | NC |
Justin Bryant | Whitsett | NC |
Laila Buckman | High Point | NC |
H' Juin Buonkrong | Greensboro | NC |
Corey Burgess II | McLeansville | NC |
Kenneth Bushee | Climax | NC |
Mackenzie Bushee | Climax | NC |
Crystal Butler | Thomasville | NC |
Triniti Cabiness | Jamestown | NC |
Blanca Cabrera Duran | Asheboro | NC |
Ratesha Calhoun | Greensboro | NC |
Zachary Calhoun | Mayodan | NC |
Jacob Camden | Summerfield | NC |
Maci Campbell | Thomasville | NC |
Vada Campbell | High Point | NC |
Maricruz Campuzano-Rodriguez | Asheboro | NC |
Gabriela Carlin Zermeno | Greeensboro | NC |
Abrea Carlton | Greensboro | NC |
Bryce Carter | Greensboro | NC |
Grady Cassell | Kernersville | NC |
Aileen Castaneda Labra | Greensboro | NC |
Abigail Castellon-Virula | Gibsonville | NC |
Erika Castillo Varela | Thomasville | NC |
Guadalupe Castro | Concord | NC |
Emily Castro-Torres | Asheboro | NC |
Satchel Causey | Liberty | NC |
Chloe Cayton | Madison | NC |
Rose Chafee | Kernserville | NC |
Victoria Chaffee | Greensboro | NC |
Philips Chang | High Point | NC |
Bilal Chaudhry | High Point | NC |
Jaidyn Chavis | Greensboro | NC |
Ericka Cheek | Greensboro | NC |
Alicia Choate | Greensboro | NC |
Cameron Clark | Greensboro | NC |
Jasmine Clark | Greensboro | NC |
Timothy Clark | High Point | NC |
David Cleaver | Asheboro | NC |
Griffin Clements | Archdale | NC |
Gracelyn Clubb | Greensboro | NC |
Winston Cockburn | Greensboro | NC |
Mallory Coleman | Greensboro | NC |
Laurel Collins | High Point | NC |
Seth Collins | Greensboro | NC |
Talissa Colquitt | Asheboro | NC |
Carrie Comer | Greensboro | NC |
Samuel Comer | Greensboro | NC |
Jeremy Coney-Boyd | Greensboro | NC |
Ngan Cong | High Point | NC |
Madoussou Conneh | Greensboro | NC |
Marlyna Conner | Greensboro | NC |
Joshua Conrad | Greensboro | NC |
Victoria Conversa Molina | Reidsville | NC |
Mackenzie Cook | Mayodan | NC |
Samantha Cook | Greensboro | NC |
Alexandra Cooke | Summerfield | NC |
Molly Cooper | Greensboro | NC |
Keith Copper | Jamestown | NC |
Hana Cornwall | Greensboro | NC |
Ana Correa Ramirez | Sophia | NC |
Destiny Cotton | Greensboro | NC |
Karen Coughlin | Jamestown | NC |
John Courson | Clemmons | NC |
Audrey Cox | Rockwell | NC |
Beverly Cox | Thomasville | NC |
Olivia Cox | Greensboro | NC |
Samuel Crawford | Archdale | NC |
Bret Crissman | Greensboro | NC |
Sarah Crump | Greensboro | NC |
Areli Cruz | Siler City | NC |
Ashely Cruz-Orellana | Gibsonville | NC |
Montrel Cunningham | Greensboro | NC |
Taneja Cunningham | Greensboro | NC |
Trevor Cushman | Greensboro | NC |
Julisha Dabbs-Brooks | Greensboro | NC |
McKenna Daniels | Greensboro | NC |
Teresa Darden | Greensboro | NC |
Abigail Davis | High Point | NC |
Drequan Davis | Greensboro | NC |
Melvin Davis | High Point | NC |
Micah Davis | Greensboro | NC |
Trey Dawson | Greensboro | NC |
David Dean | Reidsville | NC |
Frances Dean | Reidsville | NC |
Karalyn Deel | Kernersville | NC |
Elijah Deforrest | Burlington | NC |
Christopher Delk | Thomasville | NC |
Kara Dell | Colfax | NC |
Bethany Denson | Madison | NC |
Lucia DiColandrea | High Point | NC |
Avery Digby-New | Greensboro | NC |
Madison Dillner | Leicester | NC |
Logan Dingess | Greensboro | NC |
Jodie Do | Greensboro | NC |
Brittany Dobson | Winston-Salem | NC |
Stephanie Doby | Stokesdale | NC |
Brock Domina | High Point | NC |
Ana Dominguez-Arias | Greensboro | NC |
Landon Dorsett | Walnut Cove | NC |
Shannon Douglas | Greensboro | NC |
Alita Duarte Gage | Greensboro | NC |
Marquieta Dungee | Greensboro | NC |
Sandra Dunlap | High Point | NC |
Anthony Duran | Greensboro | NC |
Rene Durant | Lexington | NC |
James Early | Gibsonville | NC |
John Eastep | Greensboro | NC |
Megan Echerd | Thomasville | NC |
Destiny Edwards | Greensboro | NC |
Skylar Edwards | Goldston | NC |
Brahim Elkhadraj | Jamestown | NC |
Tabitha Ervin | Greensboro | NC |
Rachel Eskew | High Point | NC |
Adolfo Espino Salinas | Thomasville | NC |
Gabriela Estrada | Greensboro | NC |
Locklin Evans | Greensboro | NC |
Marc Evans | Greensboro | NC |
Paige Evans | Greensboro | NC |
Abigail Everett | Greensboro | NC |
Claudia Fader | Greensboro | NC |
Nadia Febres | Greensboro | NC |
Ariany Ferra-Beltran | High Point | NC |
Bailey Fields | Greensboro | NC |
Ashley Fierro | High Point | NC |
Corey Flack | Greensboro | NC |
Jocoya Flowers | Whitsett | NC |
Ryan Floyd | Winston Salem | NC |
Naseer Folson | Greensboro | NC |
Destinee Ford | Browns Summit | NC |
Rebecca Ford | Reidsville | NC |
Sebastian Foreman | Greensboro | NC |
JoAnn Foster | Greensboro | NC |
Kimberly Foust | Sedalia | NC |
Jaiden Fraser | Greensboro | NC |
Isabel Frei | Thomasville | NC |
Latoya French | Sanford | NC |
Clarice Friedrich | Greensboro | NC |
Cassidy Frye | Greensboro | NC |
Kaleb Fulk | McLeansville | NC |
James Funez | Greensboro | NC |
Siddharth Gadhiya | Jamestown | NC |
Athena Gaines | High Point | NC |
Onysti' Gainey | Greensboro | NC |
Anson Galipeau | Greensboro | NC |
Jesus Garcia-Medina | Greensboro | NC |
Grace Garner | Oak Ridge | NC |
Lilliane Garner | Summerfield | NC |
Chaltu Garoma | Greensboro | NC |
Melinda Garren | Greensboro | NC |
Payton Gay | Greensboro | NC |
Emily Gerringer | Eden | NC |
Nathan Gerringer | Greensboro | NC |
Olympia Gibson | Whitsett | NC |
Portia Gilmore | High Point | NC |
Michael Goins | Greensboro | NC |
Richard Gonzalez | Jamestown | NC |
Lizbeth Gonzalez-Cortez | Greensboro | NC |
Blake Gooding | Archdale | NC |
Virginia Gordon | Greensboro | NC |
Stacy Graham | Eden | NC |
Aaron Grant | Oak Ridge | NC |
Kendall Grant | Greensboro | NC |
Carrielelia Graves | Greensboro | NC |
Molly Graves | High Point | NC |
Zachary Greeley | Lexington | NC |
Jessica Greene | Greensboro | NC |
Allison Greer | McLeansville | NC |
Trinity Gross | Mc Leansville | NC |
Morgan Gruer | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Cara Grunwald | Greensboro | NC |
Isabella Gudino De Grote | Greensboro | NC |
Karima Guennoun | Greensboro | NC |
Taylor Guglielmo | High Point | NC |
Benisha Gurung | High Point | NC |
Hannah Haines | Greensboro | NC |
Machiah Hairston | Greensboro | NC |
Jazmun Hall | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Serena Hall | High Point | NC |
Matthew Halpin | High Point | NC |
Brian Halweil | Greensboro | NC |
Justin Hamby | Greensboro | NC |
Kyren Hamlin | Greensboro | NC |
Samuel Hammond | Oak Ridge | NC |
Lindsey Harper | Greensboro | NC |
Brianna Harris | Garner | NC |
Larry Harris | Danville | VA |
Victoria Harrison | High Point | NC |
Matthew Hatch | Winston Salem | NC |
Samantha Haven | Greensboro | NC |
Esther Hawks | Greensboro | NC |
Veronica Hawks | Greensboro | NC |
Abbey Hayes | Gibsonville | NC |
Molly Haynes | Elkin | NC |
Brittany Hazel | Archdale | NC |
Henry Hazzard | Greensboro | NC |
Diana Hebreo Ramirez | High Point | NC |
Alana Henderson | Trinity | NC |
Diamond Herbin | Greensboro | NC |
Betzua Hernandez | High Point | NC |
Christopher Hernandez | Winston Salem | NC |
Leslie Hernandez | High Point | NC |
Felipe Hernandez-Castillo Jr | Winston-Salem | NC |
Yareli Hernandez-Peralta | High Point | NC |
Brittany Herndon | Raleigh | NC |
Michelle Herrera | Greensboro | NC |
Jacob Herrmann | Jamestown | NC |
Alana Hewette | Trinity | NC |
Karolyne Hice | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Justin Highland | Archdale | NC |
Molly Hilemn | Greensboro | NC |
James Hill | Greensboro | NC |
Ronald Hinton | Greensboro | NC |
Kayley Hodges | Colfax | NC |
Bessy Hoffmann | New London | NC |
Katherine Holder | Greensboro | NC |
Andrew Holt | Kernersville | NC |
Joel Holt | Greensboro | NC |
Grace Honeycutt | Winston Salem | NC |
Rebecca Hooker | Greensboro | NC |
Caroline Hoover | Greensboro | NC |
Braeden Hosier | High Point | NC |
Hayley House | High Point | NC |
Sa'mani Hoyle | High Point | NC |
Mu Do Htoo | High Point | NC |
Ca'kyiwa Hubbard | High Point | NC |
Molly Hubbard | Burlington | NC |
Cole Hudson | Greensboro | NC |
Courtney Hunt | Archdale | NC |
Derek Hunt | Greensboro | NC |
Lindsey Hunt | High Point | NC |
Madison Hunt | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Shaina Hunt | Fairmont27407 | NC |
T'Anna Hunt | Greensboro | NC |
Judah Hunter | High Point | NC |
Arlen Hurne | Greensboro | NC |
Zayba Iqbal | Greensboro | NC |
Shahan Irfan | Greensboro | NC |
Alyssa Ismail | High Point | NC |
Rahaf Issa | Jamestown | NC |
Erik Jackson | Lexington | NC |
Kiristen Jackson | Greensboro | NC |
Shallon Jacques | Greensboro | NC |
Myana James | Greensboro | NC |
Slena James | Greensboro | NC |
Yvette Jasso Ortega | Greensboro | NC |
Kevin Jaureguy | Troy | NC |
Tayana Jean-Joseph | Browns Summit | NC |
Canvis Jenkins | Greensboro | NC |
Lynsey Jenkins | High Point | NC |
Crystal Jimenez-Leandro | Greensboro | NC |
Caleb Johnson | Cleveland | NC |
Karamis Johnson | Greensboro | NC |
Maliek Johnson | Greensboro | NC |
Olivia Johnson | Greensboro | NC |
Tamara Johnson | Winston Salem | NC |
Ethan Jones | High Point | NC |
Laney Jones | Eden | NC |
Matthew Jones | Reidsville | NC |
Navy Jones | Greensboro | NC |
Elizabeth Justice | High Point | NC |
Xuong Ka | High Point | NC |
Fethiye Kandil | McLeansville | NC |
Ashley Karpovich | Trinity | NC |
Omar Kassem | Greensboro | NC |
Jemima Kavusa | Browns Summit | NC |
Shahad Kawaz | High Point | NC |
Joshua Kayanda | Brown Summit | NC |
Gekeitha Keaton | Greensboro | NC |
Lashawnda Kelly | Greensboro | NC |
Victor Kempton | Greensboro | NC |
Eric Kenney | Summerfield | NC |
Ashley Key | Thomasville | NC |
Natalie Key | Greensboro | NC |
Linda Khalfalla | Greensboro | NC |
Fiza Khan | High Point | NC |
Henna Khan | High Point | NC |
Suleman Khan | High Point | NC |
Pratik Kharel | High Point | NC |
Yvette Kiboho | Greensboro | NC |
Nathan Kilduff | Greensboro | NC |
Colton King | High Point | NC |
Elijah King | Summerfield | NC |
Sa'mya King | McLeansville | NC |
Simon King | Summerfield | NC |
John Knight | Greensboro | NC |
Faith Koontz | Lexington | NC |
Carlee Kurth | High Point | NC |
Joshua Ladd | Greensboro | NC |
Biljana Lakic | High Point | NC |
Timothy Lally | Cary | NC |
Dawa Lama | Greensboro | NC |
Tawni Lamb | Thomasville | NC |
Cary Lambert | Kernersville | NC |
Shantaye Lambert | Greensboro | NC |
Abigail Lane | High Point | NC |
Kelton Langfitt | Jamestown | NC |
Troy Lawrence | Hillsborough | NC |
Saw Lay | High Point | NC |
Devin Le | Archdale | NC |
Alia Leasiolagi | High Point | NC |
Emily Ledezma Mendoza | High Point | NC |
Josephine Lemp | High Point | NC |
Carlos Lindsay | Greensboro | NC |
Kimberlee Locklear | McLeansville | NC |
Riley Logan | Kernersville | NC |
Alexander Lohrman | Greensboro | NC |
Djuan Long | Mebane | NC |
Eleanor Long | Oak Ridge | NC |
Nora Long | Jamestown | NC |
Sydney Long | McLeansville | NC |
Whitney Long | Elon | NC |
Cooper Lord | Raleigh | NC |
Leila Lovell | Greensboro | NC |
Zeffier Lovett | Whitsett | NC |
Victoria Lowe | Trinity | NC |
Kaythelia Luckey | Greensboro | NC |
Shelliann Lunan Smarr | Greensboro | NC |
Shayleigh Lundy | High Point | NC |
LaJacia Lyles | Greensboro | NC |
Aping Mabeny | Greensboro | NC |
Ahmad Machhadani | High Point | NC |
Jackson MacLean | Winston Salem | NC |
Guadalupe Magana Hernandez | Siler City | NC |
Brooklyn Mallory | Greensboro | NC |
Kimpanga Maluka | Greensboro | NC |
Esmeralda Marquez | Gibsonville | NC |
Kyle Martin | Jamestown | NC |
Richard Martin | Reidsville | NC |
Evelyn Martinez | Greensboro | NC |
Genesis Mason | Greensboro | NC |
Blakley Mathieson | Greensboro | NC |
Jessica Mauney | Hickory | NC |
Jack Maxson | Oak Ridge | NC |
Brooke Mayenschein | Jamestown | NC |
Vincent Maynard | Greensboro | NC |
Princewill Mbemena | Greensboro | NC |
Bradley McBride | Ramseur | NC |
Haley McBride | Reidsville | NC |
Mary McClellan | High Point | NC |
Kiara McCray | Greensboro | NC |
Tyler McDowell | Greensboro | NC |
Kalynn McGee | Winston-Salem | NC |
Sharnyse Mcgirt | Greensboro | NC |
Tatum McGuire | Greensboro | NC |
Gabrielle McIntyre | Greensboro | NC |
Katie McLain | High Point | NC |
Archelaus McLean | Greensboro | NC |
Margaret McMahon | Greensboro | NC |
Aiden McNeill | Greensboro | NC |
Darius McNeill | Greensboro | NC |
James McNulty | Greensboro | NC |
Moesha McRae | Mc Leansville | NC |
Lydia McRoy | Asheboro | NC |
Anaia Meadows | Greensboro | NC |
Briana Mearite | High Point | NC |
Charnikqa Melton | Greensboro | NC |
Jannet Mendez Javier | Lexington | NC |
Vanessa Merced | Rural Hall | NC |
Keila Merino | Jamestown | NC |
Arden Merritt | Greensboro | NC |
Tucker Messinger | Greensboro | NC |
Jasmin Messner | Greensboro | NC |
Rachel Meyer | Greensboro | NC |
Wayne Michaux | Greensboro | NC |
Kina Miles | High Point | NC |
Kalie Miller | High Point | NC |
Shi Miller | Greensboro | NC |
Natalie Mills | Lexington | NC |
Kenneth Mirandamuller | Greensboro | NC |
Donese Mitchell | Greensboro | NC |
Olivia Mock | Lewisville | NC |
Sadia Mohamed | Greensboro | NC |
Amira Mohamed Salih | Greensboro | NC |
Alaa MohamedAhmed | Greensboro | NC |
Timothy Mohler-Martin | Burlington | NC |
Jennifer Montalvo | Greensboro | NC |
Marissa Monteiro | Whitman | MA |
Jenifer Montes-Ramirez | Kernersville | NC |
Maria Montoya-Castellano | High Point | NC |
Paw Moo | High Point | NC |
Austin Moody | Sophia | NC |
Brieanna Moore | Winston Salem | NC |
Jimmie Moore | Kernersville | NC |
Nakesha Moore | Burlington | NC |
Saray Morales | Liberty | NC |
Natalie Morehead | Waxhaw | NC |
Wilson Morejon | Greensboro | NC |
Meghan Morris | Greensboro | NC |
Wendy Morris | Greensboro | NC |
Axel Mota | High Point | NC |
Brandon Moubitang Tangmo | Greensboro | NC |
Noah Mount | Greensboro | NC |
Kara Mullins | Trinity | NC |
Elise Nall | Greensboro | NC |
Ndeye Ndiaye | Greensboro | NC |
Danielle Ndomo | High Point | NC |
Abbigail Neal | Archdale | NC |
Joshua Neely | McLeansville | NC |
Daphnee Negron | High Point | NC |
Brandy Nelson | Greensboro | NC |
Tamara Nelson | High Point | NC |
Sarah Newton | Summerfield | NC |
Cody Nguyen | Greensboro | NC |
Hue Nguyen | High Point | NC |
Thanh Nguyen | Greensboro | NC |
Andrew Norris | Greensboro | NC |
Alyssa Norwood | Greensboro | NC |
Carson Oates | Climax | NC |
Colin Oates | Greensboro | NC |
Alexis Obimma | Greensboro | NC |
Emmanuel Obimma | Greensboro | NC |
Kimberly O'Conor-Benavides | Greensboro | NC |
Robin Odell | Clemmons | NC |
John Oden | Wilmington | NC |
Patrice Odom | Greensboro | NC |
Moise Ogundiran | Greensboro | NC |
Christine Okes | Greensboro | NC |
Teniola Oladunjoye | High Point | NC |
Connor O'Neal | Greensboro | NC |
Faith Oni | Greensboro | NC |
Luis Ortiz | High Point | NC |
Andy Oun | Winston Salem | NC |
Ileana Pacheco | Sophia | NC |
Elizabeth Padilla-Ojeda | Greensboro | NC |
Kaylee Pait | Browns Summit | NC |
Jocelyn Palacios-Cienfuegos | Greensboro | NC |
Jeethesh Pallinti | Greensboro | NC |
Melissa Pando | Jamestown | NC |
Cameron Parker | Burlington | NC |
Adyson Parrish | Greensboro | NC |
Moriah Parter | Winston Salem | NC |
Damon Partridge | Greensboro | NC |
Rahi Patel | Summerfield | NC |
Jessica Patterson | Greensboro | NC |
Kyle Patterson | High Point | NC |
Chad Pauley | Asheboro | NC |
Luke Pawlik | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Rene Pedraza | Greensboro | NC |
Heather Penn | Greensboro | NC |
Jade Perdue | High Point | NC |
Jamie Perez | Mocksville | NC |
Olivia Perez | Greensboro | NC |
Anthony Perez Chay | Greensboro | NC |
Tiffany Perez-Vasquez | Haw River | NC |
Zaire Perkins | Greensboro | NC |
Sarah Perlmutter | Greensboro | NC |
Olivia Perry | Greensboro | NC |
Tamiya Perry | Greensboro | NC |
Brychelle Person | Greensboro | NC |
Darren Pettit | Greensboro | NC |
Hannah Pharr | Trinity | NC |
Tiger Phiansin | High Point | NC |
Brandi Phillips | Greensboro | NC |
Keona Phillips | High Point | NC |
Nisa Pickett | Greensboro | NC |
Alexander Pool | Greensboro | NC |
Cassidy Pothast | Greensboro | NC |
Lamica Potts | Greensboro | NC |
Ryker Powell | Burlington | NC |
Zachary Prandota | Kernersville | NC |
Madison Prendergast | Stokesdale | NC |
Zachary Priddy | High Point | NC |
Allison Prothero | Greensboro | NC |
Mandeep Purewal | Jamestown | NC |
Hadessah Rackley | McLeansville | NC |
Matthew Raffe | High Point | NC |
Bandana Rai | High Point | NC |
Stefan Rajcevic | Greensboro | NC |
Neal Ramachandran | Greensboro | NC |
Nyota Ramazani | Browns Summit | NC |
Frank Ramirez | Reidsville | NC |
Julisa Ramos Maldanado | Mount Airy | NC |
Yadira Ramos Romero | Greensboro | NC |
Joseph Randazzo | Greensboro | NC |
Exziar Ranger | Greensboro | NC |
Ivy Ray | Thomasville | NC |
Olivia Rebb | Summerfield | NC |
Dylan Reece | Greensboro | NC |
Anum Rehman | High Point | NC |
Cassidy Reid | Clemmons | NC |
Maximus Reina | Greensboro | NC |
Karial Ret | High Point | NC |
Ricardo Reyes-Alvarez | Greensboro | NC |
Maribel Reza | Asheboro | NC |
Samantha Ricafrente | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Chandrea Richardson | High Point | NC |
Trey Ridge | High Point | NC |
Cecilia Rierson | Madison | NC |
Hailey Riley | Randleman | NC |
Gabriela Rivas | Greensboro | NC |
Minoshka Rivera Sanchez | High Point | NC |
Tula Rmah | Greensboro | NC |
Audreana Roberson | Reidsville | NC |
Tiffany Roberson | Mcleansville | NC |
Kadiatu Robert | Greensboro | NC |
Sierra Roberts | Winston Salem | NC |
Lyric Robertson | Greensboro | NC |
Madison Robertson | Burlington | NC |
Pa RoCham | Greensboro | NC |
Matthew Rodgers | High Point | NC |
Henry Rogers | Kernersville | NC |
Ramsey Rogers | Rockwell | NC |
Madison Roney | Gibsonville | NC |
Zachary Rook | Greensboro | NC |
Ariyanah Rosario | High Point | NC |
Haley Rose | Oak Ridge | NC |
Chasity Roseboro | Greensboro | NC |
Dorothy Rosier | Greensboro | NC |
Mariah Ross | Archdale | NC |
Destiny Roth | Julian | NC |
Karlee Rottweiler | Kernersville | NC |
Jessica Rowlands | High Point | NC |
Madison Rudd | McLeansville | NC |
Taylor Rudin | McLeansville | NC |
Morgan Rumple | Kernersville | NC |
Anslie Russell | Greensboro | NC |
Storm Ryan | Charlotte | NC |
Niraj Sah | Greensboro | NC |
Jessica Sam | Whitsett | NC |
Jackelin Sanchez | McLeansville | NC |
Julia Sandy | Thomasville | NC |
Samuel Santiago | Greensboro | NC |
Mary Sanusi | Greensboro | NC |
Lydia Saykeo | Greensboro | NC |
Shaquan Scaife | High Point | NC |
Josie Schneiderman | Greensboro | NC |
Cortney Scott | Pinehurst | NC |
Jon Scott | Greensboro | NC |
Nathan Scott | High Point | NC |
Jakob Seabolt | Winston Salem | NC |
Da'Mieh Searcy | Greensboro | NC |
Mallorie Self | Reidsville | NC |
Alyssa Sendziak | McLeansville | NC |
William Sesay | Greensboro | NC |
Madhu Shah | Reidsville | NC |
Tristan Shaw | Greensboro | NC |
Amelia Sheref | Burlington | NC |
Emily Sheridan | Greensboro | NC |
Matthew Sherman | Mocksville | NC |
Margaret Sherrill | High Point | NC |
Aleshia Shoaf | Statesville | NC |
Riley Sikes | High Point | NC |
Jaylin Sills | Greensboro | NC |
Griselda Silva | Burlington | NC |
Bailey Singleton | Greensboro | NC |
Carson Singleton | Greensboro | NC |
Maranatha Singleton | Greensboro | NC |
Haley Sink | Trinity | NC |
Coy Slade | Reidsville | NC |
Thomas Slatosky | Greensboro | NC |
Bethany Smestad | Greensboro | NC |
Aamiya Smith | Greensboro | NC |
Carlos Smith | Greensboro | NC |
Darnell Smith | Greensboro | NC |
David Smith | Julian | NC |
Griffin Smith | Greensboro | NC |
Joshua Smith | Jamestown | NC |
Kaci Smith | Clemmons | NC |
Nadya Smith | Greensboro | NC |
Teryon Smith | Greensboro | NC |
Zachary Smith | Stoneville | NC |
Spencer Smithback | Jamestown | NC |
Anna Snyder | Greensboro | NC |
Tyler Snyder | Advance | NC |
Mulkha Souffrant | Greensboro | NC |
Marc St Fort | Morrisville | NC |
Summer Stallings | Greensboro | NC |
Isaac Stanfield | Kernersville | NC |
Patrice Starkie | Greensboro | NC |
Qualeya Staton | Burlington | NC |
Brenna Steger | Aberdeen | NC |
Justin Stockard | Greensboro | NC |
Reginald Stone | Greensboro | NC |
Lydia Stoops | High Point | NC |
Victoria Stout | Denton | NC |
Kaitlyn Sumner | Stokesdale | NC |
Charles Swicegood | Mount Airy | NC |
Claire Swinyer | Greensboro | NC |
Yeraldine Tamayo | Greensboro | NC |
Antonio Tamayo-Fryar | High Point | NC |
Amar Tamberou | High Point | NC |
Keyanna Tate | Greensboro | NC |
Raven Taylor | Greensboro | NC |
Diana Tefft | High Point | NC |
Amelia Temoche | Greensboro | NC |
Zachary Terry | Greensboro | NC |
Robel Tesfay | High Point | NC |
Ayusha Thapa | High Point | NC |
Quintina Thomas | Parkton | NC |
Alexis Thompson | Marion | NC |
Maggie Thompson | Whitsett | NC |
Donna Tibbetts | Archdale | NC |
Chunlee Tith | Lexington | NC |
Raegan Tobin | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Andersen Tomes | Kernersville | NC |
Carolina Torres | High Point | NC |
Vichyiny Touch | High Point | NC |
Diamond Townsend | Archdale | NC |
Julia Tra | Greensborot | NC |
Joahan Trejo Velazquez | Greensboro | NC |
Vincent Trieu | Greensboro | NC |
Lee Martin Tropezado | High Point | NC |
Pamela Troxler | Greensboro | NC |
Carly Truitt | Greensboro | NC |
Kyra Turner | Greensboro | NC |
Shauna Turner | Greensboro | NC |
Hailey Tutterow | Walnut Cove | NC |
Ethan Twigg | Stokesdale | NC |
Jonathan Uhlenberg | Greensboro | NC |
Misba Ullah | High Point | NC |
Manodnya Vaidya | High Point | NC |
Ryan VanDyke | Jamestown | NC |
Anthony Vaneaton | Greensboro | NC |
Addison Vaught | Reidsville | NC |
Tifani Villafane | Greensboro | NC |
Finesse Wainwright | Greensboro | NC |
Derek Walker | Jamestown | NC |
Jordan Walker | Greensboro | NC |
Kassidy Walker | Julian | NC |
Elisha Wall | Greensboro | NC |
London Wall | Jamestown | NC |
Tamara Wall | High Point | NC |
Megan Walters | Burlington | NC |
Leo Wang | Thomasville | NC |
Anane Ward | Greensboro | NC |
Eva Ward | McLeansville | NC |
Morgan Ward | Sophia | NC |
Darlena Watkins | Browns Summit | NC |
Hali Watkins | Burlington | NC |
Brooklyn Watlington | Greensboro | NC |
Brianna Watson | High Point | NC |
Makenzie Webster | Randleman | NC |
Niya Welch | Greensboro | NC |
Donavon Wells | Reidsville | NC |
McKenna Wells | Kernersville | NC |
Jacquelyn Westry | Greensboro | NC |
Matthew White | Colfax | NC |
Sydney White | Siler City | NC |
Ethan Whitesell | Clemmons | NC |
Hannah Whitmore | Greensboro | NC |
Wyatt Wiederholt | Liberty | NC |
Farrah Wilde | Madison | NC |
Jamanda Wilfong | Greensboro | NC |
Emily Willey | Greensboro | NC |
Camden Williams | McLeansville | NC |
Darrell Williams | Burlington | NC |
Gareth Williams | Greensboro | NC |
Hunter Williams | Julian | NC |
Joseph Williams | Walkertown | NC |
Katoria Williams | Greensboro | NC |
Kaylee Williams | Greensboro | NC |
Logan Williams | West Jefferson | NC |
Maliek Williams | Trinity | NC |
Randall Williams | Greensboro | NC |
Samya Williams | Greensboro | NC |
Joel Williamson | Asheboro | NC |
Zaria Williamson | Greensboro | NC |
Madison Willis | High Point | NC |
A'Leah Wilson | High Point | NC |
Foster Wilson | Greensboro | NC |
Wanda Wingate | Kernersville | NC |
Michael Wirtz | High Point | NC |
Charlotte Witt | Jamestown | NC |
Lettica Wolfe | Greensboro | NC |
Bryanna Wright | McLeansville | NC |
Emily Wright | High Point | NC |
Noah Wright | High Point | NC |
Chandler Wynn | Mebane | NC |
Harley Wyrick | Greensboro | NC |
David Yamashita | Lewisville | NC |
Morgan Yandle | Randleman | NC |
Mayling Yong | Colfax | NC |
Sovanchampey Yos | Greensboro | NC |
Andrei Zagrean | Cary | NC |
Nay Zar | High Point | NC |
Noe Zaragoza-Tapia | Greensboro | NC |
Rubi Zeferino | Rural Hall | NC |
Abdullah Zubair | High Point | NC |