GTCC Releases Fall 2022 Honor Roll
Published on: January 9, 2023

JAMESTOWN – Each semester Guilford Technical Community College recognizes students for outstanding academic achievements. Congratulations to our students who made the President's, Dean's and Honors lists for fall 2022.
President's List
The President’s List includes all program students who complete at least 12 credit hours in the summer semester and earned a 4.0 grade point average.
Name | City | State |
Aya Abdelsalam Abdelaal | Greensboro | NC |
Sabreen Abdirahman | Greensboro | NC |
Andrew Abriola | High Point | NC |
Rama Abu Khass | Greensboro | NC |
Ruba Abuzeid | Greensboro | NC |
Codey Adams | Climax | NC |
Christina Adt | Greensboro | NC |
Zurizaday Aguilar | Greensboro | NC |
Emma Alderman | Jamestown | NC |
Dustin Aldridge | Graham | NC |
Luis Alejandro | High Point | NC |
Amira Ali | Greensboro | NC |
Muna Ali | Greensboro | NC |
Angela Allegrezza | Winston Salem | NC |
Christian Allison | Wichita | KS |
Esmeralda Almanzar | Greensboro | NC |
Hannah Almatarneh | Kernersville | NC |
Kaci Anderson | Greensboro | NC |
Aeda Andrews | Summerfield | NC |
Garrett Applegate | Kernersville | NC |
Kelly Arias | High Point | NC |
Mohsan Arshad | High Point | NC |
Jessica Atkins | Belews Creek | NC |
David Atwater | Julian | NC |
Cristian Ayala | Greensboro | NC |
Julie Ayers | Kernersville | NC |
Amanda Bailes | Gibsonville | NC |
Myla Baker | Thomasville | NC |
Matthew Baloga | Stokesdale | NC |
Daniel Banda | Greensboro | NC |
Dominique Baris | High Point | NC |
Kelli Barnette | Gibsonville | NC |
Elliot Barrientos | Greensboro | NC |
Matthew Beane | Greensboro | NC |
Isaac Belton | Stoneville | NC |
Elizabeth Beltran | Franklinville | NC |
Bradley Bennett | Greensboro | NC |
Carrie Benz | Greensboro | NC |
Jessica Berry | Thomasville | NC |
Maryam Bibi | High Point | NC |
Derrick Blackburn | Lexington | NC |
Sandra Blackwell | Winston Salem | NC |
Amanda Blair | Greensboro | NC |
Ezekiel Blanchard | Greensboro | NC |
Jonah Boan | Greensboro | NC |
Katherine Boland | Greensboro | NC |
Mackenzie Boles | Greensboro | NC |
Susan Bolick | High Point | NC |
Adam Bounab | Greensboro | NC |
Desmond Brady | Greensboro | NC |
Jacob Brendle | Winston Salem | NC |
Brigette Bricketto | High Point | NC |
Ian Brown | Kernersville | NC |
Savannah Brown | Summerfield | NC |
Matthew Brumley | Greensboro | NC |
Elena Buchelli | Jamestown | NC |
Vanessa Buck | Greensboro | NC |
Lan Bui | Winston Salem | NC |
Thuan Bui | Greensboro | NC |
Omeia Bullock | Greensboro | NC |
Kal Burgess-Hicks | High Point | NC |
Frances Burnette-Lyle | High Point | NC |
Austin Burris | Browns Summit | NC |
Kursat Cakar | High Point | NC |
David Calhoun | Greensboro | NC |
Ratesha Calhoun | Greensboro | NC |
Jomar Calles | High Point | NC |
Daniela Campbell | High Point | NC |
Vada Campbell | High Point | NC |
Joseph Carney | Greensboro | NC |
Olivia Carroll | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Alicia Carter | Greensboro | NC |
Matthew Casey | Lewisville | NC |
Alisa Cassidy | Greensboro | NC |
Satchel Causey | Liberty | NC |
Marian Cayton | Madison | NC |
Jacob Chambers | Graham | NC |
Joshua Chase | Burlington | NC |
Nasir Chaudhary | Greensboro | NC |
Natasha Chavers | Greensboro | NC |
Brittney Chestnut | McLeansville | NC |
Abigail Childs | Jamestown | NC |
Bentlee Chockley | Asheville | NC |
Caroline Church | High Point | NC |
William Clifford | Greensboro | NC |
Olivia Cobb | Greensboro | NC |
Titus Cobbler | Winston Salem | NC |
Mackenzie Coble | Climax | NC |
Spencer Coble | Greensboro | NC |
Kari Colombo | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Jesse Couch | Greensboro | NC |
Hunter Crump | Winston Salem | NC |
Lahna Crutchfield | Summerfield | NC |
Brayan Cruz Martinez | High Point | NC |
Cesar Cuevas Reyes | High Point | NC |
Brian Currie | High Point | NC |
Yi Dai | Greensboro | NC |
Latoya Davidson | Greensboro | NC |
Melvin Davis | High Point | NC |
Robert Davis | Trinity | NC |
Shajla Davis | Greensboro | NC |
Jacob Dean | Graham | NC |
Christopher Delk | Thomasville | NC |
Ryan Denis | Greensboro | NC |
Paul Denny | Mount Airy | NC |
Annabel Dierking | High Point | NC |
Elizabeth Dills | High Point | NC |
Caidyn Dingle | High Point | NC |
Ethan Dixon | Randleman | NC |
Onozale Djakoure | Greensboro | NC |
Jennifer Doggett | Mount Airy | NC |
Jillian Doherty | Reidsville | NC |
Ana Dominguez-Arias | Greensboro | NC |
Johnathan Doran | Greensboro | NC |
Shannon Douglas | Greensboro | NC |
Brandon Duel | Greensboro | NC |
Christopher Dulmage | Jamestown | NC |
Kaytlin Dumler | Greensboro | NC |
John Eastep | Greensboro | NC |
Samuel Edwards | Elon | NC |
Seth Edwards | Germanton | NC |
Elisha Espinoza | Reidsville | NC |
Yahir Estrada-Guzman | Kernersville | NC |
Nicole Everett | Greensboro | NC |
Christopher Faulwetter | East Bend | NC |
Jonathan Floyd | High Point | NC |
James Forrester | Summerfield | NC |
Bret Friday | Greensboro | NC |
Kaleb Fulk | McLeansville | NC |
Jackson Gann | Greeensboro | NC |
Cathy Garcia | Greensboro | NC |
Jesus Garcia-Salinas | Asheboro | NC |
Kelsey Gartner | Oak Ridge | NC |
Katelyn Gaskill | Greensboro | NC |
Tyler Gates | Winston Salem | NC |
Jeffrey Genao | Charlotte | NC |
Norman German | Greensboro | NC |
Brianna Gibbons | Greensboro | NC |
Ester Gilliland | Stokesdale | NC |
Kaylee Glidewell | High Point | NC |
Jake Godwin | Thomasville | NC |
Patrick Goetsch | High Point | NC |
Jacob Goin | Stoneville | NC |
Nepterial Goines | High Point | NC |
Cali Goldbeck | Greensboro | NC |
Chase Golden | Gibsonville | NC |
Blake Gooding | Archdale | NC |
Jeffrey Gordon | Greensboro | NC |
Anthony Graham | High Point | NC |
Indiana Graham | Greensboro | NC |
Nathan Graham | High Point | NC |
William Greene | Greensboro | NC |
Mark Grotberg | Yadkinville | NC |
Cara Grunwald | Greensboro | NC |
Daisy Gutierrez | Oakridge | NC |
Kellie Hairston | Greensboro | NC |
Mamie Haldeman | Greensboro | NC |
Judah Hall | High Point | NC |
Mason Hall | Kernersville | NC |
Quentin Hall | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Serena Hall | High Point | NC |
Khalid Hamedelneel | Greensboro | NC |
Aujanae Hansen | Lockport | NY |
Zeinab Harouna Amadou | Greensboro | NC |
Julie Harp | Lexington | NC |
Brianna Harris | Albemarle | NC |
Dwayne Harris | Greensboro | NC |
Patricia Harris | Graham | NC |
Noah Harwell | Lexington | NC |
Samantha Hawkins | Greensboro | NC |
Thomas Held | Greensboro | NC |
Cameron Hepler | Lexington | NC |
Angela Hernandez | High Point | NC |
Jared Heybrock | Greensboro | NC |
Hannah Hieber | Summerfield | NC |
Than Hla | High Point | NC |
Bessy Hoffmann | New London | NC |
Andrew Holder | Greensboro | NC |
Nakia Holland | Greensboro | NC |
Andrew Horstkamp | Winston-Salem | NC |
Braeden Hosier | High Point | NC |
Jessica Houston | Greensboro | NC |
David Hronich | High Point | NC |
Sean Hsieh-Sills | Greensboro | NC |
Mu Do Htoo | High Point | NC |
Molly Hubbard | Burlington | NC |
Charles Hutchison | Greensboro | NC |
Harris Hyatt | High Point | NC |
Echo Ide | Greensboro | NC |
Adam Illerbrun | Madison | NC |
Jordan Ince | Greensboro | NC |
Christopher Inman | Winston Salem | NC |
Clay Ipock | Clemmons | NC |
Josee Ishimwe | Whitsett | NC |
Jessica Jaimes | Browns Summit | NC |
Yeancarlos Jalouf Zogbi | High Point | NC |
Zachary James | Charlotte | NC |
Yvette Jasso Ortega | Greensboro | NC |
Priscilla Jean | Greensboro | NC |
Kaleah Jefferies | Greensboro | NC |
Angel Johnson | Leland | NC |
Aubrey Johnson | Greensboro | NC |
Caleb Johnson | Cleveland | NC |
Christopher Johnson | Liberty | NC |
Morgan Johnson | High Point | NC |
Saya Johnson | Lexington | NC |
Kaytlin Johnston | High Point | NC |
Brittany Jones | Greensboro | NC |
Courtney Jones | Greensboro | NC |
Courtney Jordan | Greensboro | NC |
Justin Jordon | Greensboro | NC |
Oi Lin Juan | Asheboro | NC |
Jak K | Greensboro | NC |
Mary Kalinowski | Madison | NC |
Christopher Kaltwang | Greensboro | NC |
Khaleel Kateeb | Jamestown | NC |
DaVon Keels | Durham | NC |
Melissa Kelley | Madison | NC |
Elise Kelly | Greensboro | NC |
John Kemp | Greensboro | NC |
Kaelyn Kennedy | Greensboro | NC |
Kabeer Khan | High Point | NC |
Rabia Khan | High Point | NC |
Yvette Kiboho | Greensboro | NC |
Dongjoon Kim | Winston Salem | NC |
Emma Kincaid | Greensboro | NC |
Nicholas King | Elon | NC |
Amy Kiser | High Point | NC |
Aleesha Kitchen | High Point | NC |
Clayton Knight | Lillington | NC |
John Knight | Greensboro | NC |
George Knox | Jamestown | NC |
Skylar Kortte | High Point | NC |
Stefan Kozar | Greensboro | NC |
Faith Krause | Burlington | NC |
James Krise | Greensboro | NC |
Karen Kuehn | High Point | NC |
Eric Labaziewicz | Jamestown | NC |
Sharon Ladokun | Mcleansville | NC |
Jessica Lajoie | Greensboro | NC |
Tawni Lamb | Thomasville | NC |
Jennifer Lane | Germanton | NC |
Rose Langendorfer | Trinity | NC |
Steele Lankford | High Point | NC |
Nathan Larson | Reidsville | NC |
Tonieka Lassiter | Greensboro | NC |
Skye Law | Greensboro | NC |
Saw Lay | High Point | NC |
Devin Le | Archdale | NC |
Jamila Leasiolagi | High Point | NC |
Edward Lehanka | Greensboro | NC |
Jordan Lester | Franklinville | NC |
Fiona Lewis | Charlotte | NC |
Michael Lin | Sneads Ferry | NC |
Delores Little | Asheboro | NC |
Luisa Loayza | Burlington | NC |
Alexander Lohrman | Greensboro | NC |
Daniel Lopez-Ponce | Gibsonville | NC |
Jennifer Lopez-Rojas | Greensboro | NC |
Cooper Lord | Raleigh | NC |
Cheikh Loume | Greensboro | NC |
Haley Love | Archdale | NC |
Leila Lovell | Greensboro | NC |
Walter Lutz | Summerfield | NC |
Ahmad Machhadani | High Point | NC |
Galen Mackaronis | Winston Salem | NC |
Camilla Maldonado | Kernersville | NC |
Sheneka Malloy | High Point | NC |
Olivia Manning | Winston Salem | NC |
Sarah Maravilla | Elon | NC |
Avery Marrs | Mebane | NC |
Jack Martello | Colfax | NC |
Anton Martin Jr. | McLeansville | NC |
Daniel Martin | Liberty | NC |
Kyle Martin | Jamestown | NC |
Lucas Martin | Greensboro | NC |
Bryan Martinez | Weaverville | NC |
Jared Martinez-Sanchez | Eden | NC |
Jessica Marx Strickland | Trinity | NC |
Bradley McBride | Ramseur | NC |
Briana McCain | High Point | NC |
Corin McClain | Durham | NC |
Brian McCormick | Summerfield | NC |
Abraham McCullough | Greensboro | NC |
Maggie McGee | Kernersville | NC |
Aubrey McKenzie | Greensboro | NC |
Dione McKinnon | McLeansville | NC |
Jarvae McNair | Walkertown | NC |
Aiden McNeill | Greensboro | NC |
Autumn McNeill | Kernersville | NC |
Christian McNeill | Greensboro | NC |
Zachary McNeill | Greensboro | NC |
Marquez McQueen | High Point | NC |
Charnikqa Melton | Greensboro | NC |
Jordyn Merrill | Greensboro | NC |
Lydia Merrills | High Point | NC |
Alysse Messick | Greensboro | NC |
Ahmed Mhgoob | Greensboro | NC |
Anthony Miller | Greensboro | NC |
Kalie Miller | High Point | NC |
Leeanna Miller | High Point | NC |
Caitlyn Minnix | Kernersville | NC |
Elena Misuraca | Greensboro | NC |
April Moctezuma | High Point | NC |
Rosa Moffitt | Greensboro | NC |
Toni Montague | High Point | NC |
Marissa Monteiro | Whitman | MA |
Alexis Moore | Greensboro | NC |
Brieanna Moore | Winston Salem | NC |
Carter Moore | Raleigh | NC |
Duncan Moore | Summerfield | NC |
Emily Morales | Thomasville | NC |
Austin Morris | Reidsville | NC |
Isaiah Morris | Ranson | WV |
Jacob Morris | Apex | NC |
Nathaniel Moss | Raleigh | NC |
Tonia Mozingo | High Point | NC |
Aditya Mulabagal | Oak Ridge | NC |
Jakob Murdock | High Point | NB |
Erin Neal | Jamestown | NC |
Van Nei | Greensboro | NC |
Logan Newman | Stokesdale | NC |
Chuong Toan My Nguyen | High Point | NC |
Kelly Nguyen | Archdale | NC |
Tyler Nguyen | Sherwood | AR |
Bryson Nicoletta | Trinity | NC |
Juan Noyola Roman | Walkertown | NC |
Patrice Odom | Greensboro | NC |
Jada Ogueboule | Summerfield | NC |
Teniola Oladunjoye | High Point | NC |
Theo Olubodun | High Point | NC |
Abigail Owens | Greensboro | NC |
Abel Palacios | Haw River | NC |
Ektaben Patel | Winston-Salem | NC |
Kishan Patel | High Point | NC |
Tristan Peele | McLeansville | NC |
Jaise Perez | Thomasville | NC |
Anthony Perez Chay | Greensboro | NC |
Tiffany Perez-Vasquez | Haw River | NC |
Joseph Perrotta | High Point | NC |
Julianna Peters | Winston Salem | NC |
Alexander Peterson | Clemmons | NC |
Dana Peterson | Greensboro | NC |
Jarod Petty | Reidsville | NC |
Chelsie Phillips | Seagrove | NC |
Walter Pineda | High Point | NC |
Devon Piner | Winston-Salem | NC |
Clint Pinkerton | Trinity | NC |
Rayna Poudyal | Greensboro | NC |
John Preyer | Summerfield | NC |
Bryan Puckett | Stokesdale | NC |
Allyson Raike | Kernersville | NC |
Vijval Rajan | Greensboro | NC |
Taylor Rakes | Burlington | NC |
Yadira Ramirez | Thomasville | NC |
Alex Ramirez-Lara | Colfax | NC |
Julisa Ramos Maldanado | Mount Airy | NC |
Neelam Ramzan | Asheboro | NC |
Wahhab Rasheed | High Point | NC |
Leah Raynor | High Point | NC |
Nicki Read | High Point | NC |
Salem Reaves | Greensboro | NC |
Elias Register | Randleman | NC |
Jessica Register | Randleman | NC |
Jayla Reid-Rambert | Gibsonville | NC |
Keith Releford | Oak Ridge | NC |
Eban Renteria | Lexington | NC |
Jonathan Renteria-Rios | Greensboro | NC |
Tomisha Rice | Randleman | NC |
Sharolet Rippey | Greensboro | NC |
Farrah Roberts | Greensboro | NC |
Olivia Roberts | Oak Ridge | NC |
Fermin Rodriguez | Winston-Salem | NC |
Lyric Rodriguez | Greensboro | NC |
Ayden Rogers | Kernersville | NC |
Henry Rogers | Kernersville | NC |
Justin Rollins | Reidsville | NC |
Samantha Rose | Greensboro | NC |
Zachary Ross | Greensboro | NC |
Hannah Rostar | Greenville | NC |
Lindsey Routh | Pleasant Gard | NC |
Brandon Russell | Greensboro | NC |
Elliot Saatzer | Greensboro | NC |
Hussam Saeed | High Point | NC |
Niraj Sah | Greensboro | NC |
Jennifer Salazar Cortes | Greensboro | NC |
Bryant Sanchez | High Point | NC |
Noemi Santibanez | Lexington | NC |
Ayman Saoud | Greensboro | NC |
Kayla Sappe | Greensboro | NC |
Jacob Saunders | Jamestown | NC |
McKenzie Savage | Asheboro | NC |
Mallorie Self | Reidsville | NC |
Adrian Serrano-Rivas | Madison | NC |
Isaiah Shelton | Trinity | NC |
Landis Shoffner | Greensboro | NC |
Sean Shufelt | Kernersville | NC |
Griselda Silva | Burlington | NC |
Jerry Silva Silva | Greensboro | NC |
Michael Simmons | Archdale | NC |
Brian Simpson | Cornelius | NC |
Laurenne Simpson | Highpoint | NC |
Bryanna Sinclair | Haw River | NC |
Alla Sirelkhatim | High Point | NC |
Charlotte Smith | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Christopher Smith | Lexington | NC |
Devon Smith | High Point | NC |
Ikea Smith | Greensboro | NC |
Katie Smith | Greensboro | NC |
Nadya Smith | Greensboro | NC |
Gregory Snakard | Greensboro | NC |
Laneice Solache | Summerfield | NC |
Brian Somers | Greensboro | NC |
Miranda Sowers | Sophia | NC |
Joseph Spence | Greensboro | NC |
Charlotte Spurr | Greensboro | NC |
Jacob Staley | Advance | NC |
Candy Stanley | Greensboro | NC |
Kimberly Staples | Greensboro | NC |
Casey Starkweather | High Point | NC |
Jessica Sticht | McLeansville | NC |
Harry Stillwell | Germanton | NC |
Victoria Stout | Denton | NC |
Robin Strader | Kernersville | NC |
Britney Strickland | Greensboro | NC |
Parker Sullivan | Greensboro | NC |
Joseph Swanekamp | Chapel Hill | NC |
Blanca Tapia Alvarez | Rural Hall | NC |
Sean Teague | Greensboro | NC |
Mohamed Teia | Greensboro | NC |
Benjamin Thabet | Greensboro | NC |
Jasmine Thavone | High Point | NC |
Angel Thomas | Greensboro | NC |
Taylor Thompson | Greensboro | NC |
Leria Tigney | Greensboro | NC |
Mary Tilley | Greensboro | NC |
Juan Toj-Vasquez | Greensboro | NC |
Amber Torres | Browns Summit | NC |
Samuel Trogdon | Ramseur | NC |
Travis Truong | High Point | NC |
Misba Ullah | High Point | NC |
Danny Urena | Greensboro | NC |
Sheyla Valle-Castro | Thomasville | NC |
Jasmine Van Hagen | Greensboro | NC |
Stacey Van Noy | Greensboro | NC |
Ryan VanDyke | Jamestown | NC |
Mia Vang | Sophia | NC |
Addison Vaught | Roanoke | VA |
Jessica Vazquez | Greensboro | NC |
Rafael Venegas | High Point | NC |
Brianna Ver Halen | Winston Salem | NC |
RheAnna Viars | High Point | NC |
Brad Virgil | Summerfield | NC |
Patricia Waden | High Point | NC |
Cara Wall | Greensboro | NC |
Adam Ward | Graham | NC |
Skye Warren | Greensboro | NC |
Luke Washburn | Greensboro | NC |
Navaeh Washington | Greensboro | NC |
Brooklyn Watlington | Greensboro | NC |
Ariya Watson | McLeansville | NC |
Brianna Watson | High Point | NC |
Tera Weigman | Greensboro | NC |
William Welborn | Greensboro | NC |
Jacob Whitaker | West End | NC |
Kirsten White | Winston Salem | NC |
Farrah Wilde | Madison | NC |
Jamanda Wilfong | Lenoir | NC |
Miranda-Jo Wilkes | Snow Camp | NC |
Kaylee Williams | Greensboro | NC |
Jada Willis | Greensboro | NC |
Seth Willis | Mebane | NC |
Carol Wilson | Greensboro | NC |
Christopher Wilson | Greensboro | NC |
Jackqueline Wilson | Mcleansville | NC |
Brock Winke | Greensboro | NC |
Charlotte Witt | Jamestown | NC |
Patrick Wonders | Greensboro | NC |
Brittany Wood | Greensboro | NC |
Tiffany Woods | Browns Summit | NC |
Aaliyah Woodside | Greensboro | NC |
Cassandra Wright | Greensboro | NC |
Eric Yasaki | Greensboro | NC |
Christian Yengle | Greensboro | NC |
Zubair Yimam | Greensboro | NC |
Rachel Yokeley | Greensboro | NC |
Jacob Young | Raleigh | NC |
Jeane Young | Greensboro | NC |
Hefsa Yousif | Greensboro | NC |
Caitlin Yow | Randleman | NC |
Ismeal Zaghari | Charlotte | NC |
Nathaniel Zapata | High Point | NC |
Qingmin Zhao | Kernersville | NC |
Jessica Zhong | Kernersville | NC |
Daryn Zimmerman | Greensboro | NC |
Jordan Zimmerman | Summerfield | NC |
Aung Zin | Greensobo | NC |
Dean's List
The Dean’s List includes all program students who complete at least 12 credit hours in the summer semester and earn a grade point average of less than 4.0 but no lower than 3.5 with no grade below a C.
Name | City | State |
Asad Abbas | Colfax | NC |
Cesar Abreu Martinez | Jamestown | NC |
Mikael Adamson | Greensboro | NC |
Sewinet Adinew | Browns Summit | NC |
Caden Adkins | Thomasville | NC |
Kaitlyn Adkins | Greensboro | NC |
Hmartha Adrong Ayun | Greensboro | NC |
Sharmaine Agamata | McLeansville | NC |
Shaheer Ahmed | High Point | NC |
Heba Al Hussein | High Point | NC |
Lizbeth Alcantara-Moya | Greensboro | NC |
Elyah Alexander | Summerfield | NC |
Rawan Ali | Greensboro | NC |
Mohammad Almomani | Winston Salem | NC |
Mark Alzamora | High Point | NC |
Zoe Anderson | Greensboro | NC |
Alec Andrejko | Charlotte | NC |
Ahmad Anem | Winston Salem | NC |
Zain Arfeen | Greensboro | NC |
Jayden Arreola | Greensboro | NC |
Jochebed Ashie | Greensboro | NC |
Joseph Auten | Greensboro | NC |
Faryal Ayaz | High Point | NC |
Syed Azam | High Point | NC |
Conner Backus | Kernersville | NC |
Conner Bailey | McLeansville | NC |
Hailey Baker | Thomasville | NC |
James Ball | Cleveland | NC |
Caulier Barker | Danville | VA |
Johnathon Beadle | High Point | NC |
Maya Belhadj | Greensboro | NC |
Mia Belton | Greensboro | NC |
Austin Benson | Greensboro | NC |
Nathan Bezik | Greensboro | NC |
Justin Biggs | Greensboro | NC |
Felicia Blackwell | Elon | NC |
Christiana Blue | Greensboro | NC |
Raymond Blue | Winston Salem | NC |
Carly Bobak | Greensboro | NC |
Olivia Bolick | High Point | NC |
Los Bon Dinh | Asheboro | NC |
Brandon Bonnick | High Point | NC |
Stephanie Booth | Winston Salem | NC |
Justin Borja | Clemmons | NC |
Jennifer Bosher | Greensboro | NC |
Jacob Bowman | Indian Trail | NC |
Joshua Brandt | Greensboro | NC |
Philip Bransford | Boone | NC |
Gabrielle Branson | Greensboro | NC |
Ian Brigman | Watertown | NY |
Anna Brown | Jamestown | NC |
DeAndra Brown | Winston Salem | NC |
Jonah Brown | Charlotte | NC |
Kristen Brown | Greensboro | NC |
Kiera Bruce | High Point | NC |
Brian Bullock | Greensboro | NC |
Heather Buntin | Oak Ridge | NC |
Dallas Butler | Browns Summit | NC |
Jaimie Bynum | High Point | NC |
Hannah Byon | Colfax | NC |
Addy Calderon | High Point | NC |
Colby Cameron | Winston Salem | NC |
Kinley Campbell | Trinity | NC |
Lavaughn Campbell | Greensboro | NC |
Emily Carachure | High Point | NC |
Carolina Carbajal | Greensboro | NC |
Josh Caron | Millers Creek | NC |
Toncha Carroll | Greensboro | NC |
Paul Carter | High Point | NC |
Joseph Chafin | Charlotte | NC |
Alma Chautla | Kernersville | NC |
Jaylen Chavers | Greensboro | NC |
Ericka Cheek | Greensboro | NC |
Yanqin Chen | Greensboro | NC |
Leah Christian | Greensboro | NC |
Ibrahima Cisse | Kernersville | NC |
Anna Clodfelter | High Point | NC |
Jacob Collier | Liberty | NC |
Lydia Collins | Greensboro | NC |
Seth Collins | Greensboro | NC |
Madoussou Conneh | Greensboro | NC |
Victoria Conversa Molina | Reidsville | NC |
Alexandra Cooke | Summerfield | NC |
Molly Cooper | Greensboro | NC |
Tiffany Corbett | Burlington | NC |
Tremaine Cousar | Greensboro | NC |
Abigail Cranford | Thomasville | NC |
Lateasha Crawford | Greensboro | NC |
Robert Crawford | Colfax | NC |
Lakeasha Crosby | Winston Salem | NC |
Alysse Cruz | Greensboro | NC |
Ashely Cruz-Orellana | Gibsonville | NC |
Myia Cummings | Greensboro | NC |
Lucas Curtis | Mansfield | OH |
Ja'corey Custis | McLeansville | NC |
Joseph Davila | Kernersville | NC |
Rachael Davis | Oak Ridge | NC |
Marquise Deal | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Ava Delellis | Oak Ridge | NC |
Jack Delille | High Point | NC |
Maeve Deltano | Liberty | NC |
Arianna Denman | Staley | NC |
Christion Dessources | Jamestown | NC |
Sophia Deussing | Greensboro | NC |
Haily DiMaggio | Kernersville | NC |
Awa Diop | High Point | NC |
Diana Doan | Jamestown | NC |
Thomas Donato | Kernersville | NC |
Areona Dorsett | Greensboro | NC |
Mason DuBose | Greensboro | NC |
Milcah Edouard | Greensboro | NC |
Skylar Edwards | Goldston | NC |
William Edwards | Summerfield | NC |
Tracy Farlow | Randleman | NC |
Franczeska Ferariza | High Point | NC |
Benny Ferguson | Winston-Salem | NC |
Grayson Fidishun | Greensboro | NC |
Andrew Fields | Greensboro | NC |
Lydia Figueroa | High Point | NC |
Katharine Fleming | Summerfield | NC |
Jordan Flinchum | Greensboro | NC |
Iliana Floode | Fredricksburg | VA |
Oscar Flores-Ortega | Thomasville | NC |
Destinee Ford | Browns Summit | NC |
Brian Foster | Greensboro | NC |
Daveda Fox | Snow Camp | NC |
Derek Francis | New Port Richey | FL |
Isley Fryar | Gibsonville | NC |
Zachary Gale | Summerfield | NC |
Monica Garcia Rico | Greensboro | NC |
Chaltu Garoma | Greensboro | NC |
Lillian Gaston | High Point | NC |
Esther Gathogo | Browns Summit | NC |
Jasmine Gee | Stokesdale | NC |
Anisia Gerald | Greensboro | NC |
Jeana Gibbons | High Point | NC |
Karina Gomez-Yrias | Summerfield | NC |
Jesus Gonzalez-Pineda | High Point | NC |
Brian Granados | Graham | NC |
Kasey Graves | Whitsett | NC |
Molly Graves | High Point | NC |
Annlee Grayson | Oak Ridge | NC |
Zachary Greeley | Lexington | NC |
Latisha Greene | Gibsonville | NC |
McKenzie Greene | Elon College | NC |
Camden Gregory | Greensboro | NC |
Elle Gruer | Winston Salem | NC |
Jessica Guillen-Hernandez | High Point | NC |
Sujan Gurung | High Point | NC |
Jose Guzman | Greensboro | NC |
Faten Hadi | Greensboro | NC |
Taylor Haines | Greensboro | NC |
Amil Hairston | McLeansville | NC |
Tamara Haith | Greensboro | NC |
Danyelle Hall | Browns Summit | NC |
Devin Hall | Greensboro | NC |
Jacob Hamilton | Greensboro | NC |
Kristen Hammed | Thomasville | NC |
Amelia Hansmeyer | High Point | NC |
Robert Hardy | Trinity | NC |
Jesse Harmon | High Point | NC |
Brock Harrington | Greensboro | NC |
Kayla Harris | Burlington | NC |
Hannah Harrison | Greensboro | NC |
Lakesha Harrison | High Point, Nc | NC |
Sofiyah Hashish | Jamestown | NC |
Antonio Hattaway | Elkhorn | NE |
Anthony Hausner | Apex | NC |
Micah Hearn | High Point | NC |
Andi Henderson | Randleman | NC |
Dylan Henderson | Greensboro | NC |
Christopher Hensley | Surprise | AZ |
Ramses Herbert-Oliver | Greensboro | NC |
Brianna Herbin | Reidsville | NC |
Javier Hernandez | Asheboro | NC |
Jacqueline Hernandez-Cruz | Greensboro | NC |
Brittany Herndon | Raleigh | NC |
Douglass Herndon | Greensboro | NC |
Rafael Herrera | Greensboro | NC |
Sha'toria Herring | Greensboro | NC |
Jacob Herrmann | Jamestown | NC |
Joshua Hester | Greensboro | NC |
Alana Hewette | Trinity | NC |
Saya'Ka Hickey | Reidsville | NC |
Christian Hill | Madison | NC |
Kaitlin Hill | Stokesdale | NC |
Kelly Hill | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Makenna Hill | McLeansville | NC |
April Hisey | Walnut Cove | NC |
Nay Chi Hlaing | Greensboro | NC |
Kayley Hodges | Colfax | NC |
Maeve Hollern | Jamestown | NC |
Jalen Hollins | Summerfeild | NC |
Kaitlyn Honeycutt | China Grove | NC |
Alexia Horton | High Point | NC |
Danielle Howle | Greensboro | NC |
Cole Hudson | Greensboro | NC |
Hannah Huffines | Oak Ridge | NC |
Madison Hunt | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Jimmy Hutchens | Stoneville | NC |
Marie Hutchinson | High Point | NC |
Esraa Idris | Greensboro | NC |
Ketia Iteriteka | Greensboro | NC |
Dorian Jackson | Greensboro | NC |
Munirah Jalloh | High Point | NC |
Joseph Jarrett | High Point | NC |
Oliver Javier-Medel | Greensboro | NC |
Danielle Jefferson | Eden | NC |
Emmett Jefferson | Chesapeake | VA |
Josiah Jenkins | Winston Salem | NC |
Natalie Jennings | Randleman | NC |
Damian Jimenez Cambero | Greensboro | NC |
Caden Johnson | Trinity | NC |
Cameron Johnson | Kernersville | NC |
Haley Johnson | Browns Summit | NC |
Logan Johnson | Greensboro | NC |
Mikhayah Johnson | Colfax | NC |
Payton Johnson | Greensboro | NC |
Tamara Johnson | Winston Salem | NC |
Ethan Jones | High Point | NC |
Samantha Jones | Trinity | NC |
Bich Ka | Greensboro | NC |
Ashley Key | Trinity | NC |
Elijah King | Summerfield | NC |
Jamel King | High Point | NC |
Nickolas Kissam | Greensboro | NC |
Amanda Kong | Greensboro | NC |
Marley Koons | Archdale | NC |
Nii Oye Kpakpo | Greensboro | NC |
Olivia Lacombe | Greensboro | NC |
Elizabeth Lambert | Asheboro | NC |
Jeshika Lamsal | Greensboro | NC |
Stephanie Landreth | Clemmons | NC |
Brianne Lanphar | Archdale | NC |
Jasmine Lasley | Thomasville | NC |
Troy Lawrence | Hillsborough | NC |
Sawyer Lazenby | Statesville | NC |
Lydia-Nicole Lee | Greensboro | NC |
Allison Lesser | Greensboro | NC |
Dylan Lewellyn | Greensboro | NC |
Aaron Lewis | Winston-Salem | NC |
Earnest Lewis | Winston Salem | NC |
Kaylyne Lilly | Asheboro | NC |
Markevis Lima | Greensboro | NC |
Austin Long | Matthews | NC |
Caitlin Lookabill | Lexington | NC |
Jessy Loper | High Point | NC |
Orlando Lopez-Garcia | High Point | NC |
Tamara Love | Burlington | NC |
Rylen Lowery | Summerfield | NC |
Nicolas Lowry | Jamestown | NC |
Madison Luck | Seagrove | NC |
Kyle Luecking | Greensboro | NC |
Becka Lundy | Kernersville | NC |
Chad Mabe | Walkertown | NC |
Stephen Mabe | Dobson | NC |
David Mabonge | Greensboro | NC |
Guadalupe Magana Hernandez | Siler City | NC |
Melissa Mahadeo | Greensboro | NC |
Olivia Mahfoud | Summerfield | NC |
Naila Maqsood | High Point | NC |
Nelly Marban | Burlington | NC |
Morgan Marley | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Charles Marlowe | Archdale | NC |
Anthony Marra II | High Point | NC |
Anetra Marshall | Greensboro | NC |
Eliza Marshall | Liberty | NC |
Laura Martinez | High Point | NC |
Roberto Martinez de la Cruz | Madison | NC |
Alondra Martinez-Villanueva | High Point | NC |
Constance Mathews | Greensboro | NC |
Callie Mathis | Thomasville | NC |
Aiden May | Archdale | NC |
Walker McCray | Greensboro | NC |
Sa'Mya McCullough | High Point | NC |
Ravenne McDaniel | Greensboro | NC |
Emma McKoin | Greensboro | NC |
William McMahan | Rougemont | NC |
Brandon Medina | Greensboro | NC |
Sarai Mejia Zanabria | Greensboro | NC |
Patrick Merriman | High Point | NC |
Jonah Messer | Summerfield | NC |
Alyssa Metzger | Kernersville | NC |
Stephen Meyer | Greensboro | NC |
Aaron Miller | Greensboro | NC |
Laura Miller | Greensboro | NC |
Michael Milligan | Reidsville | NC |
Jessica Miracle | High Point | NC |
Lindy Mitchell | Kernersville | NC |
Amira Mohamed Salih | Greensboro | NC |
Alaa MohamedAhmed | Greensboro | NC |
Lizbeth Molina-Zanabria | Mcleansville | NC |
Angela Montanti | Kernersville | NC |
Rosemary Moore | Greensboro | NC |
Luis Morales | High Point | NC |
Elvis Morales Santos | Burlington | NC |
Darlenne Mosqueda | Greensboro | NC |
Melissa Mounce | Greensboro | NC |
Ramsey Musleh | Greensboro | NC |
Seren Nay | Greensboro | NC |
Grant Naylor | Summerfield | NC |
Brylee Nelson | Climax | NC |
Tristan Newman | Camdenton | MO |
Hue Nguyen | High Point | NC |
Joshua Nichols | Mooresville | NC |
D'Vora Nishry-Hall | Greensboro | NC |
Luke Nissen | High Point | NC |
Divic Nkulu | Greensboro | NC |
Nathan Oakley | Franklinville | NC |
Donovan Oke | Clemmons | NC |
Christine Okes | Greensboro | NC |
Marco Olivares | High Point | NC |
Erica Oliver | High Point | NC |
Ezra Ore | Eden | NC |
Rachel Orio | Jamestown | NC |
Diana Orrico | High Point | NC |
Saloni Patel | Stokesdale | NC |
Jeffrey Patteson | Summerfield | NC |
Luke Pawlik | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Danielle Pearce | Wilmington | NC |
Rene Pedraza | Greensboro | NC |
Joshua Perdue | High Point | NC |
Ella Perez | Greensboro | NC |
Jamie Perez | Mocksville | NC |
Jessica Perez-Toledo | Greensboro | NC |
Justin Phan | Oak Ridge | NC |
Jacob Phillips | Reidsville | NC |
Eren Phipps | Randleman | NC |
Jordan Pickett | Siler City | NC |
Brady Pikett | Summerfield | NC |
Abigail Poage | Thomasville | NC |
Bryan Polanco | High Point | NC |
Toriana Poole | Mebane | NC |
Caleb Poston | Jamestown | NC |
Jacob Powell | Statesville | NC |
Tyler Powell | Madison | NC |
Kyle Pruden | Colfax | NC |
Westley Pugh | Greensboro | NC |
Weerakarn Purepong | Chapel Hill | NC |
Mandeep Purewal | Jamestown | NC |
Kristen Quick | High Point | NC |
Josue Rahlan | Greensboro | NC |
Collin Rahn | Summerfield | NC |
Katherine Rakes | Kernersville | NC |
Shawana Rankin | Greensboro | NC |
Chloe Redfern | Lexington | NC |
Damian Regalado | Burlington | NC |
Grayson Reid | Thomasville | NC |
Jeneen Reitano | Greensboro | NC |
Ricardo Reyes-Alvarez | Greensboro | NC |
Madison Rich | Greensboro | NC |
Taleigha Rider | Greensboro | NC |
Raul Rios-Hernandez | Asheboro | NC |
Logan Ripley | High Point | NC |
Santigo Rmah | Greensboro | NC |
Jordan Roberts | Winston Salem | NC |
Petra Robinson | Burlington | NC |
Jasmine Rock | Franklinville | NC |
Elijah Rodriguez | Sanford | NC |
Nickolas Romano | Greensboro | NC |
Asher Rosenbluth | Greensboro | NC |
Christopher Ross | Winston Salem | NC |
Destiny Roth | Julian | NC |
Latoya Russell | High Point | NC |
Tayler Rutledge | Thomasville | NC |
Richard Salazar | Summerfield | NC |
Abdoul Akim Salou Doudou | Burlington | NC |
Abdoul Hamid Salou Doudou | Burlington | NC |
Cailin Sandiford | High Point | NC |
Ashley Sandusky | Greensboro | NC |
Lindley Saurage | Elon | NC |
Conner Scarboro | Archdale | NC |
Jackson Scott | Trinity | NC |
Keli Scott | Burlington | NC |
Roman Scott | Ruffin | NC |
Jakob Seabolt | Winston Salem | NC |
Ila Seamans | Liberty | NC |
Cassidy Sears | China Grove | NC |
Dillan Seaver | Greensboro | NC |
Dylan Sells | Rural Hall | NC |
Zeshan Shah | High Point | NC |
Grant Sharpe | Burlington | NC |
Agis Shaw | Climax | NC |
Josephine Shaw | Mayodan | NC |
Paige Shropshire | Greensboro | NC |
Megan Skalicky | Greensboro | NC |
Sean Skinkle | Greensboro | NC |
Patrick Sloyan | Greensboro | NC |
Colby Smith | Asheboro | NC |
Jeremiah Smith | Greensboro | NC |
Rakesha Smith | Winston Salem | NC |
Amanda Snuggs | Asheboro | NC |
Jennifer Snyder | Greensboro | NC |
Jennifer Solano | Walnut Cove | NC |
Danielle Soria | Jamestown | NC |
Allison Sorrell | Jamestown | NC |
Ariadna Sosa | Greensboro | NC |
Evelina Sosa Felipe | Graham | NC |
Jacqueline Sosa Herrera | Greensboro | NC |
Kenneth Sostre Reyes | Greensboro | NC |
Alisha Squires | High Point | NC |
Auziya Stancil | Greensboro | NC |
Sarah Steele | Cleveland | NC |
Brenna Steger | Aberdeen | NC |
Jena Stinson | Colfax | NC |
Minji Suh | Colfax | NC |
Ashley Swaney | Asheboro | NC |
JazzMarie Sweeney | Randleman | NC |
Brooke Taylor | Whitsett | NC |
Jacob Taylor | High Point | NC |
Dinar Teklu | Greensboro | NC |
Zachary Terwilliger | Stokesdale | NC |
Madison Thabet | Greensboro | NC |
Ayusha Thapa | High Point | NC |
Cleveland Thomas | Greensboro | NC |
Jennifer Thomas | Greensboro | NC |
Summer Thomas | Round Rock | TX |
Trina Thomas | Greensboro | NC |
Charles Thousand | Greensboro | NC |
Makayla Toler | Greensboro | NC |
Alexis Torres | Greensboro | NC |
Norman Torres | Elon College | NC |
Joahan Trejo Velazquez | Greensboro | NC |
Hanh Truong | High Point | NC |
Benjamin Turcola | Stokesdale | NC |
Justin Tyler | Colfax | NC |
Christopher Umoren | Greensboro | NC |
Joshua Valente | Oviedo | FL |
Anthony Valero | Spring Lake | NC |
Yadanira Vallejo | Brown Summit | NC |
Evelyn Vanderveen | Greensboro | NC |
Christian Vasquez | Siler City | NC |
Lee Vernon | Kernersville | NC |
Arianna Villagomez | Greensboro | NC |
Itzel Villarreal | Greensboro | NC |
Anlli Villatoro | High Point | NC |
Zoumana Wague | Greensboro | NC |
Joyce Walden | Asheboro | NC |
Lauryn Walden | High Point | NC |
Peter Waldroup | Walnut Cove | NC |
Macey Walkingstick | Greensboro | NC |
London Wall | Jamestown | NC |
Luke Walters | Cleveland | NC |
Dorian Webster | Greensboro | NC |
Makenzie Webster | Randleman | NC |
Richard Weil | Greensboro | NC |
Piper Westmoreland | Greensboro | NC |
Jefferson Whetstine | Greensboro | NC |
Jessica White | Winston Salem | NC |
William Wicker | Greensboro | NC |
Haley Willard | Greensboro | NC |
Ariel Williams | Greensboro | NC |
Joseph Williams | Eden | NC |
Robert Williams IV | Greensboro | NC |
Grace Wireko | Greensboro | NC |
Eric Wirtz | Oak Ridge | NC |
Shannon Woods | High Point | NC |
Jesse Wright | Greensboro | NC |
Aurora Young | Kernersville | NC |
Brycen Younkman | Stokesdale | NC |
Rebecca Zales | Greensboro | NC |
Sara Zappia | Lexington | NC |
Noe Zaragoza Tapia | Greensboro | NC |
Rubi Zeferino | Rural Hall | NC |
Feitong Zhang | Greensboro | NC |
Honors List
The Honors List includes all program students who complete at least two courses in the summer semester for a minimum of six credit hours, but no more than 11 credit hours and earn at least a 3.5 grade point average with no grade lower than a B.
Name | City | State |
Habiba Abdelaziz | Greensboro | NC |
Ahmed Abdelghafar | Greensboro | NC |
Sumia Abdelnabi | Greensboro | NC |
Nesreen Abdelrahman | Greensboro | NC |
Elham Abdollahi | Greensboro | NC |
Habibou Abdou Kogo | Greensboro | NC |
Zuhair Abdullah | Greensboro | NC |
Amina Abdul-Mutakallim | Burlington | NC |
Munir Abdulraheem | Greensboro | NC |
Sidda Abell | High Point | NC |
Nour Abouzeid | Greensboro | NC |
Huda Abu-Khass | Greensboro | NC |
Ryan Acosta | High Point | NC |
Salwa Adam | Greensboro | NC |
Amber Adams | Greensboro | NC |
Laci Adams | Greensboro | NC |
LaWanda Addison | Greensboro | NC |
Adedayo Adekanle | Greensboro | NC |
Titilope Adeniyi | Greensboro | NC |
Emmanuel Adu Gyamfi | Burlington | NC |
Aminat Adumati | Jamestown | NC |
Mugisa Ahebwa | High Point | NC |
Quinton Ahmad | Franklinville | NC |
Wajahat Ahmad | High Point | NC |
Fatuma Ahmed | Greensboro | NC |
Nohaa Ahmed | Greensboro | NC |
Oula Ahmed | Greensboro | NC |
Rahaf Ahmed | Greensboro | NC |
Lina Ahmednour | Greensboro | NC |
Noor Ahmidouch | Greensboro | NC |
Amiah Aiken | Greensboro | NC |
Aya Al Rufaye | Greensboro | NC |
Tony Alarcon | Greensboro | NC |
Tasleem Albaari | Jamestown | NC |
Emily Albertson | Thomasville | NC |
Jayden Albright | High Point | NC |
Hawra Albu Ali | Greensboro | NC |
Jose Alcacio | Burlington | NC |
Wycliffe Alder | Hillsborough | NC |
Thomas Aldous | Greensboro | NC |
Nicholas Alecse | Greensboro | NC |
Grace Aleman | Burlington | NC |
Nestor Aleman | Greensboro | NC |
Christopher Alexander | High Point | NC |
Mouniratou Alfa Tamimou | Greensboro | NC |
Shanza Ali | High Point | NC |
Cameron Alimi | Greensboro | NC |
Caroline Allen | Greensboro | NC |
Craig Allen | Greensboro | NC |
Joshua Allen | Greensboro | NC |
Mahina Allen | Greensboro | NC |
Reina Alonso | High Point | NC |
Anbr Alshare | High Point | NC |
Carmilla Alston | Greensboro | NC |
Londyn Alston | Greensboro | NC |
Remekia Alston | Charlotte | NC |
Tracey Alston | Greensboro | NC |
Lizbeth Alvarez-Gomez | Thomasville | NC |
Harouna Amadou Hamidou | Greensboro | NC |
Timothy Ambrose | Greensboro | NC |
Marie Amidon | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Gillian Anderson | Greensboro | NC |
Micheal Anderson | High Point | NC |
Sara Anderson | Kernersville | NC |
Eugenia Andrews Commey | Greensboro | NC |
Alyssa Andrijov | Summerfield | NC |
Jackson Angel | High Point | NC |
Venecia Anthony | Greensboro | NC |
Patience Anyikwa | Greensboro | NC |
Jennifer Arguello-Negrete | Greensboro | NC |
Jessica Arguello-Negrete | Greensboro | NC |
Eddy Arriaga-Barrientos | Greensboro | NC |
Tiffany Arrington | Greensboro | NC |
Jasmin Arroyo | Asheboro | NC |
Rayyan Arshad | Summerfield | NC |
Jessie Arteaga | High Point | NC |
Genesis Arzate | Greensboro | NC |
Julissa Arzate | Greensboro | NC |
Tania Asghar | High Point | NC |
Bradley Ashby | Lawsonville | NC |
Mariam Assao | Greensboro | NC |
Hannah Atamian | Greensboro | NC |
Hayden Atchison | High Point | NC |
Brittany Aultman | Thomasville | NC |
Callie Auman | High Point | NC |
Taylor Austin | Greensboro | NC |
Zainab Awan | High Point | NC |
Ysomi Ayun | Greensboro | NC |
David Babbitt | Greensboro | NC |
Lynda Bacon | Garner | NC |
Michael Bacon | Garner | NC |
Leondra Bailey | Winston Salem | NC |
Steven Bailey | High Point | NC |
Adrienne Baker | Charlotte | NC |
Amanda Baker | Burlington | NC |
Silas Baker | High Point | NC |
Tara Baker | Gibsonville | NC |
Khush Bakht | High Point | NC |
Taylor Balamucki | Summerfield | NC |
Talaya Baldwin | Greensboro | NC |
Lila Ballard | Greensboro | NC |
Skylar Ballard | Salisbury | NC |
Jessica Bannie | Greensboro | NC |
Aida Barahona Ventura | Greensboro | NC |
Angel Barahona Ventura | Greensboro | NC |
Teri Barber | Trinity | NC |
Katie Barbour | Reidsville | NC |
Kristin Barker | High Point | NC |
Victoria Barlow | Greensboro | NC |
Sally Barnett | Summerfield | NC |
Patrick Barr | Greensboro | NC |
Madeline Barrett | Stokesdale | NC |
Ieva Barskevicius | Greensboro | NC |
Nicholas Bartlett | High Point | NC |
Clare Battaglia | Thomasville | NC |
Stephon Battle | Whitsett | NC |
Grayson Batzin-Lopez | High Point | NC |
Scott Bauer | Greensboro | NC |
Steven Bauer | Whitsett | NC |
Ashley Bean | Thomasville | NC |
Johnathon Beane | Greensboro | NC |
Mark Beard | Reidsville | NC |
Jessica Becerra | Greensboro | NC |
Esmae Beerbower | Greensboro | NC |
Deania Bell | Winston Salem | NC |
Hunter Bell | Greensboro | NC |
Ayden Benefield | Asheboro | NC |
Michelle Benitez | Archdale | NC |
Geovanna Benitez-Magana | High Point | NC |
Axel Benito Oliva | Winston Salem | NC |
Amoya Bennett | Greensboro | NC |
Jonathan Bennett | Greensboro | NC |
Mauricio Berrocal | Greensboro | NC |
Blake Berry | Greensboro | NC |
James Berry | Greensboro | NC |
Agnes Berta | Burlington | NC |
Prakriti Bhattarai | Summerfield | NC |
Avyukth Bhattu | Greensboro | NC |
Neeraj Bhawnani | Greensboro | NC |
Laurel Bird | Oak Ridge | NC |
Shirisha Bista | High Point | NC |
Supreme Bista | High Point | NC |
Janet Blackman | Yanceyville | NC |
Alexis Blackwell | Greensboro | NC |
Chyna Blackwell | Oak Ridge | NC |
Sarah Blackwood | Greensboro | NC |
Deborah Blake | Greensboro | NC |
Macie Blake | Greensboro | NC |
Naima Blakely | Greensboro | NC |
Gabriel Blanco | Burlington | NC |
Qualesha Bland | High Point | NC |
Laura Bleich | Greensboro | NC |
Jack Bliven | Jamestown | NC |
Madelyn Blocker | Greensboro | NC |
Brayden Blomquist | Climax | NC |
Andres Bolanos | Greensboro | NC |
Amber Bolden | Pfafftown | NC |
Kyle Bolejack | Walnut Cove | NC |
Joshua Bolen | Oak Ridge | NC |
Elizabeth Bolton | Jamestown | NC |
Macy Bolyard | Summerfield | NC |
Christine Bommana | Greensboro | NC |
Jissmery Bonifacio | Greensboro | NC |
Deborah Booker | Greensboro | NC |
Jacqueline Caroline Boone | Greensboro | NC |
Raven Boone | Roanoke Rapids | NC |
Kaiden Borden | Greensboro | NC |
Sylas Boris | Greensboro | NC |
Laraya Bostic | Greensboro | NC |
Antwanette Boston | Winston Salem | NC |
Laura Boswell | Mebane | NC |
Haleigh Boulware | Greensboro | NC |
Nikolas Bouthiette | Greensboro | NC |
Leah Bowen | Greensboro | NC |
John Bowers | Kernersville | NC |
Spencer Boydstun | Graham | NC |
Grace Boyer | Jamestown | NC |
Natalie Brabble | Greensboro | NC |
Kayla Braswell | High Point | NC |
Lane Brewer | Greensboro | NC |
Mary Brewer | Greensboro | NC |
Megan Brewington | Greensboro | NC |
Amelia Brewster | High Point | NC |
Jezreel Brieaddy | High Point | NC |
Briana Bringas Benitez | Asheboro | NC |
Yahir Briones-Miranda | Greensboro | NC |
Sara Brito | High Point | NC |
Tamiya Broadnax | Jamestown | NC |
Raymond Brock | Greensboro | NC |
Autumn Brooks | Jamestown | NC |
John Brooks | Randleman | NC |
Sadie Brothers | Randleman | NC |
Michol Brower | Sanford | NC |
Amelia Brown | Colfax | NC |
Christopher Brown | Greensboro | NC |
Cumeshia Brown | Greensboro | NC |
Devon Brown | Greensboro | NC |
Ella Brown | Oak Ridge | NC |
Holden Brown | Greensboro | NC |
Joshua Brown | High Point | NC |
Katherine Brown | Greensboro | NC |
Lisa Brown | High Point | NC |
Lori Brown | Greensboro | NC |
Smith Brown | Oak Ridge | NC |
Tamara Brown | Kernersville | NC |
Zane Brown | Franklinville | NC |
Kaylyn Bryan | McLeansville | NC |
Justin Bryant | Whitsett | NC |
Jonathan Bryson | High Point | NC |
Desiree Bucknor | Winston Salem | NC |
Khoi Bui | Jamestown | NC |
Vy Bui | Greensboro | NC |
Alison Bullard | Greensboro | NC |
Amia Bullard | Whitsett | NC |
Mark Bulmer | High Point | NC |
Zoe Bumgarner | Archdale | NC |
Nitteria Bumpers | Greensboro | NC |
Rebecca Burchfield | Julian | NC |
Christiane Burege | High Point | NC |
Corey Burgess II | McLeansville | NC |
Shalimar Burnette | Durham | NC |
Gary Burrell | Greensboro | NC |
Ava Burton | High Point | NC |
Levi Burton | High Point | NC |
Madison Bushey | Greensboro | NC |
Grayson Butler | Greensboro | NC |
Jack Butler | Greensboro | NC |
Rylie Butler | Greensboro | NC |
Linden Butterfield | High Point | NC |
Haley Byrd | Kernersville | NC |
Jaelyn Byrd | Greensboro | NC |
MacKenzi Cabiness | Jamestown | NC |
Triniti Cabiness | Jamestown | NC |
Blanca Cabrera Duran | Asheboro | NC |
Mackenzie Caldwell | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Curry Calver | Thomasville | NC |
LaConte Campbell | Winston Salem | NC |
Maci Campbell | Thomasville | NC |
Fernando Cano-Cisneros | Randleman | NC |
Angela Cao | Jamestown | NC |
Maira Carmona Gomez | Greensboro | NC |
Jesse Carpenter | High Point | NC |
Rony Carrera | High Point | NC |
Jackelin Carrillo Ibarra | Liberty | NC |
Alexis Carrington | Greensboro | NC |
Maysen Carter | Greensboro | NC |
Aileen Castaneda Labra | Greensboro | NC |
Stephanie Castellanos-Olivares | Greensboro | NC |
Maria Castillo | Greensboro | NC |
Kathelin Castro-Martinez | Reidsville | NC |
Amanda Causey | Stokesdale | NC |
Sydney Causey | Greensboro | NC |
Ryan Cecilio | High Point | NC |
Montserrat Cerda | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Danielle Cerrie | Huntersville | NC |
Rose Chafee | Kernserville | NC |
Candy Chambers | Brown Summit | NC |
Gregory Chance | Thomasville | NC |
Sarah Chang | Oak Ridge | NC |
Adara Chanthakham | Greensboro | NC |
Kizzy Chapman | Greensboro | NC |
Tiyana Chapman | High Point | NC |
Lauren Chatman | Eden | NC |
Bilal Chaudhry | High Point | NC |
Emely Chavez | Winston Salem | NC |
Payton Cheek | Greensboro | NC |
Mohammad Chenchar | Greensboro | NC |
Yendie Poica Cherenfant | Greensboro | NC |
Gabrielle Chisholm | Greensboro | NC |
Maleny Chiu-Gonzalez | Greensboro | NC |
Hope Choi | High Point | NC |
Hyeone Choi | Greensboro | NC |
Safa Choudry | High Point | NC |
Taelor Chrisco | Cedar Grove | NC |
Jessica Clapp | Liberty | NC |
Mikaela Clapp | Gibsonville | NC |
Briana Clark | Greensboro | NC |
Kelly Clark | Greensboro | NC |
Monique Clark | Greensboro | NC |
Jonathan Clarke | High Point | NC |
Monique Clarke | Concord | NC |
Jessica Clement | Greensboro | NC |
Noah Clouser | Jamestown | NC |
Erin Coble | Graham | NC |
Lauren Coffey | Gibsonville | NC |
Cade Coffman | High Point | NC |
Jacob Cole | Summerfield | NC |
Nohemi Cole | Greensboro | NC |
Persis Coleman | Greensboro | NC |
Cedric Collins | Archdale | NC |
Jessica Collins | Winston Salem | NC |
Terri Collins | Kernersville | NC |
Christina Coltrane | Liberty | NC |
Adam Combs | Greensboro | NC |
Carrie Comer | Greensboro | NC |
Gray Comer | Belews Creek | NC |
Samuel Comer | Greensboro | NC |
Anna Conley | Gibsonville | NC |
Zakkariah Connelly | High Point | NC |
Joshua Conrad | Greensboro | NC |
Esaul Contreras Gonzalez | Clemmons | NC |
Daron Cook | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Lauren Cook | Jamestown | NC |
Mackenzie Cook | Mayodan | NC |
Thomas Cook | Greensboro | NC |
Dallas Cooke | Greensboro | NC |
Henry Cooper | Wilmington | NC |
Orli Cooper | Greensboro | NC |
Talya Cooper | Greensboro | NC |
William Cooper | Summerfield | NC |
Candace Coover | Asheboro | NC |
Destinee Copeland | High Point | NC |
Anna Copley | High Point | NC |
Anna Copple | Oak Ridge | NC |
Guery Cordovadisla | Archdale | NC |
Jamie Corns | Stoneville | NC |
Jacquelin Corona-Hernandez | Saint Pauls | NC |
Zachary Corradini | Graham | NC |
Vanesa Cortes Miramontes | Greensboro | NC |
Jersey Cosgrove | Archdale | NC |
Meredith Costner | Greensboro | NC |
Maddox Cotten | Greensboro | NC |
Stacie Cotton | Greensboro | NC |
Sydney Cotton | Asheboro | NC |
Karen Coughlin | Jamestown | NC |
Sydney Couglar | Greensboro | NC |
Casey Cox | Greensboro | NC |
Erin Cox | Greensboro | NC |
Klowlie Cox | Clemmons | NC |
Meuriel Cox | Greensboro | NC |
Sylvia Cozart | Greensboro | NC |
Bayleigh Cranford | Jamestown | NC |
Sandra Cranford | Thomasville | NC |
Isaac Cravey | Greensboro | NC |
India Crawford | Reidsville | NC |
Carli Crews | High Point | NC |
Zabrina Crickon | Burlington | NC |
Torrie Crisp | Burlington | NC |
Antonio Crosby | Greensboro | NC |
Matthew Crosby | Oak Ridge | NC |
Kristin Cross | High Point | NC |
Laurel Cross | Lexington | NC |
Marie Cross | Brown Summit | NC |
Mikayla Crouch | High Point | NC |
Nicholas Cruthis | Greensboro | NC |
Areli Cruz | Siler City | NC |
Carl Cubarrubia | Walnut Cove | NC |
Jamie Culler | Greensboro | NC |
Carter Cummins | Greensboro | NC |
Taneja Cunningham | Greensboro | NC |
Nini Cuong | Greensboro | NC |
Jessica Currie | Winston Salem | NC |
Delores Curry | High Point | NC |
Abby Cushing | Greensboro | NC |
Jashawnda Cyrus | High Point | NC |
Araj Dahal | High Point | NC |
Jefferson Dang | Greensboro | NC |
Josephine Danner | Greensboro | NC |
Chi Dao | Greensboro | NC |
Carlie Darnell | Salisbury | NC |
Merrick David | Goldsboro | NC |
Don Davidson | High Point | NC |
Abigail Davis | High Point | NC |
Amanda Davis | High Point | NC |
Brendon Davis | High Point | NC |
Desiree Davis | High Point | NC |
Gavin Davis | Gibsonville | NC |
Jeremy Davis | Greensboro | NC |
Kenroy Davis | Greensboro | NC |
Kenneth Dawkins | Greensboro | NC |
Kim Days | Greensboro | NC |
Arianna De Los Santos-Zarate | High Point | NC |
Monique Deacon | Burlington | NC |
Crystal Dean | Greensboro | NC |
David Dean | Reidsville | NC |
Kayleigh Deaton | Greensboro | NC |
Charity DeBrew | Greensboro | NC |
Lauren Decareaux | Greensboro | NC |
Rachael Dee | High Point | NC |
Elizabeth Degnon | Greensboro | NC |
Caroline Delellis | Oak Ridge | NC |
Raymond Deleon | Greensboro | NC |
Jacnel DeLeon-Pino | High Point | NC |
Kara Dell | Colfax | NC |
Bobby Dennis | Lexington | NC |
Dustin Dennison | Gibsonville | NC |
Bethany Denson | Madison | NC |
Lyric Dew | Greensboro | NC |
Juree Dews | Greensboro | NC |
Gisela Diaz Sura | Greensboro | NC |
Andrew Diaz-Hernandez | High Point | NC |
Thomas Dicellis | Greensboro | NC |
Brenden Dick | Greensboro | NC |
Allison Dickens | Greensboro | NC |
Sierra Dickerson | Siler City | NC |
Teresa Dickerson | Archdale | NC |
Sophia Diez | Greensboro | NC |
Kabel Dillard | Warrensville | NC |
Caitlyn Dixon | Colfax | NC |
Latisha Dixon | Greensboro | NC |
Kadidjatou Djibril | Greensboro | NC |
Jodie Do | Greensboro | NC |
Philip Do | Greensboro | NC |
Giene Dobbins | High Point | NC |
Grace Dodd | Randleman | NC |
Alaina Doss | Summerfield | NC |
Brianna Dove | Reidsville | NC |
Genesis Dowd | Greensboro | NC |
Jon Doyle | Stokesdale | NC |
Kaitlyn Draper | Jamestown | NC |
Ethan Duarte-Nirenberg | Greensboro | NC |
Kayla Duggins | Eden | NC |
Ameen Dumauriet | High Point | NC |
Sadie Duncan | Franklinville | NC |
Jaden Dunkelberger | Oak Ridge | NC |
Lacosta Dunn | Thomasville | NC |
Mikhayla Dunn | Graham | NC |
Rene Durant | Lexington | NC |
Madison Dyer | Oak Ridge | NC |
Sarah Dzielski | Archdale | NC |
Olivia Eagle | Greensboro | NC |
Abigail Early | Summerfield | NC |
James Early | Gibsonville | NC |
Kaitlyn Early | Summerfield | NC |
Michael Eastridge | Asheboro | NC |
Megan Echerd | Thomasville | NC |
Manuela Eckert | High Point | NC |
Jacob Edens | Oak Ridge | NC |
Evan Edmondson | Greensboro | NC |
Kacy Edmondson | Greensboro | NC |
Anderson Edwards | New Bern | NC |
Kayla Edwards | Winston Salem | NC |
Samantha Eisenman | High Point | NC |
Moaz Elasmar | Kannapolis | NC |
Razan Elboshra | Greensboro | NC |
Slma Elboshra | Greensboro | NC |
John Eller | High Point | NC |
Morgan Ellington | Mayodan | NC |
Makenna Elliott | Stokesdale | NC |
Rachel Elliott | Greensboro | NC |
Caitlyn Ellison | McLeansville | NC |
Charles Ellison | Greensboro | NC |
Makayla Ellison | Winston Salem | NC |
Wilburn English | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Henry Enholm | Greensboro | NC |
Brandon Entsminger | High Point | NC |
Nicholas Epps | High Point | NC |
Jennie Ergott | Greensboro | NC |
Margaret Erikson | High Point | NC |
Tabitha Ervin | Greensboro | NC |
Yanet Espino | High Point | NC |
Karime Espinoza-Arredondo | Greensboro | NC |
William Espinoza-Morales | Whitsett | NC |
Yarisbel Espinoza-Rivera | High Point | NC |
Sandra Esraeil | Winston Salem | NC |
Reagan Esser | High Point | NC |
Kamila Estrada - Diaz | High Point | NC |
Hannah Eudy | Greensboro | NC |
Aubrey Evans | High Point | NC |
Nadrell Evans | Wallburg | NC |
Taylor Evans | Greensboro | NC |
Vanessa Evaristo Estrada | Winston Salem | NC |
Abigail Everett | Greensboro | NC |
Tiffany Falls | Mount Holly | NC |
Christina Fantaci | Greensboro | NC |
Breanna Farrar | Greensboro | NC |
Giana Faucette | High Point | NC |
Jacob Faucette | Summerfield | NC |
Shannon Faucette | Climax | NC |
Nadia Febres | Greensboro | NC |
Noah Fernandez | Greensboro | NC |
Daniel Ferree | Summerfield | NC |
Jean-Claude Festo | High Point | NC |
Rylan Fetters | Summerfield | NC |
Sarah Fields | Thomasville | NC |
S'Mari Fields | Durham | NC |
Ashley Fierro | High Point | NC |
Madeline Fisher | Greensboro | NC |
Shyann Fisher | Greensboro | NC |
Christopher Fleming | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Mykayla Flemming | Greensboro | NC |
Kiara Flores | Thomasville | NC |
Lilia Flores | Sanford | NC |
Carr Folds | Greensboro | NC |
Nathan Folsom | Greensboro | NC |
Owen Folsom | Greensboro | NC |
Alaina Foor | Gibsonville | NC |
Rebecca Ford | Reidsville | NC |
Cassidy Fore | Greensboro | NC |
Candice Foreman | Greensboro | NC |
Sebastian Foreman | Greensboro | NC |
Hayden Fossett | Greensboro | NC |
Ava Foster | Greensboro | NC |
Carmen Foster | Greensboro | NC |
Ethan Foster | High Point | NC |
JoAnn Foster | Greensboro | NC |
Matthew Foster | Graham | NC |
Emily Fourqurean | Greensboro | NC |
Fatima Fowad | Greensboro | NC |
Morgan Fowler | Greensboro | NC |
Noah Fox | Trinity | NC |
Julian Freelove | Greensboro | NC |
Erica Freeman | Greensboro | NC |
Kennedy Frink | Whitsett | NC |
Ethan Frisch | Greensboro | NC |
Katelyn Frontino | Browns Summit | NC |
Anderson Froysell | Greensboro | NC |
Cassidy Frye | Greensboro | NC |
Mary Fuller | High Point | NC |
Zaniyah Fuller | Greensboro | NC |
Christopher Fulton-Abbott | Winston Salem | NC |
James Funez | Greensboro | NC |
Iraida Fung | Greensboro | NC |
Siddharth Gadhiya | Jamestown | NC |
Onysti' Gainey | McLeansville | NC |
Natalie Gallegos | Thomasville | NC |
Cristian Galvez | Greensboro | NC |
Katya Gamez-Santillan | Thomasville | NC |
Gregory Gammon | Mcleansville | NC |
Scott Gammons | Eden | NC |
Manvi Gandla | High Point | NC |
Alexis Ganim | Greensboro | NC |
Emely Garcia | High Point | NC |
Heyda Garcia | Kernersville | NC |
Jose Garcia | High Point | NC |
Sofia Garcia | Greensboro | NC |
Kyara Garcia Alor | Greensboro | NC |
Amy Garcia-Gomez | Greensboro | NC |
Kenny Garcia-Lorente | High Point | NC |
Abigail Garcia-Ruiz | Greensboro | NC |
Eman Garhoom | Greensboro | NC |
Hiwot Gari | Greensboro | NC |
Grace Garner | Oak Ridge | NC |
Chauncee Garrett | Greensboro | NC |
Nathan Garrett | Greensboro | NC |
Savannah Gaskins | Pittsboro | NC |
Olivia Gaster | Greensboro | NC |
Anna Gatewood | Oak Ridge | NC |
Timothy Gaylord | Greensboro | NC |
Abram Gee | Winston Salem | NC |
Sarah Geese | Greensboro | NC |
Dylan George | Greensboro | NC |
Emily Gerringer | Eden | NC |
Adam Ghris | High Point | NC |
Ladora Gilbert | High Point | NC |
Morgan Gilliam | Greensboro | NC |
Caroline Gilliland | Greensboro | NC |
Patricia Gilmer | Greensboro | NC |
Portia Gilmore | High Point | NC |
Elizabeth Girolamo | Greensboro | NC |
Harold Godwin | Greensboro | NC |
Tracy Godwin | Greensboro | NC |
Kaidyn Goins | Greensboro | NC |
Michael Goins | Greensboro | NC |
Samuel Goins | Greensboro | NC |
Brenda Gomez | Greensboro | NC |
Daniella Gomez | Greensboro | NC |
Borys Gonzalez | Winston Salem | NC |
Corrina Gonzalez | Stoneville | NC |
Maria Gonzalez Pantoja | Greensboro | NC |
Bianca Gonzalez-Rojas | Greensboro | NC |
Sawyer Goots | Summerfield | NC |
Adam Gordy | Kernersville | NC |
Sarah Gossett | Whitsett | NC |
Tucker Gowan | Kernersville | NC |
Leannah Gowen-Goad | Asheboro | NC |
Kent Graham | Jamestown | NC |
Audrey Grant | Oak Ridge | NC |
Jamie Grant | High Point | NC |
Caitlyn Gratz | Greensboro | NC |
Carrielelia Graves | Greensboro | NC |
Aaric Gray | Greensboro | NC |
Alyssa Gray | Greensboro | NC |
Angel Gray | Greensboro | NC |
Brooks Gray | Greensboro | NC |
Essence Gray | Greensboro | NC |
Joya Gray | High Point | NC |
Sarah Greco | Asheboro | NC |
Lawanda Green | Rocky Mount | NC |
Brooke Greene | Greensboro | NC |
Jessica Greene | Greensboro | NC |
Malicha Greene | Greensboro | NC |
Michael Greene | High Point | NC |
Sarah Greene | Greensboro | NC |
Bethany Greer | Summerfield | NC |
Zhamia Greer | Greensboro | NC |
Tate-Ashton Gresham | Oak Ridge | NC |
Delaney Grider | Jamestown | NC |
Joseph Griffie-Sabatino | Greensboro | NC |
Aleesya Griffin | Durham | NC |
Brittney Griffin | Greensboro | NC |
Jayden Griffin | Greensboro | NC |
Mackenzie Griffin | High Point | NC |
Noah Griffin | Madison | NC |
Soleil Grinage | Greensboro | NC |
Joseph Grubbs | Gibsonville | NC |
Anya Gruer | Winston Salem | NC |
Mia Guerrieri | Summerfield | NC |
Daniel Guevara | Greensboro | NC |
Taylor Guglielmo | High Point | NC |
Lillian Guilbeau | Summerfield | NC |
David Guild | Kernersville | NC |
Nathan Guite Jr. | Greensboro | NC |
Keshawn Gunthrop | High Point | NC |
Natalina Guseppe | Greensboro | NC |
William Gusler III | Greensboro | NC |
Coral Gutierrez | Thomasville | NC |
Sandria Gutierrez | High Point | NC |
Brooklyn Guy | Greensboro | NC |
Marco Guzman-Balcazar | Greensboro | NC |
Lillian Hahn | Oak Ridge | NC |
Hannah Haines | Greensboro | NC |
Anjolee Hairston | High Point | NC |
Jasmine Hairston | High Point | NC |
John Halages | Winston Salem | NC |
Emily Halford | Summerfield | NC |
Brock Hall | Summerfield | NC |
Clyde Hall | Greensboro | NC |
Morgan Hall | Greensboro | NC |
Xavier Hall | Winston Salem | NC |
ShyAnne Hambright | McLeansville | NC |
Noha Hamed | Thomasville | NC |
Fajr Hamidou | Greensboro | NC |
Sarah Hamilton | Greensboro | NC |
Angeline Hammer | Jamestown | NC |
Nathaniel Hammer | Jamestown | NC |
Samuel Hammond | Oak Ridge | NC |
Aisha Hampton | Greensboro | NC |
Samantha Hamrick | High Point | NC |
Allison Hancock | Greensboro | NC |
Sadie Hansen | Jamestown | NC |
Calvin Hansmeyer | High Point | NC |
Joanna Hanson | Oak Ridge | NC |
Victoria Hanzek | Greensboro | NC |
James Harbaugh | Colfax | NC |
Sachiko Harding | Greensboro | NC |
Justin Hargett | Jamestown | NC |
Lindsay Hargrove | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Sharmaine Harper | Greensboro | NC |
Kiera Harrell | Greensboro | NC |
William Harrington | Greensboro | NC |
Bethanie Harris | High Point | NC |
Cohen Harris | Randleman | NC |
Jasmine Harris | Browns Summit | NC |
Jeremiah Harris | Greensboro | NC |
Maya Harris | Greensboro | NC |
Evelyn Harrison | High Point | NC |
Dylan Hartman | Colfax | NC |
William Hartsell | Greensboro | NC |
Samra Hashim | Greensboro | NC |
Matthew Hatch | Winston Salem | NC |
Samantha Haven | Greensboro | NC |
Anna Haviland | Greensboro | NC |
Esther Hawks | Greensboro | NC |
Amy Hayes | Elon | NC |
Liliana Hayes | Summerfield | NC |
Qulayna Hayes | Greensboro | NC |
Christina Hayworth | Greensboro | NC |
Megan Heater | Greensboro | NC |
Nicholas Heavener | Walnut Cove | NC |
Terry Hedenskog II | Colfax | NC |
Jessica Hedrick | Stokesdale | NC |
Abigail Heide | Greensboro | NC |
Alana Henderson | Trinity | NC |
Kayla Henderson | Greensboro | NC |
Mallory Henderson | Winston Salem | NC |
Latisha Hendricks | High Point | NC |
Camryn Henley | Gibsonville | NC |
Samantha Henley | Asheboro | NC |
Eleazar Hernandez | Mayodan | NC |
Jasmine Hernandez | Greensboro | NC |
Jason Hernandez | Greensboro | NC |
Yamileth Hernandez | Greensboro | NC |
Yulissa Hernandez | Asheboro | NC |
Johana Hernandez-Moreno | Thomasville | NC |
Liliana Hernandez-Serrano | Asheboro | NC |
Addison Herndon | Greensboro | NC |
Audrey Herrick | Greensboro | NC |
Shar'Dayrias Herring | Greensboro | NC |
Brian Hershey | High Point | NC |
Erica Hester | Gibsonville | NC |
Felicia Hewitt | Archdale | NC |
Dillon Hicks | Stokesdale | NC |
Gavin Hill | Summerfield | NC |
Jackson Hill | Greensboro | NC |
Jennifer Hill | Greensboro | NC |
Joshua Hill | Jamestown | NC |
Xavier Hill | Greensboro | NC |
Paige Hilton | Greensboro | NC |
Elaine Hinkel | Raleigh | NC |
Thomas Hinkle | Oak Ridge | NC |
Hailey Hinshaw | Liberty | NC |
Rebekah Hinson | Greensboro | NC |
Dylan Hirko | Stokesdale | NC |
Leyna Hirko | Stokesdale | NC |
Ryan Hirko | Stokesdale | NC |
Jenna Hirvonen | Oak Ridge | NC |
Tina Ho | Greensboro | NC |
Haley Hobson | Greensboro | NC |
Hayden Hodge | Greensboro | NC |
William Hodges | Greensboro | NC |
Peyton Hoenig | Asheboro | NC |
Peyton Hoffmeyer | Oak Ridge | NC |
Parker Holian | Greensboro | NC |
Raine Holiday | Greensboro | NC |
Joshua Holley | Chapel Hill | NC |
Joel Holt | Greensboro | NC |
Kasey Holyfield | Greensboro | NC |
Christian Honeycutt | Trinity | NC |
Grace Honeycutt | Winston Salem | NC |
Valerie Honeycutt | Browns Summit | NC |
Kellie Hooker | High Point | NC |
Anslee Hooks | Greensboro | NC |
James Hopkins | Greensboro | NC |
Nicholas Horne | Browns Summit | NC |
Logan Horner | Browns Summit | NC |
Brittany Horton | Greensboro | NC |
Courtney Horton | Greensboro | NC |
Sarah Hosseinzadeh | Summerfield | NC |
Hayley House | High Point | NC |
Savannah Hovander | Greensboro | NC |
Christopher Howard | Whitsett | NC |
John Howard | Greensboro | NC |
Faith Howell | Smithfield | NC |
Johnathan Howell | Browns Summit | NC |
Sa'mani Hoyle | High Point | NC |
Suzanne Hoyle | Edwardsville | PA |
Daniel Hoyng | High Point | NC |
Hay Tha Blay Htoo | High Point | NC |
Hsa Htoo | High Point | NC |
James Htoo | High Point | NC |
April Htun | High Point | NC |
Margaret Htun | High Point | NC |
Julia Hubbard | High Point | NC |
Neah Hubbard | Charlotte | NC |
Taylor Hudgins | Jamestown | NC |
Brooklyn Huff | Climax | NC |
Meghan Huff | Greensboro | NC |
Miranda Huffman | Climax | NC |
Courtney Hunt | Archdale | NC |
Hayley Hunt | High Point | NC |
Judah Hunter | High Point | NC |
Alexander Huntington | Ramseur | NC |
Miles Hurst | Greensboro | NC |
Henry Huynh | Greensboro | NC |
Seokbeen Hwang | Summerfield | NC |
Ashley Hyde | High Point | NC |
Stella Igihozo | Greensboro | NC |
Lauren Ingram | Jamestown | NC |
Shahan Irfan | Greensboro | NC |
Lael Irons | High Point | NC |
Isabele Isaacs | Winston Salem | NC |
Wabwake Ishibolecho | Greensboro | NC |
Marshall Isley | Whitsett | NC |
Assoumana Issa Yarima | Raleigh | NC |
Ah'Niyah Jackson | High Point | NC |
Ashleigh Jackson | Greensboro | NC |
Branden Jackson | High Point | NC |
Caria Jackson | Burlington | NC |
Erik Jackson | Greensboro | NC |
Joseph Jackson | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Shannon Jackson | Thomasville | NC |
Aliyah Jackson-Backstrom | Greensboro | NC |
Amanda Jacob | Greensboro | NC |
Brittany Jacobs | High Point | NC |
Brent James | Graham | NC |
Javon James | Greensboro | NC |
Mikaylah James | Greensboro | NC |
Cassidy Janetta | Greensboro | NC |
Skylar Jannetta | Greensboro | NC |
Jaelynn Jarvis | Whitsett | NC |
Brenda Jasso | Summerfield | NC |
Jose Jasso | Greensboro | NC |
Laurie Jean | High Point | NC |
Muleine Jean | High Point | NC |
Makayla Jefferys | Reidsville | NC |
Marissa Jeffrey-Cook | Wilson | NC |
Paul Jeffy | Greensboro | NC |
Darell Jenkins | High Point | NC |
Latorria Jenkins | High Point | NC |
Ashanti Jennings | Greensboro | NC |
Atherton Jessup | Westfield | NC |
Juan Jimenez-Mora | Greensboro | NC |
Aaron Johnson | Summerfield | NC |
Adam Johnson | Reidsville | NC |
Allie Johnson | Reidsville | NC |
Ashley Johnson | Greensboro | NC |
Brantley Johnson | Greensboro | NC |
Cachet Johnson | Greensboro | NC |
Caleb Johnson | Jamestown | NC |
Dana Johnson | Burlington | NC |
Emily Johnson | Greensboro | NC |
Evan Johnson | Climax | NC |
Joel Johnson | Greensboro | NC |
Leigha Johnson | Henderson | NC |
Mollie Johnson | Greensboro | NC |
Stephanie Johnson | Greensboro | NC |
Victor Johnson | Browns Summit | NC |
Whitney Johnson | Greensboro | NC |
Brionna Johnson-Woods | Greensboro | NC |
Avery Jones | High Point | NC |
Christopher Jones | High Point | NC |
Jacklynn Jones | Greensboro | NC |
Jeffrey Jones | Greensboro | NC |
Jessica Jones | Greensboro | NC |
Jevonte' Jones | High Point | NC |
Kristin Jones | Greensboro | NC |
Meagan Jones | Mocksville | NC |
Monica Jones | High Point | NC |
NaShonn Jones | Whitsett | NC |
Peyton Jones | High Point | NC |
Ayden Jordan | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Shelly Jordan | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Amy Joyce | Stoneville | NC |
Jessica Joyce | Summerfield | NC |
Melissa Joyce | Stoneville | NC |
Keyonna Joyner | Winston Salem | NC |
Serenity Joyner | High Point | NC |
Christian Juarez Solis | Thomasville | NC |
Elizabeth Justice | High Point | NC |
Kjon K | Greensboro | NC |
Cole Kalmerton | Greensboro | NC |
Mikaela Kamsch | Greensboro | NC |
Fethiye Kandil | McLeansville | NC |
Junsoo Kang | Madison | NC |
Jordan Karpovich | Trinity | NC |
Omar Kassem | Greensboro | NC |
Adele Kattenfeld | High Point | NC |
Jemima Kavusa | Browns Summit | NC |
Shahad Kawaz | Phoenix | AZ |
Samia Kayass | Greensboro | NC |
Margaret Kearns | High Point | NC |
Sarah Keatts | Jamestown | NC |
Grace-Anne Keen | Greensboro | NC |
Samantha Keene | Stokesdale | NC |
Lori Keffer | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Shalontria Kelly | Jamestown | NC |
Connor Kendrick | Liberty | NC |
Samantha Kennedy | Greensboro | NC |
Sherry Kent | Greensboro | NC |
Courtney Kenyon | Lexington | NC |
Fatemeh Keshavarz | Summerfield | NC |
Maryam Keshavarz | Summerfield | NC |
Linda Khalfalla | Greensboro | NC |
Anas Khan | High Point | NC |
Danial Khan | High Point | NC |
Farah Khan | Summerfield | NC |
Fatima Khan | High Point | NC |
Fiza Khan | High Point | NC |
Murad Khan | High Point | NC |
Suleman Khan | High Point | NC |
Zaryab Khan | High Point | NC |
David Khanatayev | Greensboro | NC |
Layla Khribi | Greensboro | NC |
Heather Kicker | Walnut Cove | NC |
Benjamin Kieffer | Greensboro | NC |
Aubrey Kim | Greensboro | NC |
Jooye Kim | Greensboro | NC |
Lydia Kim | Summerfield | NC |
Philip Kim | Greensboro | NC |
Tracey Kimbrell | Henderson | NC |
Brennan King | Oak Ridge | NC |
Mathaeyia King | Greensboro | NC |
Nathan King | Greensboro | NC |
Marin Kinter | Greensboro | NC |
Meghan Kirkland | High Point | NC |
Mara Kivett | Greensboro | NC |
Kayla Kizzie | Greensboro | NC |
Alice Klawitter | Oak Ridge | NC |
Genny Klein | Greensboro | NC |
Kimberly Klipper | Greensboro | NC |
Marcus Klumb | Siler City | NC |
Mykaylah Klumb | Jamestown | NC |
Alexis Knape | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Caroline Knox | Jamestown | NC |
Brigetta Kohlmeyer Bennett | Browns Summit | NC |
Jessica Koirala | High Point | NC |
Essi Komlavi | Greensboro | NC |
Sadie Korzekwa | Liberty | NC |
Shanmukha Kota | Greensboro | NC |
Elvice Kotangonda | Greensboro | NC |
Bum Kpa | Greensboro | NC |
H-Muer Kpa | Greensboro | NC |
Y'ut Kpa | Greensboro | NC |
Jug Kpor | Greensboro | NC |
William Kramer | High Point | NC |
Molly Kraska | Greensboro | NC |
Petar Krastev | High Point | NC |
William Krueger | Summerfield | NC |
Attisyn Kruse | Greensboro | NC |
Joyline Kurgat | Burlington | NC |
Samuel Kwarteng | Greensboro | NC |
Courtney Kwong | Greensboro | NC |
David Lagunas-Rodriguez | Burlington | NC |
Abigail Laing | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Logan Laing | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Biljana Lakic | High Point | NC |
Lymara Lam | Greensboro | NC |
Preston Lambeth | Greensboro | NC |
Ciara Land | Greensboro | NC |
Isaac Land | High Point | NC |
Amanda Lane | Stokesdale | NC |
Lindsey Langford | Eden | NC |
Patricia Lankford | Greensboro | NC |
Joshua Lanning | Greensboro | NC |
Isaac Lara | Kernersville | NC |
Daisha Lark | Huntersville | NC |
Mallory Latimer | Oak Ridge | NC |
Sage Latour | Browns Summit | NC |
James Lawhorne | Summerfield | NC |
Leah Lawrence | Greensboro | NC |
Sharlene Lawrence | Trinity | NC |
Abigail Lawson | Greensboro | NC |
Hung Le | Greensboro | NC |
Huynh Le | Lumberton | NC |
Jennifer Le | Greensboro | NC |
Truc Le | High Point | NC |
Kohl Le Gall | Greensboro | NC |
Liam Leak | Colfax | NC |
Judith Leal | Asheboro | NC |
Alia Leasiolagi | High Point | NC |
Maria Ledesma Garcia | Greensboro | NC |
Jennifer Ledford | Thomasville | NC |
Jason Lee | Jamestown | NC |
Emily Lejeune | McLeansville | NC |
Zoe Lemon | Greensboro | NC |
Josephine Lemp | High Point | NC |
Tyresse Lenoir | Greensboro | NC |
Rebeka Leonard | Stokesdale | NC |
Kaylah Lesane | Greensboro | NC |
Kaley Lesperance | Summerfield | NC |
Kinata Leuangpaseuth | Greensboro | NC |
Dawn Levine | Greensboro | NC |
Trevor Lewallen | Trinity | NC |
Amarie Lewis | High Point | NC |
Dylan Lewis | Greensboro | NC |
Lauren Lewis | High Point | NC |
Rebecca Lewis | Winston Salem | NC |
Robert Lichtenstein Jr. | Stokesdale | NC |
Ethan Limousin | Greensboro | NC |
Carla Lindsay | Thomasville | NC |
Joslyn Lindsay | Oak Ridge | NC |
Sakia Lindsay | Greensboro | NC |
Linus Lingle | Colfax | NC |
Samara Lipford | Greensboro | NC |
Victoria Livaudais | Summerfield | NC |
Jorge Lizcano Zea | High Point | NC |
Jazmin Llanes | Thomasville | NC |
Annalee Lloyd | Greensboro | NC |
JadaSky Lloyd | Greensboro | NC |
Courtney Logan | Greensboro | NC |
Riley Logan | Kernersville | NC |
Tayana Logan | High Point | NC |
Sadie Lokers | Summerfield | NC |
Cora Long | Belews Creek | NC |
Evelyn Long | Siler City | NC |
Sydney Long | McLeansville | NC |
Rose Lopez | Greensboro | NC |
Gianna Lord | Colfax | NC |
Morgan Lorenz | McLeansville | NC |
Sophia Lorenzo | Greensboro | NC |
Miracle Love | Greensboro | NC |
Jason Lovett | Summerfield | NC |
Zeffier Lovett | Whitsett | NC |
Victoria Lowe | Trinity | NC |
Christina Lowrey | Oak Ridge | NC |
Jenifer Lucas | Greensboro | NC |
Shelliann Lunan Smarr | Greensboro | NC |
LaJacia Lyles | Greensboro | NC |
Jack Lynch | Colfax | NC |
Harley Lyons-Hildebrand | Greensboro | NC |
Brittany Mack | Graham | NC |
Jasmine Mack | Whitsett | NC |
Andre Mackey | Greensboro | NC |
Romisha Magar | Greensboro | NC |
Tyler Mahaney | Randleman | NC |
Sahar Mahmoud | Greensboro | NC |
McKenzie Mahoney | High Point | NC |
Avery Mai | Oak Ridge | NC |
Marisa Mai | Summerfield | NC |
Laronda Majette | Asheboro | NC |
Aamna Malik | High Point | NC |
Aisha Malik | High Point | NC |
Brooklyn Mallory | Greensboro | NC |
Perla Stefany Malpica- Ramirez | Greensboro | NC |
Caroline Mangum | High Point | NC |
Michael Mangum | Greensboro | NC |
Indya Mani | Stokesdale | NC |
Scott Mann | High Point | NC |
Katherine Marchand | Kernersville | NC |
Kaitlyn Marshall | Greensboro | NC |
Kennedy Marshall | Greensboro | NC |
Nathalie Marti | Greensboro | NC |
Arial Martin | Greensboro | NC |
Austin Martin | Moravian Falls | NC |
Bryan Martin | High Point | NC |
Hayden Martin | Summerfield | NC |
Jacqueline Martin | Chatham | VA |
Jesse Martin | Oak Ridge | NC |
Melissa Martin | Walnut Cove | NC |
Richard Martin | Reidsville | NC |
Aaliyah Martinez | Greensboro | NC |
Evelyn Martinez | Greensboro | NC |
Giovanna Martinez | Winston Salem | NC |
Kailyn Martinez | High Point | NC |
Maria Martinez-Martinez | Belews Creek | NC |
Jois Martinez-Tejeda | Kernersville | NC |
Nuri Martinez-Terrazas | High Point | NC |
Arnulfo Martinezzavala | Summerfield | NC |
Megan Mascia | Greensboro | NC |
Chansomara Mat | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Alon Mathis | Greensboro | NC |
Elizabeth Mattox | Greensboro | NC |
Julia Maxey | Greensboro | NC |
Audra May | Gibsonville | NC |
Devon May | Greensboro | NC |
Katelyn May | Greensboro | NC |
Cole Mayberry | High Point | NC |
Latheia Mays | Greensboro | NC |
Awa Mbengue | Greensboro | NC |
Jazmyne McAdoo | Greensboro | NC |
Melanie McAllister | High Point | NC |
Joseph McArthur | Greensboro | NC |
Haley McBride | Reidsville | NC |
Jamie McBride | Climax | NC |
DErica McCall | Archdale | NC |
Justin McCall | High Point | NC |
Toni McCall | Trinity | NC |
Lucas McClellan | Summerfield | NC |
Mary McClellan | High Point | NC |
Eugene McCorkle | Stokesdale | NC |
Kymberly McCormick | Greensboro | NC |
Leah McCorquodale | Kernersville | NC |
Hannah McCracken | Selma | NC |
Tyler McDowell | Greensboro | NC |
Keri McFeeley | High Point | NC |
Grace McGovern | Greensboro | NC |
Kelly McGrath | Summerfield | NC |
Cameron McHenry | Sophia | NC |
Grant McKenzie | Oak Ridge | NC |
Elizabeth McKinnon | Greensboro | NC |
Katie McLean | Jamestown | NC |
Madison McMasters | High Point | NC |
Breyonna McNeil | Greensboro | NC |
Ebony McNeil | Asheboro | NC |
Shakira McNeil | Greensboro | NC |
Tylan McNeil | Greensboro | NC |
Jasmyn McNeill | Greensboro | NC |
Carson McShea | Summerfield | NC |
Dorinda McVay | Greensboro | NC |
Tyler Meadows | Julian | NC |
Jose Medina-Martinez | Greensboro | NC |
Mary Hannah Medlin | Stokesdale | NC |
Hayes Meekins | Greensboro | NC |
Victoria Meeks | Greensboro | NC |
Ismail Megri | Oak Ridge | NC |
Rylie Meinecke | Jamestown | NC |
Ashley Mejia | Greensboro | NC |
Amaiya Melton | Greensboro | NC |
Evan Melton | Greensboro | NC |
Tabitha Melvin | Greensboro | NC |
Yahir Mendoza-Castro | High Point | NC |
Nina Mendyk | Summerfield | NC |
Camila Menendez | Greensboro | NC |
Roland Mengert | Greensboro | NC |
David Meredith | High Point | NC |
Lucia Merone | High Point | NC |
Jenna Merritt | Gibsonville | NC |
Zoe Merritt | Oak Ridge | NC |
Lael Metzger | High Point | NC |
Joshua Meyer | Kernersville | NC |
Rachel Meyer | Greensboro | NC |
Peyton Michael | Greensboro | NC |
Emily Michetti | Greensboro | NC |
Brianna Middlebrooks | High Point | NC |
Carly Midgett | Harrisburg | NC |
Andrew Mihalek | High Point | NC |
Akilou Mijiyawa | Greensboro | NC |
Deshawn Miles | Greensboro | NC |
Milania Millard | Greensboro | NC |
Allison Miller | Summerfield | NC |
Gestin Miller | Winston-Salem | NC |
Julia Miller | High Point | NC |
Matthew Miller | Kernersville | NC |
Roger Miller III | Jamestown | NC |
Lola Millican | Greensboro | NC |
Raegan Mills | Oak Ridge | NC |
Jamie Mills-Widemon | High Point | NC |
Janelle Minick | Germanton | NC |
Leah Mir | Greensboro | NC |
Annette Mitchell | Greensboro | NC |
Callee Mitchell | High Point | NC |
Ella Mitchell | Greensboro | NC |
Mahongany Mitchell | Greensboro | NC |
Tyler Mitchell | Oak Ridge | NC |
Ahmed Mohamed | Greensboro | NC |
Alaa Mohamed | Greensboro | NC |
Maha Mohamed | Greensboro | NC |
Rabila Mohamed | Greensboro | NC |
Sadia Mohamed | Greensboro | NC |
Suad Mohamed | Greensboro | NC |
Enas Mohammed | High Point | NC |
Timothy Mohler-Martin | Burlington | NC |
Monique Momon | Greensboro | NC |
Sheyla Mondragon | Greensboro | NC |
Sofia Monguilod | Greensboro | NC |
Essence Monk | Greensboro | NC |
Jennifer Montalvo | Greensboro | NC |
Richard Montano | Whitsett | NC |
Luke Montgomery | Greensboro | NC |
Austin Moody | Sophia | NC |
Joseph Moody | Graham | NC |
Katherine Moody | Asheboro | NC |
Travis Moody | Lexington | NC |
Bronwyn Moore | Summerfield | NC |
Joshlynn Moore | Greensboro | NC |
Richard Moore | Thomasville | NC |
Zacharias Moore | Statesville | NC |
Valeria Morantes | Browns Summit | NC |
Jason Morgante | Summerfield | NC |
Malaysha Morrell | High Point | NC |
Alexis Morris | High Point | NC |
Jenna Morris | Asheboro | NC |
Katherine Morris | Oak Ridge | NC |
Peyton Morris | Jamestown | NC |
Nicholas Morrison | Greensboro | NC |
Vivian Morrison | Summerfield | NC |
Brendon Morton | Stokesdale | NC |
Dania Mosqueda | Greensboro | NC |
Xandria Mosqueda | Reidsville | NC |
John Mosqueda-Estrada | High Point | NC |
Breana Moss | Trinity | NC |
Tori Moss | Greensboro | NC |
DezShanai Moutry | Raleigh | NC |
Alison Moye | Greensboro | NC |
Mason Muetzel | Greensboro | NC |
Mohammed Mugwanya | Greensboro | NC |
Donald Muhammad | Greensboro | NC |
Jadyn Muhammad | Jamestown | NC |
Khayra Muhammad | Greensboro | NC |
D'ascia Muir | Jamestown | NC |
Sam Muller | Greensboro | NC |
Joshua Mullins | Burlington | NC |
Kara Mullins | Trinity | NC |
Brittney Murguia | Eden | NC |
Iasia Murphy | Magnolia | NC |
Graydon Mustin | Greensboro | NC |
Coletta Myers | Greensboro | NC |
Kiara Myers | Greensboro | NC |
Kya Myers | Greensboro | NC |
Albina Nagarkoti | High Point | NC |
Ryan Nagel | Greensboro | NC |
Negin Najafabadi | Greensboro | NC |
Sarah Nan | High Point | NC |
Amala Napier-Rowell | Cary | NC |
Alisena Nasir Ali | High Point | NC |
Seynabou Ndiaye | Greensboro | NC |
Menecdem Joel Ndongnang | High Point | NC |
Benjamin Nelson | Trinity | NC |
Lakisha Nelson | Kernersville | NC |
Ericka Nelums | Winston Salem | NC |
Pabitra Nepal | High Point | NC |
Vincent Nesbit | Asheboro | NC |
Aniya Neufville | High Point | NC |
John Newman | Greensboro | NC |
Kristin Newsom | Greensboro | NC |
Jadyn Newsome | Greensboro | NC |
Kaci Newton | High Point | NC |
Timothy Newton | Greensboro | NC |
Derrick Nguyen | Greensboro | NC |
Julia Nguyen | Greensboro | NC |
Kevin Nguyen | High Point | NC |
Micah Nguyen | High Point | NC |
Monica Nguyen | Browns Summit | NC |
Nathan Nguyen | Oak Ridge | NC |
Skye Nguyen | High Point | NC |
Thanh Nguyen | Greensboro | NC |
Timothy Nguyen | High Point | NC |
Tram Nguyen | Greensboro | NC |
Alyssa Nichols | Greensboro | NC |
Grelia Nie Hrah Eban | Greensboro | NC |
Isabella Noel | Kernersville | NC |
Amtul Noor | High Point | NC |
Andrew Norris | Greensboro | NC |
Quatisha Norris | Winston Salem | NC |
Jalen Norton | Thomasville | NC |
Jeffrey Norvang | High Point | NC |
Gabrielle Norwood | Burlington | NC |
Allison Nosal | Jamestown | NC |
Emma Novak | Greensboro | NC |
Andres Noyola Martinez | High Point | NC |
Kay Nua | High Point | NC |
Richard Nyamaah | Greensboro | NC |
Timothy Oakes | Cary | NC |
Reagan Oates | Greensboro | NC |
Terrance Oates | Greensboro | NC |
Emma O'Brien | Kernersville | NC |
Erik Ochoa | Burlington | NC |
Yessenia Ochoa Andaya | High Point | NC |
Haley Odom | Kernersville | NC |
Cameron Odum | Greensboro | NC |
Patrick O'Kelley | Greensboro | NC |
Lindsay Oliva-Gonzalez | Greensboro | NC |
Colin Oneal | Summerfield | NC |
Connor O'Neal | Greensboro | NC |
Roberta O'Neal | Greensboro | NC |
Faith Oni | Greensboro | NC |
Kasey Onusko | High Point | NC |
Simon Orozco | Greensboro | NC |
Ana Ortega Sandoval | Greensboro | NC |
Luis Ortiz | High Point | NC |
Victoria Ortiz Santos | High Point | NC |
Wicklife Osano | Greensboro | NC |
Helia Osareh | Jamestown | NC |
Minnah Osman | Greensboro | NC |
Emily Ostertag | High Point | NC |
Finley Otterberg | Greensboro | NC |
Arnold Ouedraogo | Greensboro | NC |
Delaney Owen | Stokesdale | NC |
Wendy Owen | McLeansville | NC |
Ashley Owens | Lexington | NC |
Kelsea Owens | Climax | NC |
Joel Owusu-Agyemang | McLeansville | NC |
Gayla Oxendine | Randleman | NC |
Mason Paccadolmi | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Bethany Pace | Greensboro | NC |
Daisy Pace | Greensboro | NC |
Wester Palanca | High Point | NC |
Loren Palma | Jamestown | NC |
Amaiya Palmer | Greensboro | NC |
Macey Palmer | Oak Ridge | NC |
Claudio Pandolfi | Winston Salem | NC |
Tiffany Paris | High Point | NC |
Anastasia Parker | Greensboro | NC |
Abbey Parrish | Thomasville | NC |
Adyson Parrish | Greensboro | NC |
Victoria Pastenes-Lira | Greensboro | NC |
Hessouwe Patchali | Greensboro | NC |
Prachi Patel | High Point | NC |
Rahi Patel | Summerfield | NC |
Siya Patel | Greensboro | NC |
Caroline Patterson | Greensboro | NC |
Matthew Patterson | Colfax | NC |
Amy Paul | High Point | NC |
Zachary Paul | High Point | NC |
Chad Pauley | Asheboro | NC |
Camara Peacock | Greensboro | NC |
William Pearson | Greensboro | NC |
Amber Pegram | Kernersville | NC |
Rhea Pegram | Kernersville | NC |
Jameson Pegues | McLeansville | NC |
Dravin Pendergrass | Jamestown | NC |
Olivia Pendry | Summerfield | NC |
Heather Penn | Greensboro | NC |
Christina Perdue | High Point | NC |
Jenna Perdue | Browns Summit | NC |
Jesus Perez | Greensboro | NC |
Melissa Perez Velazquez | Greensboro | NC |
Zaire Perkins | Greensboro | NC |
Jackson Perko | Jamestown | NC |
George Peters | Asheboro | NC |
Lakita Pettiford | Burlington | NC |
Jada Pettigrew | Greensboro | NC |
Roxanne Pfenning | Greensboro | NC |
Anthony Pfohl Jr. | Summerfield | NC |
Vu Pham | High Point | NC |
Tam Phan | Greensboro | NC |
James Phifer Jr. | Greensboro | NC |
Rohann Philip | High Point | NC |
Caroline Phillips | Greensboro | NC |
Nisa Pickett | Greensboro | NC |
Sarah Pickrell | High Point | NC |
Joseph Picon | Greensboro | NC |
Jacob Pierotti | Summerfield | NC |
Yaxoara Pierre | Winston Salem | NC |
Matthew Pike | Whitsett | NC |
Logan Pinnix | Climax | NC |
Infinity Pipkin | High Point | NC |
Jesse Pitonzo | Oak Ridge | NC |
Crystal Pitt | Greensboro | NC |
Tatyana Pittman | Greensboro | NC |
Mali Pling | Lexington | NC |
Austen Plymell | Kernersville | NC |
Isaac Pobee | Greensboro | NC |
Aaron Podbielski | Wilson | NC |
Stephanie Pointzes | Greensboro | NC |
Alexander Pool | Greensboro | NC |
Khaliyah Poole | Greensboro | NC |
Lisandro Popoca-Dominguez | Greensboro | NC |
Janelys Porras | Stokesdale | NC |
Mia Postiglione | Greensboro | NC |
Cassidy Pothast | Greensboro | NC |
Amisha Poudel | High Point | NC |
Shashwat Prabhakar | Greensboro | NC |
Joshua Pratt | High Point | NC |
Rajhanae Preacely | Winston Salem | NC |
Devonte Prear | Haw River | NC |
Griffin Presnell | Greensboro | NC |
Sayvon Preston | Greensboro | NC |
Grant Prevatt | Jamestown | NC |
Isabella Price | Summerfield | NC |
Jaedon Price | Greensboro | NC |
Madison Price | Greensboro | NC |
Sadaria Price | Durham | NC |
Avery Pritchard | Summerfield | NC |
Marissa Pritchard | Randleman | NC |
Anna Pritts | Gibsonville | NC |
Sydney Proctor | Stokesdale | NC |
Michael Puckett | Stokesdale | NC |
Mitchell Pugh | Clemmons | NC |
Liliana Pulido | Haw River | NC |
Riley Pursell | Henderson | NV |
John Queen | Greensboro | NC |
Crystal Quick | High Point | NC |
Jennifer Quijada Vargas | Thomasville | NC |
Natalie Quinlan | Summerfield | NC |
Colin Quintero | Oak Ridge | NC |
Adrian Quiroz | Greensboro | NC |
Hadessah Rackley | McLeansville | NC |
Fozia Rahim | High Point | NC |
Hnet Rahlan | Greensboro | NC |
Rosie Raies | High Point | NC |
Evan Raines | Greensboro | NC |
Nicholas Ramcharitar | Greensboro | NC |
David Ramirez Jr. | Greensboro | NC |
Jaime Ramirez | Stokesdale | NC |
Cynthia Ramirez-Montoya | Mount Airy | NC |
Victoria Ramos | Greensboro | NC |
Dionne Ransome | Reidsville | NC |
Gracia Raphael | High Point | NC |
Monica Rashkov | Summerfield | NC |
Marko Ratkovic | Greensboro | NC |
Katherine Ratsavongsack | Archdale | NC |
Joslynn Raver | High Point | NC |
Devine Rawls | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Anissa Rayfield | High Point | NC |
Tanishia Redditt | High Point | NC |
Lindsey Reed | Greensboro | NC |
Quanisha Reed | Greensboro | NC |
Cassidy Reid | Clemmons | NC |
David Reid | High Point | NC |
Brooklyn Reives | High Point | NC |
Bradford Reynolds | Greensboro | NC |
Pamela Reynolds | Reidsville | NC |
Dean Rhoades | Greensboro | NC |
Tina Rhodes | Thomasville | NC |
Ethan Rhoney | Sanford | NC |
Olivia Ribando | Greensboro | NC |
Angelina Rice | Walkertown | NC |
Eilan Richardson | Greensboro | NC |
Lasherrie Richardson | Reidsville | NC |
Aryana Ricks | Greensboro | NC |
Joqua Ricks-Howell | Greensboro | NC |
Abigail Ridge | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Audrey Ridge | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Dennis Ridge III | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Joshua Ridgway | Kernersville | NC |
Jacqueline Riley | Whitsett | NC |
Kaylie Rinaldi | Jamestown | NC |
Madeline Ringer | Greensboro | NC |
Minoshka Rivera Sanchez | High Point | NC |
Tula Rmah | Greensboro | NC |
Evelyn Roach | Sophia | NC |
Kayley Roan | High Point | NC |
Wyatt Roberson | Trinity | NC |
Emily Roberts | Greensboro | NC |
Valerie Roberts | Greensboro | NC |
Caris Robertson | High Point | NC |
Madison Robertson | Burlington | NC |
Amani Robinson | Greensboro | NC |
Bennett Robinson | High Point | NC |
Courtney Robinson | Pittsboro | NC |
Dayson Robinson | Colfax | NC |
Giovanni Robinson | Greensboro | NC |
Carlo Rodriguez | High Point | NC |
Alexander Rodriguez-Bahena | High Point | NC |
Ramsey Rogers | Rockwell | NC |
Jennings Roghelia | Greensboro | NC |
Peyton Rolls | Stokesdale | NC |
Francesca Romano | High Point | NC |
Erin Romero | Kernersville | NC |
Valerie Romero- Martinez | Greensboro | NC |
Zachary Rook | Greensboro | NC |
Jonathan Roop | Greensboro | NC |
Kaitlyn Rosa | High Point | NC |
Ariyanah Rosario | High Point | NC |
Haley Rose | Oak Ridge | NC |
Michelle Rose | Greensboro | NC |
Avery Rosenbluth | Greensboro | NC |
Arielle Rosenlund | High Point | NC |
Miranda Rosmann | Summerfield | NC |
Mariah Ross | Archdale | NC |
Miles Ross | Greensboro | NC |
Roslyn Ross | Greensboro | NC |
Alessandra Rotruck | Summerfield | NC |
Jessica Rowlands | Kernersville | NC |
Conner Roy | Summerfield | NC |
Tanner Royals | High Point | NC |
Avery Rubalcava | Jamestown | NC |
Gustavo Rubio | Greensboro | NC |
Madison Rudd | McLeansville | NC |
Kenneth Ruff | High Point | NC |
Logan Ruiz | Lexington | NC |
Joshua Russell | Thomasville | NC |
Lynna Ryan | Greensboro | NC |
Shekeasha Saeed | Greensboro | NC |
Jonathan Saguier | Greensboro | NC |
Mariama Saidou Oumarou | Greensboro | NC |
Charise Saigo | High Point | NC |
Linn Saing | Greensboro | NC |
Aleksandr Sakers | High Point | NC |
John Salas | High Point | NC |
Luciana Salerno | Elon | NC |
Emily Salgado | Mount Airy | NC |
Gabriel Salgado | Greensboro | NC |
Yulianna Salinas-Reinosa | Greensboro | NC |
Darlene Sampson | Whitsett | NC |
Shaun Sampson | Whitsett | NC |
Zachary Sampson | Oak Ridge | NC |
Aaliyah Samuel | Whitsett | NC |
Destini Samuel | Burlington | NC |
Maria Sanabria | High Point | NC |
Daniel Sanchez | Greensboro | NC |
Elmer Sanchez | High Point | NC |
Rosario Sanchez-Peralta | Browns Summit | NC |
Hannah Sanders | Greensboro | NC |
Angeles Sandoval | Kernersville | NC |
Nathaniel Santiago | Reidsville | NC |
Goma Sanyasi | Jamestown | NC |
Benjamin Sapp | Greensboro | NC |
Benjamin Sapunar Pizarro | Greensboro | NC |
Bayan Saramah | High Point | NC |
Kathryn Sargent | Greensboro | NC |
Olivia Sarine | Greensboro | NC |
Katelyn Sarwi | Greensboro | NC |
Deshaunte Scales | Reidsville | NC |
Katrina Schaber | Greensboro | NC |
Jenna Scheponik | Summerfield | NC |
Luke Scheponik | Summerfield | NC |
Gabriel Scheve | Spencer | NC |
Ava Schoone | Greensboro | NC |
Millie Schrader | Greensboro | NC |
Devin Schultz | Thomasville | NC |
Hailey Sechrist | Clemmons | NC |
Nathan Secraw | Oak Ridge | NC |
Asia Sellars | Burlington | NC |
Kevin Semaan | Greensboro | NC |
Christopher Sengvanhpheng | Greensboro | NC |
Emma Senneville | Greensboro | NC |
Sophia Sentner | Greensboro | NC |
Serina Serrano | Greensboro | NC |
Luke Shafer | Greensboro | NC |
Tyler Shafer | High Point | NC |
Aayushi Shah | High Point | NC |
Anosha Shah | High Point | NC |
Kishan Shah | Greensboro | NC |
Ashkon Shaheedian | High Point | NC |
Melissa Shaul | Greensboro | NC |
Derek Shaw | High Point | NC |
Rebecca Shea | Greensboro | NC |
Sarah Shea | High Point | NC |
Isaac Sheehan | Jamestown | NC |
Elnaz Sheikhi | Greensboro | NC |
Emma Shell | Greensboro | NC |
Brian Shelton | High Point | NC |
Grace Shelton | Greensboro | NC |
Emily Sheridan | Greensboro | NC |
Sutton Sherrill | Greensboro | NC |
Kerry Shi | Greensboro | NC |
Crystal Shipwash | Archdale | NC |
Holly Shisslak | Greensboro | NC |
Aleshia Shoaf | Statesville | NC |
Kimberly Shoffner | Greensboro | NC |
Eric Shoop | Burlington | NC |
James Shorts | Greensboro | NC |
Margaret Shows | Greensboro | NC |
Taylor Shryock | Stoneville | NC |
Ryder Shue | Colfax | NC |
Logan Shuskey | Denton | NC |
Alayna Simmons | Greensboro | NC |
Jere Simmons | Greensboro | NC |
Aaliyah Simril | Henderson | NC |
Harbhajan Singh | High Point | NC |
Prajjwal Singh | High Point | NC |
Bailey Singleton | Greensboro | NC |
Maranatha Singleton | Greensboro | NC |
Haley Sink | Trinity | NC |
Daniel Sizemore | Greensboro | NC |
Coy Slade | Reidsville | NC |
Michelle Smalls | Greensboro | NC |
Bethany Smestad | Greensboro | NC |
Alexander Smith | Kernersville | NC |
Brittney Smith | High Point | NC |
Darla Smith | High Point | NC |
Darnell Smith | Wilson | NC |
David Smith | Julian | NC |
Elizabeth Smith | Archdale | NC |
Helen Smith | Thomasville | NC |
Jessica Smith | Reidsville | NC |
Jordan Smith | Jamestown | NC |
Kamara Smith | Greensboro | NC |
Kaylee Smith | Gibsonville | NC |
Madison Smith | Greensboro | NC |
Megan Smith | Greensboro | NC |
Nadia Smith | Greensboro | NC |
Peyton Smith | High Point | NC |
Rodney Smith | Greensboro | NC |
Skylar Smith | Burlington | NC |
Thelma Smith | Greensboro | NC |
Trey Smith | Kernersville | NC |
Tucker Smith | Greensboro | NC |
Melodie Smith-Golden | High Point | NC |
Josie Snead | Jamestown | NC |
Hudson Snipes | Sophia | NC |
Diana Solis-Rodriguez | High Point | NC |
Ethan Solomita | Whitsett | NC |
David Solomon | Roxboro | NC |
Samantha Solomon | Salisbury | NC |
April Song | Greensboro | NC |
Yewon Song | Summerfield | NC |
Owen Sorber | Greensboro | NC |
Fatmata Sorie | McLeansville | NC |
Luis Sosa Maldonado | Greensboro | NC |
Cristal Sostre-Reyes | Greensboro | NC |
Gabriel Soto | Thomasville | NC |
Faustin Souffrant | Greensboro | NC |
Lauren Soukup | Oak Ridge | NC |
Amanda Southcott | High Point | NC |
Avery Souther | Greensboro | NC |
Rebekah Souther | McLeansville | NC |
Denzel Sowa | High Point | NC |
Tylasia Spears | High Point | NC |
Isabella Speight | Greensboro | NC |
Kelly Spencer | Greensboro | NC |
Tracy Spring | Greensboro | NC |
Ashley Springs | Greensboro | NC |
Ellisha Spruell | High Point | NC |
Marchel Spry | Greensboro | NC |
Mackenzie Stafford | Whitsett | NC |
Jodi Staley | Greensboro | NC |
Summer Stallings | Greensboro | NC |
Jacob Stanfield | Greensboro | NC |
Deshauna Stanley | Eden | NC |
Wyatt Stanley | Colfax | NC |
Patrice Starkie | Greensboro | NC |
Phillip Starling | Germanton | NC |
Kenyetta Starnes | Greensboro | NC |
Logan Starr | Kernersville | NC |
Hannah Staszak | Stokesdale | NC |
James Steber | Greensboro | NC |
Makaela Steele | Greensboro | NC |
Andrew Stegenga | Trinity | NC |
Ethan Stepp | Archdale | NC |
Isaac Stewart | Greensboro | NC |
Kallie Stewart | Germanton | NC |
Michael Stewart | Greensboro | NC |
Nicholas Stewart | Greensboro | NC |
Onyae' Stewart | Greensboro | NC |
William Stickler | Oak Ridge | NC |
Stevie Stone | Greensboro | NC |
Lydia Stoops | High Point | NC |
Kaycie Stovall | Snow Camp | NC |
Delilah Stover | High Point | NC |
Marquel Straker | Greensboro | NC |
Katherine Stratton | Greensboro | NC |
Alexander Striletchi | High Point | NC |
Stephanie Strucinski | Kernersville | NC |
Joseph Stuart | Thomasville | NC |
Demetria Studyvant | Jamestown | NC |
Katie Suarez-Garcia | Greensboro | NC |
Gabrielle Suggs | High Point | NC |
Raylee Summers | Summerfield | NC |
Katherine Sunshine | High Point | NC |
Thomas Sunshine | High Point | NC |
Tony Surgeon | Greensboro | NC |
Harsh Surti | Greensboro | NC |
Sanjita Suryadevara | Greensboro | NC |
Aris Swanick | Greensboro | NC |
Hayden Swoap | Greensboro | NC |
Emily Swofford | Browns Summit | NC |
Sarah Tabat | Greensboro | NC |
Samuel Tadeo Regalado | Greensboro | NC |
Marie Takahara | Summerfield | NC |
Koudiratou Takpara | Browns Summit | NC |
Purna Tamang | High Point | NC |
Yahir Tapia-Guevara | High Point | NC |
Barry Tate | Greensboro | NC |
Keyanna Tate | Greensboro | NC |
Cyntoya Tatum | Greensboro | NC |
Eve Taye | Maple Grove | MN |
Dustin Taylor | Walnut Cove | NC |
Raven Taylor | Greensboro | NC |
Zachary Taylor | Greensboro | NC |
Amaya Teague | Greensboro | NC |
Regina Tefft | High Point | NC |
Amelia Temoche | Greensboro | NC |
Brandon Tenney | High Point | NC |
Reid Teoh | Summerfield | NC |
Hannah Tereman | Greensboro | NC |
Margaret Thielen | Greensboro | NC |
BoJuana Thomas | Burlington | NC |
Jonah Thomas | Greensboro | NC |
Kaleigha Thomas | High Point | NC |
Quintina Thomas | Greensboro | NC |
Andrew Thompson | Hillsborough | NC |
Gabrielle Thompson | Greensboro | NC |
Kisha Thompson | Greensboro | NC |
Leah Thompson | Greensboro | NC |
Tyler Thompson | Stokesdale | NC |
Will Thompson | Whitsett | NC |
Alijah Tibbs | Greensboro | NC |
Ashley Tilley | King | NC |
Chunlee Tith | Lexington | NC |
Raegan Tobin | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Carley Todd | Climax | NC |
Colin Todd | Thomasville | NC |
Robert Tomasic | High Point | NC |
Trenton Torain | Graham | NC |
Aliciana Torrella | Jamestown | NC |
Carolina Torres | High Point | NC |
Thomas Tosh | Madison | NC |
Vuslat Tosun | Greensboro | NC |
Nicholas Toth | Greensboro | NC |
Vichyiny Touch | High Point | NC |
Samiratou Touko | Greensboro | NC |
Cassandra Townes | Browns Summit | NC |
Diamond Townsend | High Point | NC |
Julia Tra | Greensborot | NC |
Melissa Trader | Greensboro | NC |
Cuong Tran | High Point | NC |
Diem Tran | Greensboro | NC |
Sandy Tran | Greensboro | NC |
Van Tran | Archdale | NC |
Justin Trang | Greensboro | NC |
Grant Trexler | Greensboro | NC |
Grace Triplett | Summerfield | NC |
Ashley Tritschler | Summerfield | NC |
Paige Trogdon | Summerfield | NC |
Lee Martin Tropezado | High Point | NC |
Christopher Troy | Clarkton | NC |
Carly Truitt | Greensboro | NC |
Jessica Trujillo | Greensboro | NC |
Jennifer Trull | Gibsonville | NC |
Laura Truong | Jamestown | NC |
Jerry Tucker | High Point | NC |
Katelyn Tucker | High Point | NC |
Keon Tucker | Colfax | NC |
Natalie Tucker | Greensboro | NC |
Annadele Tuggle | Greensboro | NC |
Todd Turman | Greensboro | NC |
Jayda Turner | Greensboro | NC |
Shauna Turner | Greensboro | NC |
Tina Turner | Burlington | NC |
Ethan Twigg | Stokesdale | NC |
Sheldon Ulmer | Greensboro | NC |
Taylan Uludag | Greensboro | NC |
Ariel Umphenour | Summerfield | NC |
Brianna Underhill | Cary | NC |
Alexis Underwood | Summerfield | NC |
Madeline Underwood | Jamestown | NC |
Madison Underwood | High Point | NC |
Shelby Upchurch | Greensboro | NC |
Connya Uselman | Greensboro | NC |
Ababkr Vadol | Greensboro | NC |
Fatima Valadez-Alvarez | Winston Salem | NC |
Leyli Valencia | High Point | NC |
Flor Valenzuela | Winston Salem | NC |
Anthony Vaneaton | Greensboro | NC |
Dolores VanNote | Gibsonville | NC |
Jorge Vasquez Suarez | Greensboro | NC |
Angela Vazquez | Stokesdale | NC |
Vitali Vazquez | Thomasville | NC |
Noe Vega Padilla | Greensboro | NC |
Julianna Velazquez | Greensboro | NC |
Gisselle Ventura | Greensboro | NC |
Michael Vernon | Oak Ridge | NC |
Owen Vescio | Greensboro | NC |
Logan Vestal | Thomasville | NC |
Sierra Vickery | Greensboro | NC |
Tifani Villafane | Greensboro | NC |
Oscar Villarreal | Greensboro | NC |
Rachael Vinson | High Point | NC |
Julianna Vogler | Lewisville | NC |
Kathy Vue | Greensboro | NC |
Catherine Vuong | High Point | NC |
James Waddell | High Point | NC |
Ahmed Wahab | Greensboro | NC |
Sabahat Waheed | High Point | NC |
Lizbeth Waldestran-Mundo | High Point | NC |
Alyssa Walker | Colfax | NC |
Cadence Walker | Greensboro | NC |
Chase Walker | Julian | NC |
Derek Walker | Jamestown | NC |
Kara Walker | Julian | NC |
Kassidy Walker | Julian | NC |
Tamara Wall | High Point | NC |
Thalia Wall | Greensboro | NC |
Carmen Wallace | Summerfield | NC |
Benjamin Walraven | Greensboro | NC |
Hannah Walters | Kernersville | NC |
Malikhai Walton | Jamestown | NC |
Anane Ward | Greensboro | NC |
Kalei Ward | Greensboro | NC |
Dallas Warren Jr. | Greensboro | NC |
Precious Warren | Greensboro | NC |
Makayla Washington | Greensboro | NC |
Amber Watkins | Eden | NC |
Shaun Watkins | Advance | NC |
Timothy Watkins | Greensboro | NC |
Carla Watlington | Greensboro | NC |
Robert Watson | Graham | NC |
Morgan Weatherly | Greensboro | NC |
Alexandria Weaver | McLeansville | NC |
Matthew Weaver | Greensboro | NC |
Raymond Weaver | Greensboro | NC |
Niyah Webb | Archdale | NC |
Maree Webster | High Point | NC |
Jessica Wei | Oak Ridge | NC |
Matthew Weir | High Point | NC |
David Welch | Greensboro | NC |
Lakeshia Welch Brown | High Point | NC |
Haile Weldeslassie | High Point | NC |
Adrian Wells | Winston Salem | NC |
McKenna Wells | Kernersville | NC |
Kaden Wenda | Stokesdale | NC |
Heather Wesoly | Greensboro | NC |
Jay Wess | Greensboro | NC |
Alexi West | Greensboro | NC |
Rebekah West | Summerfield | NC |
Octavia Westbrook | Winston Salem | NC |
Natalie Weston | Greensboro | NC |
Paul Wheeler | Greensboro | NC |
Ashley White | Gibsonville | NC |
Keegan White | Greensboro | NC |
Matthew White | Colfax | NC |
Seth White | Greensboro | NC |
Sydney White | Siler City | NC |
Tinajh White | Greensboro | NC |
Detony White-Snipes | Greensboro | NC |
Kourtny Whitley | High Point | NC |
Jarod Whitlow | High Point | NC |
Savana Whitt | Greensboro | NC |
Courtney Whittaker | Randleman | NC |
Wyatt Wiederholt | Liberty | NC |
Madison Wiener | Oak Ridge | NC |
Aaron Wilburn | High Point | NC |
Madison Wildman | High Point | NC |
Autumn Williams | Greensboro | NC |
Casey Williams | Thomasville | NC |
Darrell Williams | Burlington | NC |
Gareth Williams | Greensboro | NC |
Jake Williams | Kernersville | NC |
Janiyah Williams | Greensboro | NC |
Jennifer Williams | Greensboro | NC |
Jordan Williams | Longwood | NC |
Joseph Williams | Walkertown | NC |
Joshua Williams | Lexington | NC |
Keshanna Williams | Sanford | NC |
Lauren Williams | Greensboro | NC |
Logan Williams | West Jefferson | NC |
Makayla Williams | Greensboro | NC |
Maliek Williams | Trinity | NC |
McKenzie Williams | Reidsville | NC |
Regina Williams | Jamestown | NC |
Rene Williams | High Point | NC |
Shantel Williams | Greensboro | NC |
Simone Williams | Greensboro | NC |
Jennifer Williamson | Greensboro | NC |
Rebecca Williamson | Lexington | NC |
Zaria Williamson | Greensboro | NC |
Celeste Wilson | Stokesdale | NC |
Eric Wilson | Greensboro | NC |
Maurice Wilson | Charlotte | NC |
Olivia Wilson | Greensboro | NC |
Samuel Wilson | Greensboro | NC |
Matthew Windsor | High Point | NC |
Patrice Wingfield | Winston Salem | NC |
Aleshia Winston | Greensboro | NC |
Heather Winter | Greensboro | NC |
Michael Wirtz | High Point | NC |
Kendal Wise | Browns Summit | NC |
Dylan Wishon | Greensboro | NC |
Makayla Witten | East Bend | NC |
Matthew Witten | High Point | NC |
Christina Wnukoski | Mount Holly | NC |
Ivy Wolfe | Greensboro | NC |
Kaia Woloshin-Verni | Canton | CT |
Phillante Womack | Greensboro | NC |
Ena Wood | Greenboro | NC |
Jacquelyn Wood | Thomasville | NC |
Steven Wood | Greensboro | NC |
Katherine Woodell | Oak Ridge | NC |
Dana Woodruff | Winston Salem | NC |
Kathleen Woodruff | Summerfield | NC |
Jack Woolard | Greensboro | NC |
Bryan Wright | Greensboro | NC |
Darlene Wright | Greensboro | NC |
Emily Wright | High Point | NC |
Jacob Wright | Trinity | NC |
Michael Wright | Greensboro | NC |
Nia Wright | High Point | NC |
Rachael Wright | Greensboro | NC |
Zachary Wright | Kernersville | NC |
Audrey Wrinkle | Summerfield | NC |
Chandler Wynn | Mebane | NC |
Addison Wyrick | Liberty | NC |
Yasmina Yacouba Mohamed | Greensboro | NC |
Sanjay Yadav | Kernersville | NC |
Yer Yang | Archdale | NC |
Wan Yap | Greensboro | NC |
Hailee Yarborough | Kernersville | NC |
Aghader Yassen | Greensboro | NC |
Micheal Yates | Clemmons | NC |
Jacob Yaun | Greensboro | NC |
Ethan-Nicholas Yavanhxay | High Point | NC |
Michael Yoder | Archdale | NC |
Jennifer Yolan | Greensboro | NC |
Joseph York | Greensboro | NC |
Madeline York | Greensboro | NC |
Allison Young | Greensboro | NC |
Danielle Young | Greensboro | NC |
Kailyn Young | Greensboro | NC |
Samantha Young | High Point | NC |
Brittany Youngblood | Greensboro | NC |
William Yow | Greensboro | NC |
Dean Zan | Greensboro | NC |
Ashanty Zapata | High Point | NC |
Onyeka Zeigler | Greensboro | NC |
Delia Zepeda-Servellon | Greensboro | NC |
Mo Zhu | High Point | NC |
Laurel Zlotkowski | Greensboro | NC |
Emily Zody | Greensboro | NC |
Ian Zody | Cordova | TN |