GTCC to offer public safety administration program for the first time in the spring of 2023
Published on: November 17, 2022

JAMESTOWN, N.C. (Nov. 17, 2022) – Guilford Technical Community College will offer a public safety administration (PSA) program for the first time in the spring of 2023.
Public safety administration involves coordinating and administering resources that provide for the safety and security of the community.
The curriculum for the program is designed to provide students, as well as practitioners with knowledge and skills in the technical, managerial, and administrative areas necessary for entrance or advancement within various public safety and government organizations.
“An associate degree in public administration introduces learners to the responsibilities of public administrators at different levels, including local administrators like city managers, state administration jobs, and federal public sector jobs,” said Jeremiah Underwood, director of EMS and public safety administration at GTCC. “A public administration degree has great value, strengthening analytical, research and writing skills. Our students gain practical skills in budget analysis and public planning.”
Those enrolling in the program have the choice of one of two subject areas: law enforcement services or emergency/fire management services.
Students may earn a maximum of nine credits for prior public training based on the type of agency training and the number of hours completed.
The program can be completed in as little as five semesters and will be offered online to provide flexibility for professionals working full time who may need access to distance learning options.
All courses will be taught by faculty with years of practical public safety experience and higher education credentials.
At completion of this program students will have the fundamental competencies for employability, interpersonal and professional success in public safety administration.
For more information, visit
About Guilford Technical Community College: Guilford Technical Community College is the fourth largest of 58 institutions in the North Carolina Community College System. GTCC serves more than 27,000 students annually from five campuses and a Small Business Center. For more information, visit, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.
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