Shawn Dee named March GTCC employee of the month for outstanding efforts before, during and after Medlin renovation
Published on: May 19, 2022

In his 17 years as manager of retail services for Guilford Technical Community College, Shawn Dee has experienced many challenging situations, but perhaps none as taxing as the renovation of the Medlin Campus Center.
The campus store was directly in the eye of the hurricane that was that renovation, but Dee never flinched, even when the store had to be relocated not once, but twice. For that performance and his everyday efforts to make the campus store as efficient and customer friendly as possible, Dee has been named GTCC's employee of the month for March.
"Shawn is always kind and approachable to everyone in every situation," said his nominator. "I've never seen him flustered or frustrated. He is genuinely interested and engaged in conversations with people from all walks of life.
When renovation began on the Medlin Campus Center, Dee and his staff knew they would have to relocate their store once. One move became two, but Dee soldiered on without complaint.
"With his usual grace, Shawn successfully tackled both moves and was instrumental in providing seamless service to our students, visitors and employees," his nominator said.
Dee was a driving force in the design of both the temporary store in Machinery Hall and the new store in Medlin, which includes food services once provided by the cafeteria.
Dee efficiently oversees many different projects in the store. He works hard to provide faculty with the books and supplies needed to offer quality instruction. He is constantly looking for ways to keep costs to students as low as possible.
While Dee is most noted for his outgoing, friendly demeanor, he also understands what it takes on the operational side of the campus store. He holds his staff accountable, which in the end lends to a more efficient operation.
While Dee is centered on the store, he always finds time to help wherever needed. Recently, he was spotted tying festive balloons at Montgomery Circle in the rain to welcome job fair attendees. Each year he also serves on the enrollment management, graduation, ADA and calendar committees.
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