GTCC Releases Fall 2021 Honor Roll
Published on: January 10, 2022

JAMESTOWN – Each semester Guilford Technical Community College recognizes students for outstanding academic achievements. Congratulations to our students who made the President's, Dean's and Honors lists for fall 2021.
President's List
The President’s List includes all program students who complete at least 12 credit hours in the fall semester and earned a 4.0 grade point average.
Name | City | State |
Sydney Adam | Greensboro | NC |
Kaylin Adams | Greensboro | NC |
Quinton Ahmad | Franklinville | NC |
Shaheer Ahmed | High Point | NC |
Fnu Aimen | Archdale | NC |
Logan Akers | Stokesdale | NC |
Dustin Aldridge | Graham | NC |
Jamari' Allen | Greensboro | NC |
Mahina Allen | Greensboro | NC |
Christian Allison | Greensboro | NC |
Christina Almstead | Oak Ridge | NC |
Kristian Amaro-Laureano | Hilliard | OH |
Ellie Anderson | Summerfield | NC |
Kaci Anderson | Greensboro | NC |
Phillip Armfield | Greensboro | NC |
Yessica Arzate | Greensboro | NC |
Cynthia Ashley | Boonville | NC |
Deved Ater | High Point | NC |
Nicole Badillo | Kernersville | NC |
Amanda Baker | Graham | NC |
James Ball | Cleveland | NC |
Michael Ballew | Candler | NC |
Dominique Baris | High Point | NC |
Kristin Barker | High Point | NC |
Anahla Barkley | Kernersville | NC |
Allison Barnes | Greensboro | NC |
Tristin Bauer | Greensboro | NC |
Lane Bauserman | Greensboro | NC |
Mark Beard | Reidsville | NC |
Isaac Belton | Stoneville | NC |
Michelle Benitez | Randleman | NC |
Jonathan Bennett | Greensboro | NC |
Isaac Bensimhon | Greensboro | NC |
Lucy Berdeen | Pleasant Gard | NC |
Phyllis Best | Greensboro | NC |
Elizabet Betanzos-Vasquez | Willow Spring | NC |
Supreme Bista | High Point | NC |
Los Bon Dinh | Greensboro | NC |
Justin Borja | Clemmons | NC |
Courtney Boston | Winston Salem | NC |
Nassirah Bouloudene | Greensboro | NC |
Harley Bourgeois | Greensboro | NC |
Lily Bowland | Greensboro | NC |
Ashley Bowman | High Point | NC |
Desmond Brady | Greensboro | NC |
Ashlyn Bredon | Greensboro | NC |
Mckenzie Brooks | Trinity | NC |
Jonah Brown | McLeansville | NC |
Tamara Brown | Stokesdale | NC |
Cherie Bullock | Greensboro | NC |
Austin Burris | Browns Summit | NC |
Hunter Busick | High Point | NC |
Grayson Butler | Greensboro | NC |
Jessa Cabrera | Durham | NC |
Kursat Cakar | High Point | NC |
Jayden Callahan | Greensboro | NC |
Daniela Campbell | High Point | NC |
Karmen Campbell | Trinity | NC |
Kathryn Campbell | Winston Salem | NC |
Grace Carter | Climax | NC |
Matthew Casey | Lewisville | NC |
Wendolyne Castellanos | Greensboro | NC |
James Castleberry | Chapel Hill | NC |
Cynthia Castro-Torres | Asheboro | NC |
Emily Castro-Torres | Asheboro | NC |
Rose Chafee | Kernserville | NC |
Joseph Chafin | Charlotte | NC |
Yanqin Chen | Greensboro | NC |
Ben Chesnet | Mount Airy | NC |
Chelsea Clark | Lexington | NC |
Kassandra Collins | Asheboro | NC |
Connie Colter | Greensboro | NC |
Anna Conklin | Whitsett | NC |
Regan Cooper | High Point | NC |
Tiffany Corbett | Burlington | NC |
Eric Cortez-Tapia | High Point | NC |
Taylor Crandall | Greensboro | NC |
Nicholas Crawford | Jamestown | NC |
Kimberlyn Creed | Reidsville | NC |
Natalie Cromartie | Pinehurst | NC |
Antonio Crosby | Greensboro | NC |
Brandon Crutchfield | Greensboro | NC |
Ruth Cruz | Archdale | NC |
Brian Currie | High Point | NC |
Lucas Curtis | Mansfield | OH |
Ashley Dalton | High Point | NC |
Connor Dann | Greensboro | NC |
Jakayla Davis | High Point | NC |
Ricky Davis | Greensboro | NC |
Kim Days | Greensboro | NC |
Victoria De Jesus Chepe | Liberty | NC |
David Dean | Reidsville | NC |
Annamarie Dearr | Greensboro | NC |
Nicholas Decker | Greensboro | NC |
Paul Denny | Mount Airy | NC |
Roshan Desai | Lewisburg | TN |
Madelyn Devaney | Colfax | NC |
Keysh Deynes Ruiz | High Point | NC |
Helio Diaz | Winston Salem | NC |
Abigail Dillard | Colfax | NC |
Youssouf Diombera | Browns Summit | NC |
Macey Dixon | Reidsville | NC |
Rachel Doan | Winston Salem | NC |
Jillian Doherty | Reidsville | NC |
Makayla Douglass | Greensboro | NC |
Camille Dunkirk | Summerfield | NC |
Isabella Dunlap | Stokesdale | NC |
Nathanial Dupke | Kernersville | NC |
Christopher Dutch | Greensboro | NC |
Stuart Dyer | Mebane | NC |
Stephanie Eaton | Greensboro | NC |
John Edmonds | Greensboro | NC |
Clayton Edmondson | Greensboro | NC |
Garret Eichlin | Oak Ridge | NC |
Keonna Elliott | Greensboro | NC |
Nathan Elliott | Greensboro | NC |
Jordan Elliott Uka | High Point | NC |
Nicole Everett | Greensboro | NC |
Sharnyce Everett-Lewis | Whitsett | NC |
Angeles Fabian Martinez | High Point | NC |
Noor Fatima | High Point | NC |
Christopher Faulwetter | East Bend | NC |
Amanda Fechner | Franklinville | NC |
Franczeska Ferariza | High Point | NC |
Santiago Ferguson | Greensboro | NC |
Juan Pablo Fernandez | Greensboro | NC |
Andrew Fields | Greensboro | NC |
Christopher Fleming | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Kiara Flores | Thomasville | NC |
Ava Foster | Greensboro | NC |
Brian Foster | Greensboro | NC |
Brandon Fox | Burlington | NC |
Bret Friday | Greensboro | NC |
Raxela Fuentes | High Point | NC |
Mary Fuller | High Point | NC |
Scott Gammons | Eden | NC |
Anthony Garcia | Spring Lake | NC |
Chauncee Garrett | Greensboro | NC |
Kareena Gentry | Greensboro | NC |
Vanessa Gentry | Charlotte | NC |
Joshua Genwright | Greensboro | NC |
Norman German | Greensboro | NC |
Paris Gibson | Winston Salem | NC |
Alexis Givens | Charlotte | NC |
Marrissa Goble | Winston Salem | NC |
Chase Golden | Gibsonville | NC |
Kenneth Golemon | Trinity | NC |
Jaiya Gomes | Greensboro | NC |
Madison Gore | Lexington | NC |
Samantha Griffin | Winston Salem | NC |
Erin Griswold | Greensboro | NC |
Taylor Guglielmo | High Point | NC |
Daisy Gutierrez | Greensboro | NC |
Adam Hall | Gibsonville | NC |
Ciara Hall | Browns Summit | NC |
Mason Hall | Kernersville | NC |
Jackson Hallman | Oak Ridge | NC |
Kamal Hamad | High Point | NC |
Mohamed Hamed | Greensboro | NC |
Natasha Hamlet | Snow Camp | NC |
Kristen Hammed | Thomasville | NC |
Matthew Hanes | Greensboro | NC |
Jeni Hanslia | Jamestown | NC |
Amelia Hansmeyer | High Point | NC |
Joanna Hanson | Oak Ridge | NC |
Sara Hardy | Winston Salem | NC |
Christopher Harn | Greensboro | NC |
Joshua Harrelson | High Point | NC |
Patricia Harris | Graham | NC |
Lakesha Harrison | High Point, Nc | NC |
Dalton Hatley | Greensboro | NC |
Thomas Hawks | Greensboro | NC |
Azadeh Hazemizadehrajabi | Lexington | NC |
Tyler Helmstetler | Archdale | NC |
Alondra Hernandez | Biscoe | NC |
Eduardo Hernandez-Henriquez | Greensboro | NC |
Taylor Hicks | Fayetteville | NC |
Lydia Higgins | Walnut Cove | NC |
Ethan Hill | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Kelly Hill | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Kristina Hmilj | Greensboro | NC |
Zachary Hodges | Greensboro | NC |
Brooke Hoernke | Burlington | NC |
Jalen Hollins | Summerfeild | NC |
Sarah Hollowell | Summerfield | NC |
Julia Hoopai | Greensboro | NC |
Owen Hopgood | Winston-Salem | NC |
Andrew Horstkamp | Winston-Salem | NC |
Brittany Horton | Greensboro | NC |
Courtney Horton | Greensboro | NC |
Hayley House | High Point | NC |
Daniel Hoyng | High Point | NC |
Sean Hsieh-Sills | Greensboro | NC |
James Htoo | High Point | NC |
Ryan Huang | Oak Ridge | NC |
Kathe Hughes | Thomasville | NC |
MacNasa Hughes | Greensboro | NC |
Ayah Ibrahim | High Point | NC |
Tanena Ingram | Greensboro | NC |
Yvonne Irizarry | San Diego | CA |
Courtney Jackson | Burlington | NC |
Thomas Jackson | High Point | NC |
Ahmad Jamaleddine | Greensboro | NC |
Javon James | Greensboro | NC |
Latorria Jenkins | High Point | NC |
Jasmine Johnson | Greensboro | NC |
Johnny Johnson | Greensboro | NC |
Morgan Johnson | High Point | NC |
Orion Johnson | Reidsville | NC |
Cory Jones | Lexington | NC |
Courtney Jones | Greensboro | NC |
Meagan Jones | High Point | NC |
Patrick Jones | Greensboro | NC |
Dana Jordan | Asheboro | NC |
Kevin Joyce | Madison | NC |
Melissa Joyce | Stoneville | NC |
Samia Kayass | Greensboro | NC |
Patrick K'Briuh | Greensboro | NC |
Sarah Keatts | Jamestown | NC |
Taryn Keener | Greensboro | NC |
Melissa Kelley | Madison | NC |
Dongjoon Kim | Winston Salem | NC |
Haneun Kim | Greensboro | NC |
Sungmin Kim | Greensboro | NC |
Marcus Klumb | Siler City | NC |
Brigetta Kohlmeyer Bennett | Browns Summit | NC |
Stefan Kozar | Greensboro | NC |
Karen Kuehn | High Point | NC |
Myint Kyaw | High Point | NC |
Tawni Lamb | Thomasville | NC |
Dylan LaMott | Mocksville | NC |
Jennifer Lane | Germanton | NC |
Brianne Lanphar | Archdale | NC |
Jonathan Lassiter | Colfax | NC |
Nicholas Latta | Jamestown | NC |
Drew Lawson | Oak Ridge | NC |
Sawyer Lazenby | Statesville | NC |
Devin Le | Greensboro | NC |
Jordan Lester | Franklinville | NC |
Rebecca Lima | Randleman | NC |
Mark Linville | Greensboro | NC |
Skyy Little | High Point | NC |
Victoria Loflin | Climax | NC |
Austin Long | Matthews | NC |
Sydney Long | Whitsett | NC |
Sydney Long | McLeansville | NC |
Whitney Long | Elon | NC |
Caitlin Lookabill | Lexington | NC |
Wendy Lopez Maldonado | Thomasville | NC |
Benny Lopez-Alvarez | Brown Summit | NC |
Cooper Lord | Raleigh | NC |
Michael Love | Winston Salem | NC |
Benjamin Loye | Greensboro | NC |
Johnson Luu | High Point | NC |
Chad Mabe | Walkertown | NC |
Ahmad Machhadani | Greensboro | NC |
Rami Machhadani | Greensboro | NC |
Luke Maicon | Wake Forest | NC |
Jacob Maldonado | Burlington | NC |
Ryan Manson | Greensboro | NC |
Hannah Martin | Greensboro | NC |
Robert Martin | Greensboro | NC |
Taylor Martin | Climax | NC |
Kailyn Martinez | High Point | NC |
Jessica Marx Strickland | Trinity | NC |
Cortney Mas | Kernersville | NC |
Tamaya Mathis | High Point | NC |
David Mayer | Greensboro | NC |
Corin McClain | Durham | NC |
Amia McClary | Greensboro | NC |
Cameron McClellan | Greensboro | NC |
Abraham McCullough | Greensboro | NC |
Jackson McCutcheon | Greensboro | NC |
Zachary McDonald | Greensboro | NC |
Jarvae McNair | Walkertown | NC |
Ebony McNeil | Asheboro | NC |
Daniel McNeill | Greensboro | NC |
Rolando Mendezmurcia | Greensboro | NC |
Patrick Merriman | High Point | NC |
Jenna Merritt | Gibsonville | NC |
Jessica Mickel | Germanton | NC |
Ethan Miele | Winston Salem | NC |
Andrew Mihalek | High Point | NC |
Anthony Miller | Greensboro | NC |
Kate Miller | Greensboro | NC |
Raelle Miller | Greensboro | NC |
Winston Miller | High Point | NC |
David Mills | Lexington | NC |
Merissa Milton | Brown Summit | NC |
Elena Misuraca | Greensboro | NC |
Donese Mitchell | Greensboro | NC |
Brieanna Moore | Winston Salem | NC |
Caden Moore | Reidsville | NC |
Joshlynn Moore | Greensboro | NC |
Samantha Moore | Thomasville | NC |
Danilo Mora Guerrero | Thomasville | NC |
Elvis Morales Santos | Burlington | NC |
Allen Moran | Asheboro | NC |
Ryan Morazes | Graham | NC |
Melissa Moreno-Puente | High Point | NC |
Kelli Morgan | Trinity | NC |
Luke Morgan | Advance | NC |
Jason Morgante | Summerfield | NC |
Christina Morse | Gibsonville | NC |
Darlenne Mosqueda | Greensboro | NC |
Kelly Mosqueda | High Point | NC |
Jessica Mullens | Thomasville | NC |
Abigail Mulry | Greensboro | NC |
Jakob Murdock | High Point | NB |
Stratton Murphy | Summerfield | NC |
Emily Nagel | Greensboro | NC |
Negin Najafabadi | Greensboro | NC |
Grant Naylor | Summerfield | NC |
Erin Neal | Jamestown | NC |
Kailey Neal | Yadkinville | NC |
Kevin Neff | Winston Salem | NC |
Kayla Neitz | Kernersville | NC |
Tristan Newman | Camdenton | MO |
Thi Nguyen | Thomasville | NC |
Malia Nichols | Greensboro | NC |
Deidra Noble | High Point | NC |
Jonathan Noble | Greensboro | NC |
Brett Nooe | Greensboro | NC |
Amtul Noor | High Point | NC |
Christopher Norman | Greensboro | NC |
Cameron Norris | Stokesdale | NC |
Jeffrey Norvang | High Point | NC |
Sydney Oakes | Gibsonville | NC |
Krista Obenchain | Summerfield | NC |
Donovan Oke | Clemmons | NC |
Jonathan Okuda | Huntersville | NC |
Alyssa Oldenburg | Jamestown | NC |
Jordan Oldenburg | Jamestown | NC |
Andraia Oliver | Greensboro | NC |
Rylie Olsen | Oak Ridge | NC |
Abigail Owens | Greensboro | NC |
Joel Owusu-Agyemang | McLeansville | NC |
Warren Pack | Charlotte | NC |
Autumn Padgett | Reidsville | NC |
Keri Pakenham | High Point | NC |
Claudio Pandolfi | Winston Salem | NC |
Ektaben Patel | Winston-Salem | NC |
Jay Patel | Jamestown | NC |
Kishan Patel | High Point | NC |
Ria Patel | High Point | NC |
Jeffrey Patteson | Summerfield | NC |
Mason Peacock | Greensboro | NC |
Sahira Peguero Day | Ramseur | NC |
Bretton Pennington | Greensboro | NC |
Jeffrey Pereira | Thomasville | NC |
Olivia Perez | Greensboro | NC |
Christopher Perkins | Greensboro | NC |
Alyssa Perry | Kernersville | NC |
Dana Peterson | Greensboro | NC |
Lai Pham | Greensboro | NC |
Breyden Phillips | Randleman | NC |
Chelsie Phillips | Seagrove | NC |
Noel Pless | Greensboro | NC |
Leah Porter | Trinity | NC |
Cohen Powell | Greensboro | NC |
Timber Powell | Kernersville | NC |
Trevor Pretory | Greensboro | NC |
Hannah Priddy | Madison | NC |
Bryan Puckett | Stokesdale | NC |
Brianna Purnell | Greensboro | NC |
Nawa Quenum | Greensboro | NC |
Kim Rabon | Thomasville | NC |
Ryan Raffensberger | High Point | NC |
Lira Rahman | Greensboro | NC |
Neelam Ramzan | Asheboro | NC |
Leah Raynor | High Point | NC |
Abdul Rehman | Greensboro | NC |
Grayson Reid | Thomasville | NC |
Jonathan Renteria-Rios | Greensboro | NC |
Ashley Reynolds | Oak Ridge | NC |
Trevor Rhoads | Greensboro | NC |
Jake Ricciuti | Greensboro | NC |
Angelina Rice | Walkertown | NC |
Jordan Roberts | Winston Salem | NC |
Jenna Robertson | Reidsville | NC |
Olivia Robertson | Greensboro | NC |
Kennedy Rochon | Greensboro | NC |
Elijah Rodriguez | Sanford | NC |
Fermin Rodriguez | Winston-Salem | NC |
Miranda Rodriguez | Walkertown | NC |
Misty Rodriguez | Randleman | NC |
Ember Rosier | Jamestown | NC |
Miranda Rosmann | Summerfield | NC |
Reid Rouse | Greensboro | NC |
Lindsey Routh | Pleasant Gard | NC |
Latoya Russell | High Point | NC |
Elliot Saatzer | Greensboro | NC |
Emily Salgado | Mount Airy | NC |
Bryant Sanchez | High Point | NC |
Ashley Sandusky | Greensboro | NC |
Devin Sanguinett | Greensboro | NC |
Serieyna Sar | Greensboro | NC |
Mason Sawtelle | Kernersville | NC |
Jordan Schepisi | Greensboro | NC |
Ainsley Scholtz | Colfax | NC |
Ashleigh Scott | Whitsett | NC |
Joshua Scott | Thomasville | NC |
Landace Scott | Denton | NC |
Ashten Scott-Ruff | Jamestown | NC |
Dillan Seaver | Greensboro | NC |
Amin Shaiban | Concord | NC |
Grant Sharpe | Burlington | NC |
Isaiah Shelton | Trinity | NC |
Kaley Shoffner | Burlington | NC |
Jes'zzia Simmonds | Greensboro | NC |
Katerina Simpson | Greensboro | NC |
Laurenne Simpson | Highpoint | NC |
Aislyn Smith | Greensboro | NC |
Jennifer Smith | Thomasville | NC |
Monica Smith | High Point | NC |
Jennifer Solano | Walnut Cove | NC |
Marjorie Solo | Greensboro | NC |
Ayaba Novignon Sossou | Greensboro | NC |
Samuel Soto | Greensboro | NC |
Della Spencer | Summerfield | NC |
Katlyn Stafford | Thomasville | NC |
Jacob Staley | Advance | NC |
Summer Stallings | Greensboro | NC |
Trevon Stapler | Winston Salem | NC |
Timona Stapleton | High Point | NC |
Carmen Starks | High Point | NC |
Gary Stephens | Greensboro | NC |
Douglas Stevens | Kernersville | NC |
Macon Stovall | Linwood | NC |
Britney Strickland | Greensboro | NC |
Heather Stroud | Archdale | NC |
Kenya Stubbs | Greensboro | NC |
Parker Sullivan | Greensboro | NC |
Daniel Tanner | Greensboro | NC |
Nicholas Tarin | Greensboro | NC |
Dustin Taylor | Walnut Cove | NC |
Raven Taylor | Greensboro | NC |
Sean Teague | Greensboro | NC |
Noah Thomas | Rolesville | NC |
Faith Thompson | Liberty | NC |
Grace Thompson | Jamestown | NC |
Leah Thompson | Greensboro | NC |
Taylor Thompson | Greensboro | NC |
Kaiya Thonen-Fleck | Jamestown | NC |
Nathan Tigue | Greensboro | NC |
Ashley Tilley | King | NC |
Madyson Tippett | Randleman | NC |
Joshua Torain | Greensboro | NC |
Ginna Torres | Asheboro | NC |
Bao Tran | Greensboro | NC |
Isaac Tran | High Point | NC |
Grant Trexler | Greensboro | NC |
Brennen Tripp | Greensboro | NC |
Christopher Troxtell | Trinity | NC |
Travis Truong | High Point | NC |
Jeremy Tucker | Stoneville | NC |
Jerry Tucker | High Point | NC |
Evan Turbyfill | Archdale | NC |
Samantha Underwood | Jamestown | NC |
Sabrina Valitzski | Greensboro | NC |
Rebeca Vargas | Kernersville | NC |
Derek Vartanian | Monroe | NC |
Justin Vasquez | Winston Salem | NC |
Elizabeth Voss | Greensboro | NC |
Hannah Waegerle | Greensboro | NC |
Philip Wagoner | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Lauryn Walden | High Point | NC |
Dayna Walker | Kernersville | NC |
Natrae Walker | Greensboro | NC |
Luke Washburn | Greensboro | NC |
Alexander Watkins | Greensboro | NC |
Brooklyn Watlington | Greensboro | NC |
Nicholas Watson | Burlington | NC |
Dorian Webster | Greensboro | NC |
Tera Weigman | Greensboro | NC |
Baileigh Whipple | Greensboro | NC |
Kirsten White | Winston Salem | NC |
Matthew White | Kernersville | NC |
Jala Whitehead | Greensboro | NC |
William Whitehead | Greensboro | NC |
Riche Wiley | Oxford | NC |
Sophia Wilkins | Greensboro | NC |
Arthur Williams | Jamestown | NC |
Seth Willis | Greensboro | NC |
Grace Womack | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Kylie Wood | Greensboro | NC |
Katherine Woodell | Oak Ridge | NC |
Tyler Worth | Kernersville | NC |
Zubair Yimam | Greensboro | NC |
Rachel Yokeley | Greensboro | NC |
Caitlyn Yokley | Winston Salem | NC |
Joshua Young | Roxboro | NC |
Kathryn Yount | Greensboro | NC |
Esther Zamora | Winston Salem | NC |
Jessica Zhong | Kernersville | NC |
Dean's List
The Dean’s List includes all program students who complete at least 12 credit hours in the fall semester and earn a grade point average of less than 4.0 but no lower than 3.5 with no grade below a C.
Name | City | State |
Elham Abdollahi | Greensboro | NC |
Imane Abdul-Aziz | Browns Summit | NC |
Cesar Abreu Martinez | Jamestown | NC |
Andrew Abriola | High Point | NC |
Tanya Abushikha | Creedmoor | NC |
Daesha Adair | High Point | NC |
Kalela Adams | Greensboro | NC |
Kianaat Afsar | High Point | NC |
Sharmaine Agamata | McLeansville | NC |
Fatima Al Hussein | High Point | NC |
Mahria Ali | Greensboro | NC |
Rawan Ali | Greensboro | NC |
Abigail Allen | High Point | NC |
Lachlan Allen | Greensboro | NC |
Shakyrah Alsamarraee | Greensboro | NC |
Ray Alston | Burlington | NC |
Lizbeth Alvarez-Gomez | Thomasville | NC |
Nicole Amador | Thomasville | NC |
Joshua Anderson | High Point | NC |
Caitlyn Annunziato | Oak Ridge | NC |
Mohsan Arshad | High Point | NC |
Melanie Ashburn | High Point | NC |
Sister-Edith Asmah | Greensboro | NC |
David Atwater | Julian | NC |
Conner Backus | Kernersville | NC |
Destiny Baines | Whitsett | NC |
Shahd Barakat | Greensboro | NC |
Morgan Barnhardt | Graham | NC |
Bailey Barrow | Stokesdale | NC |
Logan Beaman | Greensboro | NC |
Jessica Becerra | Greensboro | NC |
Sarah Bell | Greensboro | NC |
Greg Bello | Monroe | NC |
Pedro Bello | High Point | NC |
Mia Belton | Greensboro | NC |
Carrie Benz | Greensboro | NC |
Aaron Black | Siler City | NC |
Matthew Blair | High Point | NC |
Deborah Blake | Greensboro | NC |
Jacob Blakeley | Thomasville | NC |
Naima Blakely | Greensboro | NC |
Jody Blalock | Greensboro | NC |
Raymond Blue | Winston Salem | NC |
Silena Boaz | Pilot Mountain | NC |
Victoria Boddie | Jamestown | NC |
Jessica Bolen | High Point | NC |
Grayson Boles | Greensboro | NC |
Christine Bommana | High Point | NC |
Drake Booth | Eden | NC |
Jacob Bowman | Indian Trail | NC |
Xavier Boyd-Cotton | High Point | NC |
Haraldr Bradshaw | Greensboro | NC |
Alphonsus Brown | Greensboro | NC |
Austin Brown | Greensboro | NC |
Christopher Brown | Greensboro | NC |
D'Cole Brown | Winston Salem | NC |
Lisa Brown | High Point | NC |
David Bruton | Greensboro | NC |
Vanessa Buck | Greensboro | NC |
Emma Bunch | Reidsville | NC |
Hlidi Buonya | Greensboro | NC |
Emily Burgoon | Thomasville | NC |
Michael Burnett | Greensboro | NC |
Christopher Calderon | Greensboro | NC |
Brittany Calhoun | Snow Camp | NC |
Carlos Camp | Greensboro | NC |
Steven Campbell | Walkertown | NC |
Carolina Capurro | Greensboro | NC |
Ramcess Carrillo-Diaz | Ramseur | NC |
Cameron Carrow | Durham | NC |
Jarett Catalano | High Point | NC |
Emiliano Cepeda Alvarez | Thomasville | NC |
Turner Chamblee | Greensboro | NC |
Morgan Chandler | Jamestown | NC |
Rachel Cheek | Greensboro | NC |
Desiree Cherry | McLeansville | NC |
Brittney Chestnut | McLeansville | NC |
Oun Chhol | Greensboro | NC |
Avela Chiya | Greensboro | NC |
Alicia Choate | Greensboro | NC |
Lauren Chou | Greensboro | NC |
Steven Christin | Greensboro | NC |
Adria Clanton | High Point | NC |
Sidney Clark | Jamestown | NC |
Devon Clarke | Greensboro | NC |
Melissa Clayton | Greensboro | NC |
David Cleaver | Asheboro | NC |
Brittany Clewis | Archdale | NC |
Ian Clifford | Cary | NC |
Noah Clouser | Jamestown | NC |
Ashley Coleman | Greensboro | NC |
Hayley Coley | High Point | NC |
Rachel Collier | Greensboro | NC |
Lydia Collins | Greensboro | NC |
Avery Cope | Greensboro | NC |
Sataria Cox | Brown Summit | NC |
Wade Cox | Oak Ridge | NC |
Hollie Cranford | Thomasville | NC |
Jessica Crawford | Burlington | NC |
Kiara Crews | Greensboro | NC |
Kimberly Crews | Greensboro | NC |
Brianna Crowe | Kernersville | NC |
Johnathan Cruz | Archdale | NC |
Vallerie Cummings | Greensboro | NC |
Brina Dargan | Roxboro | NC |
Nehemiah Davis | Summerfield | NC |
Trevor Davis | Summerfield | NC |
Heesook Dawson | Greensboro | NC |
Andrew DeGregorio | Browns Summit | NC |
Mamadou Demba | Greensboro | NC |
Rebeca Diaz Chavez | Lexington | NC |
Ethan Dixon | Randleman | NC |
Jay Dixon | High Point | NC |
Johnathan Doran | Greensboro | NC |
Davis Downey | Semora | NC |
Kayla Duggins | Eden | NC |
Maci Duncan | Reidsville | NC |
Seth Dymond | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Brandon Eads | Winston Salem | NC |
John Eastep | Greensboro | NC |
Phil Y Eban | Greensboro | NC |
Emma Edwards | Greensboro | NC |
Karina Edwards | Greensboro | NC |
Stratton Elkin | Durham | NC |
Matthew Elliott | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Makayla Ellison | Winston Salem | NC |
Clayton English | Greensboro | NC |
Joshua Erb | High Point | NC |
Paris Ervin | High Point | NC |
Lesly Espinoza Leon | Asheboro | NC |
Hannah Eudy | Greensboro | NC |
Taylor Evans | Yanceyville | NC |
Madison Fairfax | Greensboro | NC |
Noor Fatima | Archdale | NC |
Lydia Figueroa | High Point | NC |
Ethan Fincannon | Kernersville | NC |
Katharine Fleming | Summerfield | NC |
Shepard Foster | Mc Leansville | NC |
Kaitlyn Fox | Liberty | NC |
Milan Foxx | Greensboro | NC |
Amara Fraz | Jamestown | NC |
Keisha Frederick | Greensboro | NC |
William Freeman | High Point | NC |
Stephen French | Elon College | NC |
Madison Fryhover | High Point | NC |
Lakisha Fulmore | Hope Mills | NC |
Andrew Gabriel | Greensboro | NC |
Minerva Galindo Palestino | Burlington | NC |
Angela Gallo-Vasquez | Burlington | NC |
Hiwot Gari | Greensboro | NC |
Tyler Gates | Winston Salem | NC |
Rozjae Gaymon | Eden | NC |
Yousef Ghuniem | Jamestown | NC |
Justin Gillespie | Greensboro | NC |
Lisa Gillespie | Salisbury | NC |
Zoevenia Givens | Greensboro | NC |
Kelayah Glenn | Greensboro | NC |
Kaylee Glidewell | High Point | NC |
Kyle Godfrey | Stokesdale | NC |
Harold Godwin | Greensboro | NC |
Nona Goffney-Brown | High Point | NC |
Jacob Goin | Stoneville | NC |
Michael Goins | Greensboro | NC |
Ty Goller | Greensboro | NC |
Korey Goode | Camp Springs | MD |
Joshua Graeber | Greensboro | NC |
Brian Granados | Graham | NC |
Destiny Gray | Gibsonville | NC |
Tyliah Gray | Greensboro | NC |
William Greene | Greensboro | NC |
Allison Greer | McLeansville | NC |
Serena Hall | High Point | NC |
Cameron Hamilton | Greensboro | NC |
Kimberly Happel | Oak Ridge | NC |
Doraine Harris | Greensboro | NC |
Imani Harris | Greensboro | NC |
Krystal Harris | Jamestown | NC |
Larry Harris | Danville | VA |
Brooke Hartmann | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Madison Hartzell | Kernersville | NC |
Chelsea Hasty | Mebane | NC |
Micah Hearn | High Point | NC |
Holly Helms | Summerfield | NC |
Alana Henderson | Trinity | NC |
Andi Henderson | Randleman | NC |
Camryn Henley | Greensboro | NC |
Blanca Hernandez | Greensboro | NC |
Yamileth Hernandez | Greensboro | NC |
Douglass Herndon | Greensboro | NC |
Sha'toria Herring | Greensboro | NC |
En Heuangpraseuth | High Point | NC |
Maggie Hild | Greensboro | NC |
Joseph Hill | Greensboro | NC |
Mason Hill | Wake Forest | NC |
Tatum Hill | High Point | NC |
Xavier Hill | Greensboro | NC |
Elaine Hinkel | Greensboro | NC |
Emily Hinton | Gibsonville | NC |
Elijah Hisaw | Greensboro | NC |
Sydney Hoffman | Winston-Salem | NC |
Caleb Holder | Winston Salem | NC |
Joshua Holley | Greensboro | NC |
Jillian Hosse | Greensboro | NC |
Jessica Houston | Greensboro | NC |
Caleb Howell | Trinity | NC |
Matthew Howell | Liberty | NC |
Sydney Howell | Jamestown | NC |
Laura Hughes | Kernersville | NC |
Natalie Hughes | Lawsonville | NC |
Stacey Hughes | Thomasville | NC |
Benjamin Huitt | Greensboro | NC |
Alison Hunt | Trinity | NC |
Rachel Hurt | High Point | NC |
William Hutcheon | High Point | NC |
Wabwake Ishibolecho | Greensboro | NC |
Alina Ishtiaq | High Point | NC |
Faiez Jado | Greensboro | NC |
Bryan Jaimes Avila | Randleman | NC |
Israel Jaramillo Vences | Randleman | NC |
Abigail Jarrell | Greensboro | NC |
Justin Jarvis | Reidsville | NC |
Leslie Jasso-Hernandez | Gibsonville | NC |
Stephanie Jeffries | Burlington | NC |
Fabian Jimenez Cora | Rougemont | NC |
Aaron Johnson | Summerfield | NC |
Benjamin Johnson | Burlington | NC |
Caleb Johnson | Mayodan | NC |
Lukas Johnson | Greensboro | NC |
Rodniyah Jones | Greensboro | NC |
Dayton Joyce | Belews Creek | NC |
Bich Ka | Greensboro | NC |
Nathaniel Kareis | Summerfield | NC |
Emily Keatts | Jamestown | NC |
Kamaria Keck | Greensboro | NC |
Daniel Kellermeyer | Winston Salem | NC |
Elise Kelly | Greensboro | NC |
Kyle Kennedy | Matthews | NC |
Ashley Key | Trinity | NC |
Tyler Kimbrough | Winston Salem | NC |
Kennedy Kirk | McLeansville | NC |
Jacob Kiser | High Point | NC |
Aleesha Kitchen | High Point | NC |
Amanda Kong | Greensboro | NC |
Angel Krastev | High Point | NC |
Melina Ksor | Greensboro | NC |
Nicholas Kuebler | Charlotte | NC |
Kwabina Kusi | High Point | NC |
Clifford Lambeth | Thomasville | NC |
Jeshika Lamsal | Greensboro | NC |
Madeline Lander | Colfax | NC |
Carter Landwehrmann | Summerfield | NC |
Steele Lankford | High Point | NC |
Kayla Lanser | Summerfield | NC |
Victor Lao | High Point | NC |
Blake Lawson | Colfax | NC |
Kallie Layman | High Point | NC |
Phillip Le | Greensboro | NC |
Jamila Leasiolagi | High Point | NC |
Martina Lee | Thomasville | NC |
Jamison Lemons | Mayodan | NC |
Dustin Lester | Sandy Ridge | NC |
Benjamin Lewis | Summerfield | NC |
Earnest Lewis | Winston Salem | NC |
Khiara Lewis | Fayetteville | NC |
Kyla Lewis | Cary | NC |
Lamar Lewis | Greensboro | NC |
Lauren Lewis | High Point | NC |
Sakia Lindsay | Greensboro | NC |
Alicia Lira-Garcia | Greensboro | NC |
Alexander Lira-Mijangos | Kernersville | NC |
Sharon Lopez | Greensboro | NC |
Joseph Lyons | Randleman | NC |
Stephen Mabe | Dobson | NC |
Camilla Maldonado | Kernersville | NC |
Patrick Maloney | Gibsonville | NC |
Lucas Martin | Greensboro | NC |
Madison Martin | High Point | NC |
Shemeka Martin | Greensboro | NC |
Esperanza Martinez | High Point | NC |
Laura Martinez | High Point | NC |
Roberto Martinez de la Cruz | Madison | NC |
Kennedy Martin-Jones | Greensboro | NC |
Tiara Matthews | Greensboro | NC |
Julia Maxey | Greensboro | NC |
Jessie Maynard | Greensboro | NC |
Christopher Mc Goldrick | Greensboro | NC |
Kristin McAlister | Graham | NC |
Toni McCall | Trinity | NC |
Emily McClure | High Point | NC |
Cassidy McCorkle | Browns Summit | NC |
Benjamin McDonald | Greensboro | NC |
Bradley McDowell | Greensboro | NC |
Sadiyah McGregor | High Point | NC |
Cameron McHenry | Sophia | NC |
Brandon Medina | Greensboro | NC |
Ricardo Medina | Greensboro | NC |
Grace Medlin | Stokesdale | NC |
Evan Melton | Greensboro | NC |
Yahir Mendoza-Castro | High Point | NC |
Alysse Messick | Greensboro | NC |
Latreese Miller | Greensboro | NC |
Brittany Milton | Greensboro | NC |
Austin Minish | High Point | NC |
Chloe Mitchell | High Point | NC |
Tyler Mitchell | Oak Ridge | NC |
Hope Mlo | Greensboro | NC |
Lauren Moffitt | Asheboro | NC |
Alaa Mohamed | Greensboro | NC |
Natalio Mondragon | Linwood | NC |
Juan Montiel | Winston Salem | NC |
Allen Morales | Greensboro | NC |
Lucas Mortensen | High Point | NC |
Mason Mount | Greensboro | NC |
Jennifer Murphy | Stokesdale | NC |
Bryson Murray | Belews Creek | NC |
Alisena Nasir Ali | High Point | NC |
Brooke Nemchin | Summerfield | NC |
Bryson Nicoletta | Trinity | NC |
Emma Niebauer | High Point | NC |
Bryanna Nolasco | Mcleansville | NC |
Salih Noor | Archdale | NC |
Sonia Noorani | High Point | NC |
Rebecca Nordstrom | High Point | NC |
Alexis Obimma | Greensboro | NC |
Candace O'Brien | Greensboro | NC |
Erik Ochoa | Burlington | NC |
Madison Odom | Greensboro | NC |
Patrice Odom | Greensboro | NC |
Leslie Olvera | Greensboro | NC |
Sadiq Oresanya | Browns Summit | NC |
Anastasia Ortt | Oak Ridge | NC |
Rebecca Oster | Julian | NC |
Kaleb Owen | Asheboro | NC |
Jamilya Paige | High Point | NC |
Trinh Pang | Greensboro | NC |
Shelby Paris | Archdale | NC |
Angelina Parks | Greensboro | NC |
Kelli Parks | Winston Salem | NC |
Vora Parrramore-Ndupu | Kernersville | NC |
Nikita Patel | Greensboro | NC |
Raj Patel | Jamestown | NC |
Tristan Peele | McLeansville | NC |
Victoria Perez | High Point | NC |
George Peters | Asheboro | NC |
Peyton Peters | Greensboro | NC |
McKenzie Petrich | Greensboro | NC |
Anthony Pfohl | Greensboro | NC |
Choya Phillips | Winston Salem | NC |
Jordan Pickett | Siler City | NC |
Wendy Pollock | Winston-Salem | NC |
Kailyn Porter | Winston Salem | NC |
Rayna Poudyal | Greensboro | NC |
Emma Powell | Summerfield | NC |
Madison Prendergast | Stokesdale | NC |
Muhammad Qasim | High Point | NC |
Asael Quiroz-Castellano | Greensboro | NC |
Jesscynt Radcliff | Browns Summit | NC |
Fozia Rahim | High Point | NC |
Josue Rahlan | Greensboro | NC |
Ivan Ramos Candelero | Randleman | NC |
Shawana Rankin | Greensboro | NC |
Haley Ransom | Greensboro | NC |
Alyssia Ray | Greensboro | NC |
Janaye Reid | Greensboro | NC |
Jayla Reid-Rambert | Gibsonville | NC |
Christian Rendon | High Point | NC |
Chloe Ann Rhodes | Lexington | NC |
Robert Rich | Gibsonville | NC |
Shondra Richardson | Greensboro | NC |
David Ring | Thomasville | NC |
Logan Ripley | High Point | NC |
Lee Rmah | Greensboro | NC |
Madison Robertson | Burlington | NC |
Benjamin Roland | Greensboro | NC |
Peyton Rolls | Stokesdale | NC |
Elijah Rouse | McLeansville | NC |
Jake Rouse | McLeansville | NC |
Tayler Rutledge | Thomasville | NC |
Richard Salazar | Summerfield | NC |
Luciana Salerno | Elon | NC |
Jalyn Sams | Pleasant Garden | NC |
Elijah Sanders | Rockingham | NC |
Thaddeus Sanders | Asheboro | NC |
James Sands | Thomasville | NC |
Lydia Scaramastra | Greensboro | NC |
Caitlyn Schama | Greensboro | NC |
Kyle Scott | Burlington | NC |
Matthew Scott | Kernersville | NC |
Roman Scott | Berkeley | NC |
Heydi Sedano-Roman | High Point | NC |
Agis Shaw | Hillsborough | NC |
Tara Shaw | State Rd | NC |
Sarah Shea | High Point | NC |
Brian Shelton | High Point | NC |
Kylie Siler | Oak Ridge | NC |
Sergio Silva Murillo | High Point | NC |
Kelsie Simmons | Kernersville | NC |
Kiara Sloan | Greensboro | NC |
Alyssa Smith | Greensboro | NC |
Dominicka Smith | Gibsonville | NC |
Katie Smith | Greensboro | NC |
Korbin Smith | Mocksville | NC |
Addison Snider | Summerfield | NC |
Thai Son | High Point | NC |
Kadie Spencer | Charlotte | NC |
Dustin Springs | Randleman | NC |
Alisha Squires | High Point | NC |
Johnathan Stacker | Greensboro | NC |
Kendall Stai | High Point | NC |
Wyatt Stauffer | Snow Camp | NC |
Joshua Steen | High Point | NC |
Jacob Stephens | Kernersville | NC |
Morrigan Stone | Greensboro | NC |
Madison Strickland | Greensboro | NC |
Daniel Stringer | Winston Salem | NC |
Minji Suh | Colfax | NC |
Ian Sweet | Greensboro | NC |
Megan Talent | Lexington | NC |
Keri Tart | Archdale | NC |
Sabrina Taylor | High Point | NC |
Gage Teague | Jamestown | NC |
Madonna Teague | Greensboro | NC |
Brittany Tejeda | Greensboro | NC |
Theresa Thigpen | Greensboro | NC |
Angel Thomas | Greensboro | NC |
Cleveland Thomas | Greensboro | NC |
Ryan Thompson | Stokesdale | NC |
Tyler Thompson | Stokesdale | NC |
Isabella Thungren | Jamestown | NC |
Maurice Tinsley | Reidsville | NC |
Joshua Toler | Jamestown | NC |
Victor Torres | Reidsville | NC |
Elijah Touzoukou | Greensboro | NC |
Duy Tran | Greensboro | NC |
Kevin Tran | Winston Salem | NC |
Karen Travis | Jamestown | NC |
Sydney Trent | High Point | NC |
Linh Trinh | Winston Salem | NC |
Pamela Troxler | Greensboro | NC |
Heather Truitt | Winston Salem | NC |
Gianni Tusa | Hollywood | FL |
Zachary Tyler | Thomasville | NC |
Madison Underwood | Thomasville | NC |
Julio Vallejo | Morrisville | NC |
Stacey Van Noy | Greensboro | NC |
Mari Varela | Whitsett | NC |
Lincoln Vasquez | Greensboro | NC |
Felipe Vazquez | Greensboro | NC |
Jessica Vazquez | Greensboro | NC |
Widalis Vega | Clermont | FL |
Genesis Velasques | Greensboro | NC |
Michael Violette | Asheboro | NC |
Noelia Vivar | Burlington | NC |
Hannah Walker | Greensboro | NC |
Cara Wall | Greensboro | NC |
Nicole Walsh | Browns Summit | NC |
Kaquana Ware | High Point | NC |
Adam Warwick | Jamestown | NC |
Timara Washington | Greensboro | NC |
David Waynick | High Point | NC |
Jordan Webb | Madison | NC |
Tessa Webster | Greensboro | NC |
Gatlin Weidler | High Point | NC |
Rebekah West | Summerfield | NC |
Kristeen Wheeler | Jamestown | NC |
Ashley White | Gibsonville | NC |
Benjamin White | Greensboro | NC |
Christian White | High Point | NC |
Shaunta Whitehead | Greensboro | NC |
Alison Wieczorkowski | Greensboro | NC |
Adallia Williams | Durham | NC |
Caleb Williams | Reidsville | NC |
Cameron Williams | Greensboro | NC |
Cierra Williams | Greensboro | NC |
Landen Williams | McLeansville | NC |
Nicolas Williams | Greensboro | NC |
Zander Williams | Lexington | NC |
Madison Williamson | Greensboro | NC |
Rachel Willoughby | Liberty | NC |
Katondra Wilson | Greensboro | NC |
Eric Witzel | Elon | NC |
Tiffany Woods | Browns Summit | NC |
Adam Wright | High Point | NC |
Aldo Yepez Medina | Greensboro | NC |
Michael Yokeley | Greensboro | NC |
Aurora Young | Kernersville | NC |
Muneeba Zaman | High Point | NC |
Honors List
The Honors List includes all program students who complete at least two courses in the fall semester for a minimum of six credit hours, but no more than 11 credit hours and earn at least a 3.5 grade point average with no grade lower than a B.
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